
shānɡ diào
  • negotiate a transfer
商调 [shāng diào]
  • [consult to transfer]通过协商把人员或物资从一单位或地区调往另一单位或地区

  1. 从兄弟公司商调3名高级工程师

    Negotiate the transfer of three senior engineers from an establishment of the same kind

  2. 一位兄弟做医生,另一位则当律师。从兄弟公司商调3名高级工程师

    One brother practises medicine and the other practises law . Negotiate the transfer of three senior engineers from an establishment of the same kind

  3. 从词史意义上讲,赵令的《商调蝶恋花》使联章体词功能和面貌焕然一新。

    As regard to the historical significance of ci , his piece of work & Shang Diao Die Lian Hua takes a totally new look .

  4. 这项决定在2011-12年度将使英国财政额外支出19亿英镑,但向北欧石油生产商调高的增税预期会取得更多收益。

    That change will cost the Treasury ?? 1.9 billion in2011-12 , but will be more than paid for by an increased levy on North Sea oil producers , to capture the windfall gains from high crude prices .

  5. 再论相和歌及其与清商三调的关系

    Xiang He Ge with Inter-relations to Three Songs of Qing Shang Revisited

  6. 清商三调研究

    Research on " Qingshang Three-Mode "