
  • 网络Trade Management;Trade administration
  1. 尼日利亚贸易管理措施概览

    Trade Management Outline in Nigeria

  2. 第二章阐述了加工贸易管理现状及相关政策。

    Secondly , describe the current status and related policies of Manufacturing Trade Management ( MIM ) .

  3. EDI的作用及其环境下的贸易管理

    The Effect of EDI and the Trade Administration under EDI Environment

  4. 中国即将加入WTO,在国际服务贸易管理方面,为适应GATS相关原则、规则的要求,现有的管理模式亟待进一步完善。

    Management mode of international trade in services in China should be improved to adapt to the concerning rules of GATS .

  5. 泰国因加入WTO比较早,其对外贸易管理法主要根据GATT/WTO协定逐渐制定和修改而形成,故泰国对外贸易管理的法律、法规相当有限,从事该领域的研究者较少。

    Being one of the early WTO members , the country 's foreign trade regulations are largely based on GATT / WTO agreements , however there are some limitations in these regulations . Moreover , there are few researchers in this area .

  6. 有关转口贸易管理,不适用本办法。

    This set of measures shall not apply to transit trade .

  7. 关税征管司(加工贸易管理司)

    Department of Duty Collection ( Department of Processing Trade Management )

  8. 小议市舶贸易管理制度的变迁

    On the Change of the Managerial System of the Town Ship Trade

  9. 唐五代泉州海外贸易管理刍议

    The Management of Quanzhou 's Overseas Trade in Tang and Five Dynasties

  10. 其次,还有关于中国的贸易管理的指控。

    Then there are complaints about China 's trade rules .

  11. 国际技术贸易管理法律制度探析

    A Discussion and Analysis of Administrative Law in the International Technological Trade Area

  12. 第二,进口许可(特别是非自动进口许可)作为货物贸易管理政策,往往具有限制进口的作用;

    B. import licensing ( esp. non-automatic import licensing ) functions as restricting import ;

  13. 试论清朝前期厦门海外贸易管理

    On Xiamen 's Management of Overseas Trade in the Earlier Stage of the Qing Dynasty

  14. 试论中国国际服务贸易管理的法治化

    On the Rule by Law of the Management Mode of International Trade in Services in China

  15. 唐朝丝绸之路贸易管理法律制度探析&以过所为例

    On the Trading Management Law of the Silk Road in Tang Dynasty & Taking Passports as An Example

  16. 第四十五条国家可以对部分货物的进出口实行国营贸易管理。

    Article 45 The state may administer the import and export of some goods by way of state-run trade .

  17. 在清代前期的海外贸易管理中,具结现象普遍存在。

    The recognizance phenomenon rifely consisted in the management of overseas trade in first half period of Qing Dynasty .

  18. 目前,在国际范围和国家双边等层面上,野生动植物国际贸易管理主要采取国际公约和加强国家立法(执法)等措施。

    Nowadays , international agreement and national legislation ( and law-enforcement ) are the main measures to supervise wildlife trade .

  19. 最后在全文的总结和展望中引出了成套设备技术贸易管理的自主集成创新。

    Finally , the paper showed the independent innovation about the technology trade on equipment at the summary and outlook .

  20. 根据国际贸易管理,买卖双方一旦成交签约,在法律上应承担履行合同的责任。

    In accordance with international trade practice , both parties , once entered into a contract , are liable for its execution .

  21. 不过,报告的撰写者也承认,“20世纪和21世纪之间的贸易管理”差距日益加大。

    The authors do , though , admit that there are growing gaps " between 20th-century trade governance and 21st-century trade . "

  22. 最后,针对Y公司成套贸易管理中存在的问题,提出了相应的管理改进对策。

    Fourth , based on the problems about the trade management of equipment on Y Company , the corresponding improvement measures were given .

  23. 本文所研究的内容是如何建立一个带风险控制的架构开放的国际贸易管理系统。

    This article studies how does the content is establish a belt risk control the construction open international trade management system management system .

  24. 政府在耕牛贸易管理方面,对于国内采取鼓励措施,但对外贸易是则多有限制。

    The government encouraged cattle trade and took many measures to promote it , but the foreign trade of cattle had much restriction .

  25. 同时,原产地规则也成为规避进口国贸易管理措施和反规避的武器。

    Meanwhile , rules of origin have become the " weapons " for circumvention and anti-circumvention of the importing countries ' trade management measures .

  26. 粮食流通体制改革滞后,生产贸易管理体制不适应经济全球化的市场竞争;

    The reform of food circulation system hangs behind ; the system of production , trade and management can not adapt to the market globalization ;

  27. 本文并不赞同有些学者的观点,认为没有必要由国务院制定统一的边境贸易管理条例。

    This paper does not agree with some scholars . I think it is not necessary to formulate unified border trade regulations by the State Council .

  28. 完善服务贸易管理体系,构建服务贸易促进体制已纳入我国《2011年服务贸易工作要点》当中。

    Improve the management system of trade in services and construct promotional system of it have been incorporated into " Main point of trade in service in 2011 " .

  29. 从其发展趋势来看,未来生物技术产业规制发展的基本趋势主要集中在国际贸易管理、规制过程的透明度、标签制度和市场后监督等方面。

    The paper indicates that the trend of regulation focus on the international trade administration , transparency of regulatory process , label system , post-market surveillance , and others .

  30. 第1部分探讨了泰国对外贸易管理法的历史发展,揭示了不同历史阶段的特点,剖析了当代泰国对外贸易法的法律模式。

    The first part focuses on the history and evolution of Thai foreign trade regulation , the characteristics of regulations in different historic periods , and the law system of Thai foreign trade regulations .