
  • 网络Revenue from sales of goods;sale goods
  1. 但是随着国家经济的快速发展,消费品市场供求关系的急剧变化,以及消费需求和消费行为的改变,市场竞争日益激烈,中服公司的免税商品销售收入急剧下降;

    But , with the rapid development of domestic economy , the demand-supply relation in consumer goods market has made a great change , consumer behavior and consumer demand also have been changed , competition becomes more and more fierce .

  2. 该网站追踪了女歌星们从2006年6月至2007年6月期间的收入,其中包括演唱会门票、商品销售收入、唱片销售,时装、香水等其它产品收入以及代言费。

    The Web site tracked earnings in the period from June 2006 to June 2007 and said it examined concert ticket sales , merchandise revenue , album sales and earnings from ancillary products such as clothing , perfumes and endorsements .

  3. 但据有关部门统计,海南旅游商品的销售收入一直是旅游业总收入的薄弱环节。

    According to concerning sectional statistic , hainan tourism product sales income has been the weak link of tourism revenue .

  4. 现在这家公司必须弄清楚能否弥补取消演唱会所造成的损失,包括50场演唱会的商品和食品销售收入、授权交易、VIP套票以及其他收入。

    Now the company must see whether it can offset 50 nights ' worth of merchandise and food sales , licensing deals , VIP ticketing packages and other revenue streams lost to the canceled shows .

  5. 就包括门票收入、赞助和商品销售在内的总收入来说,17家英格兰足球俱乐部已经迈入全球30家收入最高的俱乐部之列。

    In terms of total revenues , including ticket sales , sponsorship and merchandise , 17 English clubs are already among the top 30 highest-earning clubs in the world .

  6. 该配套软件可以对局域网的机器使用情况、商品销售情况和日常收入情况进行合理地管理和记录,从而提高管理效率。

    These packaged softwares can be managed and recorded reasonably to the situation of LAN 's machine using , merchandise 's selling and daily takings , thus , the management efficiency will be raised .