
  • 网络trade aGREement;FTA;GATT
  1. 韩国已与美国签订了自由贸易协议。

    South Korea has already signed an FTA with the US .

  2. 迄今为止,中国已经与19个国家和地区签署了11个自由贸易协议,与其他一些国家商谈自贸区也在进行当中,我们将坚定地推进这些谈判。

    Up to date , China has signed 11 FTA agreements with 19 countries and regions , and FTA negotiations with some other countries are also well underway . We will make unremitting efforts to advance these negotiations .

  3. 这首先是一个贸易协议。

    It is first and foremost a trade agreement

  4. 在首次签署贸易协议的中国之行中做先遣人员(b苏珊佩尔内)

    Advanced the China trip during which the first trade agreements ... were signed ( bSuzanne Perney )

  5. WTO农产品贸易协议与玉米主产区发展对策

    WTO trading agreement for agriculture products and development counter measures for major corn producing region

  6. WTO框架下双边自由贸易协议的新形式&CEPA实施的意义

    A New Form of Bilateral Free Trade Agreement under WTO & The Significance of the Implementation of the CEPA

  7. 我国加入WTO,意味着我国保险业将全面地与国际保险体系接轨,并且按照全球金融服务贸易协议规定,在保险市场准入、国民待遇等方面承担相应的义务。

    Since our country joined in WTO , our insurance has begun to mingle with the international insurance system .

  8. 举例来说,两个及两个以上国家,A国、B国和C国决定签订贸易协议。

    Let 's say two or more countries , Country A , Country B , and Country C , decide they want a deal .

  9. 正是因为这些原因我热烈欢迎wto在多哈达成新一轮贸易协议,即“多哈发展议程”。

    It is for these reasons that I warmly welcome the WTO agreement in Doha to launch a new trade round .

  10. 就经济而言,基辅方面应该确保与欧盟(EU)签署的贸易协议不会连累乌俄关系。

    On the economy , Kiev should ensure that trade deals with the EU do not entangle its ties with Russia .

  11. 如何与WTO新的自由贸易协议相协调,欧盟共同农业政策面临着新的挑战。

    How to be in line with the new free trade agreement of the WTO is a new challenge to the CAP of the European Union .

  12. 奥巴马可能的继任者希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)已对另一项贸易协议的好处提出质疑。

    Hillary Clinton , his likely successor , has questioned the merits of another trade deal .

  13. 论韩美农业自由贸易协议(FTA)对韩国农业影响

    South Korea-US Agriculture Free Trade Agreement ( FTA ) 's and Impact on Korea 's Agriculture

  14. 为降低关税,奥巴马(Obama)政府一直在争取达成地区贸易协议,其中一份是与欧盟(EuropeanUnion),另一份是与亚太国家。

    The Obama administration has been pushing regional trade deals , one with the European Union and another with Asia-Pacific nations , as a way to bring down tariffs .

  15. WTO《民用航空器贸易协议》旨在追求民用航空器贸易自由化,要求参加方不得用与WTO规定相抵触的方式来限制民用航空器进口。

    The " Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft " is to pursue liberalization of trade in civil aircraft and to require parties not to use approaches inconsistent with WTO .

  16. 欧盟(EU)和加拿大已接近达成一项贸易协议,阿根廷和巴西则试图淡化G20关于保护主义的措辞。

    While the EU and Canada edged closer to a trade deal , Argentina and Brazil were attempting to water down G20 language on protectionism .

  17. 在英国首相DavidCameron在七月的访问中,两国宣布了一份接近11亿的贸易协议,印度将购买57架鹰式高级训练机。

    During British Prime Minister David Cameron 's July visit , the two countries announced a nearly $ 1.1 billion deal for India to buy57 Hawk advanced trainer jets .

  18. 一份将于今天公布的报告显示,与中国签署一份双边贸易协议,将会使澳大利亚的国内生产总值(GDP)在未来20年内增长1460亿澳元(合1140亿美元)。

    A bilateral trade agreement with China would boost Australia 's gross domestic product by A $ 146bn ( $ 114bn ) over 20 years , according to a report due out today .

