
shāng huì
  • chamber of commerce
商会 [shāng huì]
  • [chamber of commerce] 商人组织的,用以保护本阶层权益的团体

商会[shāng huì]
  1. 文一波,全国工商联环境商会会长

    Wen Yibo , head of the China Environmental Chamber of Commerce

  2. 在过去一年内,向芝加哥中美总商会(USCCC)征求意见的公司骤然增加。

    The Chicago-based US-China Chamber of Commerce ( USCCC ) has experienced a surge in the number of companies seeking advice in the past year .

  3. 由于不太确定情况,梅拉特认为一些汽车制造商会等待车辆完全自动化、无需人为操作的那一天。

    Because of the confusion , Merat thinks some car makers will wait until vehicles can be fully automated without operation .

  4. 零售商会有哪些要求呢?

    What are the retailer requirements ?

  5. 一些服装制造商会用真口袋而不是假口袋,他们只是把口袋缝上以保持运输中或人们试穿时衣服的版型良好。

    Some apparel manufacturers use real pockets instead of fakes — they just sew them shut to maintain the clothing 's profile during transport or when people try them on to see if they fit .

  6. 驻北京的美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerce)在最近的声明中也表达了这种担忧。

    Such fears have been echoed in recent statements by the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing .

  7. 加入WTO后我国进出口商会组织地位与职能的思考

    Reflections on the Positions and Functions of China 's Exporting & Importing Organizations of the Chamber of Commerce After Entering WTO

  8. 美国商会(USChamberofCommerce)试图利用此次论坛,提出一项跨大西洋、旨在削减商品关税的贸易协定草案。

    The US Chamber of Commerce tried to use the forum to table a transatlantic trade pact that would reduce tariffs on goods .

  9. 但也应该清楚看到,加入WTO后,发达国家的物流服务商会很快进入我国配送领域。这意味着我国物流配送企业面对的市场竞争将进一步升级。

    But we should realize that the foreign logistics merchant would enter our distribution area , which predict the upgrades of competitions .

  10. 中国欧盟商会(EuropeanChamberofCommerceinChina)在8月13日发表声明,敦促中国有关部门不要预先裁断调查结果。

    In a statement issued on August 13 , the European Chamber of Commerce in China urged local authorities not to prejudge the outcome of the investigations .

  11. 位于北京的美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerce)说,美国企业认为,他们在中国遇到的商业方面最大的挑战是劳动力成本上升和经济增速放缓。

    American companies cite rising labor costs and the slowing economy as their top business challenges in China , according to the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing .

  12. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerceChina)前不久开展的一项商务环境调查发现,83%的成员企业受到了中国政府审查互联网的不利影响。

    A recent business climate survey conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce China found that 83 percent of its member companies were negatively affected by Internet censorship by the Chinese government .

  13. 少数其它手写板生产商会提供在PC和MAC上使用的更为廉价的替代软件,通常附赠试用版或全功能版本的软件。

    A few other pen tablet makers offer cheaper alternatives that work with PCs and Macs and usually come with trial or full function software .

  14. 这项调查是由波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup)以及多个俄罗斯和外国商会协助设计的,并以对俄罗斯全国各地企业的调查为基础。

    The survey is designed with the help of Boston Consulting Group and a number of Russian and foreign business associations and based on polls among companies across the country .

  15. 伊朗-中国商会(TheIran-ChinaChamberofCommerce)已经向北京派出了一个代表团,就此事和中国银行业官员展开讨论。

    The Iran-China Chamber of Commerce has sent a delegation to Beijing to discuss the issue with banking officials .

  16. 据美国商会(USChamberofCommerce)一名资深人物表示,美国商界再也无法抵制要求华盛顿方面在贸易问题上对中国采取更强硬立场的政治压力。

    The US business community can no longer resist political pressure for Washington to take a tougher stand against China on trade issues , according to a senior figure from the US Chamber of Commerce .

  17. 周五,商会与OECD签署了一项合作备忘录,意图为这些原则的实施制定更详细的说明。

    The chamber on Friday signed a memorandum of understanding with the O.E.C.D. to create more detailed directives for enacting the guidelines .

  18. CSR论坛是一个由事件驱动的平台,这定期举办的研讨会所讨论的话题都事关所有欧盟商会成员的切身利益。

    The CSR Forum is an event-driven platform that regularly organises seminars with topics that are of interest to all European Chamber members .

  19. 奥地利商会将FCE考试作为其语言能力测试的标准。

    FCE is being used to assess English language ability by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce .

  20. 大多数PaaS提供商会根据您签订的计划或服务包限制可以构建的应用程序数量。

    Most PaaS providers limit the number of applications you can build based on the plan or package you signed up for .

  21. 服务供应商会使用(内容协商)MIME类型信息来了解它所接受到信息的种类。

    The MIME-type information is used by the service provider ( content negotiation ) to understand what sort of information it has received .

  22. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerce)昨日表示,该法“对创新而言是倒退了一步”,因为它对跨境数据流动施加了限制,似乎“着重于贸易保护主义而非安全”。

    The American Chamber of Commerce in China said yesterday that the law was " a step backwards for innovation " because it placed restrictions on cross-border data flows and seemed " to emphasise protectionism rather than security . "

  23. 有时候,由于一个请求会比通常情况使用更多的CPU时间,DaaS供应商会将CPU运行时间包含到数据库使用量计费中。

    Sometimes , DaaS providers may bill for database utilization by including the elapsed CPU time since one request used more CPU time than what is typical .

  24. 在欧洲,服务供应商会提供一个独立的NT1设备。

    In Europe , the service provider supplies a separate NT1 device .

  25. 该商会负责人格尔森·罗里姆(GersonRolim)说巴西的零售商因虚假打折促销而臭名昭著。

    Chamber director Gerson Rolim said Brazilian retailers are notorious for phony sales .

  26. 有些供应商会将此称作8路双核心系统,而IBMeServer称之为16路服务器,这是由于他们对处理器这个术语的不同解释而导致的。

    Some vendors would refer to this as an8-way dual core system , whereas the IBM eServer folks call it a16-way server because of the way they interpret the term processor .

  27. 在第二部分笔者分析了国际商会UCP500中与信用证欺诈有关的规定,指出国际商会UCP500天生的弊端在于它并不能防止信用证欺诈的发生。

    In the second part , the Chamber of International Commerce UCP 500 and American Commercial Law are analyzed .

  28. 在某种意义上,Entre-SLAM结合了商会、TheMoth和MeetUp活动元素。

    In a sense , entre-slam combines elements of a chamber of Commerce mixer , the moth , and a Meetup event .

  29. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerceinChina)和总部在波士顿的贝恩咨询公司今年的一项调查显示,有85%的受访者表示,他们认为中国的知识产权执法在过去五年里有所改善。

    A survey this year by the American Chamber of Commerce in China , published with Bain & Company , a consulting firm based in Boston , found that 85 percent of respondents said they believed China 's enforcement of intellectual property rights had improved in the last five years .

  30. 通常来说,对于先进技术/合规汽车项目――比如说本田(Honda)的飞度电动车――制造商会以尽可能低的成本将现有车型改为纯电动汽车或插电式电动汽车。

    Typically with advanced technology / compliance car projects oh , the Honda Fit EV , for example the manufacturer will convert an existing vehicle into an EV or plug-in EV , as cost effectively as possible .