
  1. 四川军阀停止把大米运住长江下游。

    Warlords from Szechuan stopped sending rice down the Yangtze .

  2. 四川军阀内战频发,战争越打越大,野心和欲望膨胀。

    Sichuan warlords had being the more frequent civil war , the greater the war play ambition and desire to inflation .

  3. 从1927年至1937年,四川军阀与国、共两党的关系是一种合作与对抗的关系。

    From 1927 to 1937 , there is a kind of cooperation and confrontation between Sichuan warlords and the Kuomintang or the Communist Party .

  4. 开始只生产铜元和银元,后四川军阀利用该厂的设备将其改为子弹厂,是重庆保存最为完整,规模最大,至今还在使用的工业建筑群,与洋务运动时期的典型厂房很相似。

    In the original times CCM only produced copper cash and silver dollar , and was made over to bullet manufactory by Sichuan Warlord afterward .

  5. 天府之国四川省的军阀感到农民不满的压力,也叫嚷要削减由长江水路运给陷于困境的蒋军的大米供应。

    The warlords of fabulously rich Szechuan , feeling the pressure of peasant discontent , cry out for a decrease of their rice shipments along the Yangtze to Chiang 's hard-pressed armies .

  6. 四川美丰银行改组为华资银行后,先后受四川军阀和国民政府两种不同的政治势力的影响。

    After The American-Oriental Bank of Fukien was reorganized , it was affected successively by the two different political powers : Sichuan warlords and the National Government .