  19. 中国还请求在WTO会议间歇在日内瓦与美国、欧盟和其他国家一起参与围绕一项拟议的国际服务贸易协议的谈判。

    There is also China 's request to join with the U.S. , the EU , and others in talks on a proposed agreement on international trade in services in Geneva on the sidelines of the WTO .

  20. 如果日本加入《泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协议》(Trans-PacificPartnership)贸易协议为外国企业创造了新的机遇,即使是顽固守旧的日本可能也会很快成为外国企业重新考虑的对象。

    Even staid old Japan may soon be up for a rethink if participation in a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal opens new opportunities for foreigners .

  21. 金融城因开放而繁荣,因此,我们应该推动达成一项新的世界贸易协议,并与欧盟(EU)和美国合作,打破当前阻碍金融服务业开放的障碍。

    The City thrives on openness , so it is right to push for a new world trade deal and work with the European Union and the US to break down current barriers in financial services .

  22. 图德表示,一份贸易协议将会给澳大利亚的经济带来重大裨益,在相当长时期内实质性提振澳大利亚GDP;但他承认,达成重量级协议将会困难,而且还要很长时间。

    A trade agreement would yield major results for the Australian economy and materially boost GDP over a sustained period , he said , whilst conceding that a big bang agreement would be difficult and protracted .

  23. 现在除了劳动力流动能力外,几乎所有的东西都需要被自由化,这导致TPP成为被认可的最广泛的自由贸易协议之一。

    Currently , almost everything except labour mobility is up for liberalisation , making the TPP one of the most comprehensive free-trade treaties yet conceived .

  24. 2005年7月,中国与东盟开始实施《货物贸易协议》,从而使中国-东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)进入了全面的实质性运作阶段。

    The implementation of the Goods Trade Agreement of China-ASEAN FTA in July , 2005 means that CAFTA has entered an overall substantive phase .

  25. 论内地与香港CEPA性质的界定&类自由贸易协议的国内区际经贸法律安排

    The Discussion of Ascertaining the Character of CEPA between Mainland and Hong Kong & A National Arrangement of Economy and Trade as Quasi-Free Trade Agreement

  26. 总部位于瑞士、全球(中国以外)最大烟草销售商菲利普莫里斯国际公司(PhilipMorrisInternational)正起诉乌拉圭,指控该国控烟措施违反了与瑞士签订的一项贸易协议。

    Philip Morris International , the world 's largest seller of cigarettes outside of China , is suing Uruguay over claims that its tobacco-control measures violated a trade agreement with Switzerland , where PMI is based .

  27. 当环境保护和可持续发展成为世界主流之时,作为经济贸易协议机制的GATT/WTO也对之充分重视。

    At the same time when environmental protection and continual development have become the world 's mainstream , GATT / WTO , as the mechanism of economic and trade agreement , also emphasize on it .

  28. 产品贸易协议的签署是贸易逐步自由化的一大体现,中国与泰国蔬菜和水果零关税协议正是中国&东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)进程加快的先期成果之一。

    Agreement of products is one way of trade liberalization . The Agreement of Zero Tariffs on Vegetable and Fruit is one early achievements of CAFTA .

  29. 在这个问题上,华盛顿的标准论据表明,国会通过布什(bush)政府时期磋商的与韩国、哥伦比亚、巴拿马之间的双边贸易协议极其重要。

    At this point , the standard Washington talking points would suggest that I argue for the tremendous importance of pushing through Congress the bilateral trade deals with South Korea , Colombia and Panama negotiated by the Bush administration .

  30. 所以,中国应该为这样一种现状感到极大的忧虑:全球其他国家似乎越来越远离WTO,并越来越多地转向区域性及其他优惠性的贸易协议,而且这些协议大多都没有包含中国。

    So it should be of great concern to China that the rest of the world seems to be drifting farther and farther away from the WTO and moving more and more toward regional and other preferential trade arrangements that mostly do not include China .