
mào yì pínɡ hénɡ
  • trade balance;balance of trade
  1. 贸易平衡方面也有改变。

    The balance of trade also changed .

  2. 在贸易平衡、外汇储备等方面台湾对祖国大陆更加依赖;

    As to the balance of trade and the foreign exchange reserve , Taiwan depends on the mainland much more .

  3. 由于贸易平衡是储蓄与投资之间的差额,所以中国拥有巨额贸易顺差&贸易顺差与GDP的比率多年前就超过了6%。

    Since the trade balance is the difference between savings and investment , China has substantial trade surpluses that exceeded six per cent of GDP several years ago .

  4. 横滨峰会真正的焦点是延续g20首尔峰会的热点,即货币流动性问题、贸易平衡问题。

    The real focus of Yokohama summit was an extension of the hot spots , i.e. , currency liquidity and trade balance , on G20 Seoul summit .

  5. 第二,人民币升值将有利于改善中国贸易平衡项;

    Secondly , revalue of RMB will improve China 's trade balance ;

  6. 如何看待中国当前的贸易平衡问题

    How to Regard China ′ s Current Trade Balance

  7. 教育国际化与教育贸易平衡

    Education Internationalization and the Balance of Education Service Trade

  8. 美国对中国出口管制是双边贸易平衡的主要障碍

    US Export Control Against China & a Major Obstacle for Bilateral Trade Balance

  9. 贸易平衡的一部分升级到更具成本竞争力与贸易港口结构。

    Trade part upgrades rebalanced to be more cost competitive with trade port structures .

  10. 制造业重获重视将有助于恢复贸易平衡和提供高质量的工作岗位。

    A renewed emphasis on manufacturing will help rebalance trade and provide high quality jobs .

  11. 而就贸易平衡角度而言,中英贸易造成的贸易逆差最大,影响最恶劣。

    Sino-English trade , the biggest deficits .

  12. 中韩贸易平衡研究

    A study on China-Korea trade balance

  13. 这一战略有三层内涵:竞争优势、贸易平衡和开放式,即以竞争优势为依据,以国内市场为依托,以战略性保护为辅助,创造良好的国际贸易环境,全面开放的贸易战略。

    This strategy has three layers : Competition advantage , trade balance and open to outside .

  14. 短期而言,内需下滑可能会迅速改善贸易平衡。

    In the short-run , a fall in domestic demand could quickly improve the trade balance .

  15. 中美贸易平衡中的地理走向因素分析

    Geographical Factors in Sino-US Trade Balance

  16. 关于中美贸易平衡的统计问题

    Statistical Difference in Sino-US Trade Balance

  17. 这将对中国的贸易平衡产生重大影响。贸易平衡是中国与西方之间争议很大的一个问题。

    This would have big implications for the trade balance , a contentious issue with the west .

  18. 该协定未能稳定美国的贸易平衡,正相反,它导致了大规模的贸易逆差。

    It did not stabilise the US trade balance ; instead it led to sizeable trade deficits .

  19. 对于美国方面而言,贸易平衡和人民币币值仍是关键问题。

    The key issues for the US side remain the trade balance and the value of the RMB .

  20. 这是解决中美贸易平衡问题的现实出路。

    This is a realistic way of resolving the trade balance issue between China and the United States .

  21. 商人们试图实现双边贸易平衡部分依赖以物易物,部分依赖使用硬币。

    Merchants tried to balance trade bilaterally , relying partly on barter while making some use of coin .

  22. 这是制约美国对中国出口,影响双边贸易平衡的主要障碍。

    These policies have hindered US exports to China and therefore have become a major obstacle for bilateral trade balance .

  23. 在目前供应紧张、脆弱的市场形势下,供给冲击的破坏性尤为严重;第三,扩大产量意味着减少美国的石油进口,进而有利于改善美国的贸易平衡。

    And third , raising production means lowering our oil imports , and hence greatly improving our balance of trade .

  24. 中国愿继续扩大从意大利进口有竞争力的产品,促进两国贸易平衡。

    China will continue to expand imports of competitive products from Italy , and promote balanced trade between the two countries .

  25. 显然,中美两国关于双边贸易平衡状况的统计存在着明显的差异。

    Obviously , there exists remarkable difference between China and the United States in their estimation of bilateral trade balance situation .

  26. 在通过关税干预贸易平衡的问题上,即已干预则必须承诺让贸易繁荣;

    In meddling with the balance of trade by playing with tariffs , the government thereby contracts to make trade prosper ;

  27. 我们一直在采取扩大市场准入、加强知识产权保护和增加进口等措施促进贸易平衡。

    We have been adopting measures like expanding market access , strengthening IPR protection and increasing import to promote trade balance .

  28. 中印经贸联合小组致力于扩大双边经贸合作,促进双边贸易平衡发展。

    The Joint Economic Group will continue to expand the bilateral economic cooperation and promote a balanced growth of bilateral trade .

  29. 要解决贸易平衡问题,必须采取措施降低储蓄率,以扩大国内需求。

    We must take measures to lower savings rate and expand domestic demand in order to solve the problem of trade balance .

  30. 问:中方考虑通过哪些机制和措施促进中墨双边贸易平衡发展?

    Q : What mechanisms and measures is the Chinese side considering adopting to promote balanced bilateral trade between China and Mexico ?