
  • 网络the Gospel;The Four Gospels
  1. 它是四福音书当中最为详尽细致的一部。

    It is the most detailed of the 4 Gospels .

  2. 属于或关于基督教派的,该派信仰圣经教义(尤指新约圣经中的四福音书之一)的毫无错误,信仰个人悔改的。

    Relating to or being a Christian Church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the4 gospels .

  3. 我们以后会发现,约翰福音比起四福音书,更倾向于此。

    As we 'll see , the Gospel of John looks a lot more like this than the Synoptic Gospels did .

  4. 这个寓言和你们在四福音书中,读到的非常类似,所以你们应该都很熟悉。

    That one sounds very , very much like what you 've got already in the canonical Gospels so it should sound familiar to you .

  5. 因此在多马福音中有些语录,不像四福音书及正典里的语录,它们并不末世论,它们更多指向当下。

    There are several sayings in Thomas , unlike the sayings in the Gospels and the canon , that are not eschatological , they very much point to the present .

  6. 使徒行传是福音的第二卷&排在四福音书之后。凡我所行的、是为福音的缘故、要与人同得这福音的好处。

    Acts is the second volume of the Good News - the sequel to the account of the Gospels . I do all this for the sake of the gospel , that I may share in its blessings .

  7. 本文运用目的原则分析四福音书中所记载的耶稣话语,其目的在于运用现代语言学及相关理论学说来解读对于人类历史影响比较深远的历史著作。

    Using the Principle of Goal-direction , this thesis undertakes a discourse analysis of the four Gospels . It attempts to use modern linguistics and its relevant theories to approach a historical works which has had a huge impact on human history .

  8. 我们决定从头到尾读完四福音书--每晚都接着上晚的内容继续下去。他还曾射下一只鹰,说着转过头去给埃尼斯看插在帽带上的尾羽。

    We decided to try to read the gospel of John from start to finish & each night I picked up where I left off the night before . He had shot an eagle , he said , turned his head to show the tail feather in his hatband .

  9. 这是在四本福音书唯一都提到的神迹。

    This is the only miracle mentioned in all four Gospels .

  10. 关于他的生平来源于四部〈福音书〉、〈使徒行传〉和史学家约瑟夫斯。

    Sources for his life are the four Gospels , the Acts of the Apostles , and the historian Josephus .