
wù zhì shēng chǎn bù mén
  • departments engaged in material production;material production departments;material-producing branches;sectors involved in material production
物质生产部门[wù zhì shēng chǎn bù mén]
  1. 追求高效率是所有经济活动的基本目标,作为国民经济重要物质生产部门的建筑业更应如此。

    Pursuing high efficiency is the goal of all economic activities , construction industry , as one of the important material production departments , is no exception .

  2. 交通运输是国民经济的基础产业之一,是国民经济中的重要物质生产部门,在国家政治、经济、文化、国防等方面都发挥着重要作用。

    Transportation is one of the basic industry and important material production departments in national economy . It plays an important role in state politics , economy , culture and national defense .

  3. MPS是实行计划经济的国家曾经使用的一套国民经济核算体系,其最主要的特点是只对物质生产部门的经济活动进行核算。

    MPS is a set of national economic accounting system used by the central planning economy countries , and its main characteristic is it only accounts material production sectors .

  4. 建筑业是国民经济体系中重要的物质生产部门之一。

    The construction industry is an important national economic system , material production sectors .

  5. 建筑业是国民经济的重要物质生产部门,在我国国民经济中占有重要的地位。

    Construction industry is an important material production sector and plays a key role in Chinese national economy .

  6. 建筑业是国民经济中从事建筑和安装工程生产活动的物质生产部门。

    The building industry is departments engage in construction and installation engineering production activities in the national economy .

  7. 知识经济时代的柔性化、智能化生产方式使物质生产部门的固定资产更新方式发生了重大变化;

    In knowledge economic period , the style of soft and intelligent production affects the pattern of renewal of fixed assets .

  8. 在新兴的物质生产部门中,尤其是在日益发展的非物质生产部门中,劳动力则往往是不足的。

    The rising industries in material production , and particularly the burgeoning industries in nonmaterial production , often run short of workforce .

  9. 作为传统时代最主要的物质生产部门,农业深刻影响着乡村民众的日常生活节奏。

    As the main material production department of traditional era , agriculture has a deep influence on the daily lives of rural people .

  10. 能源足迹的部门分解发现,工业、交通运输通讯业、生活消费、非物质生产部门、农业是能源消费的主要部门。

    The main energy consumption sections are industry , traffic transportation and telecommunication , living consumption , nonmaterial production sectors , and agriculture .

  11. 运输业同时具有物质生产部门、公共服务业和基础结构等多重属性;

    Transportation has several kinds of natures , such as a physical production sector , a public service and fundamental construction at the same time ;

  12. 在经济增长过程中,由于物质生产部门采用节约劳动的新技术设备的结果,有可能减少对劳动力数量的需要。

    The adoption of labor-saving technology and equipment may help cut down the material production sectors demand for workers in the course of economic growth .

  13. 在改革开放以前,服务产业在我国被当做是不创造价值的非物质生产部门,其发展受到了严重制约。

    Before reform and opening up , the service industry in our country was treated as non-material production department which does not create value , its development was seriously restricted .

  14. 因此,一国经济增长过程之所以能够增加就业,从长期趋势来看,主要依靠新兴物质生产部门的发展和各种非物质生产部门的发展。

    Thus in the long term , the emergence and growth of new industries in both material and nonmaterial production are major reasons why a nation can increase employment amidst economic growth .

  15. 物质生产部门在增加生产量的过程中究竟能够吸收多少人就业,不仅取决于这些部门的增长速度,而且取决于这些部门采取什么样的经济增长途径。

    The number of jobs to be created through output increase is determined not only by the rate of production expansion , but also by which approaches are adopted for such expansion .

  16. 交通业是国民经济中一个重要的物质生产部门,它把社会生产、分配、交换与消费各个环节有机地联系起来,是保证社会经济活动得以正常进行和发展的前提条件。

    Transportation industry is an important production department in national economy . Linking up social production , distribution , exchange and consumption , it guarantees the normal carrying-out and progress of economic activities .

  17. 交通运输作为物质生产部门是商品交换和流通不可或缺的工具,它的发展与否对于一个城市的兴衰至关重要。

    Communication , as a material productive section , is indispensable to . exchange and circulation of commodities . Whether its development or not is essential to the rise and fall of a city .

  18. 农业资源是人们从事农业生产或农业经济活动所利用或可利用的各种资源,是经济再生产和自然再生产相互交织的物质生产部门,是社会经济发展的前提与基础。

    Agricultural resources are various resources that can be utilized when people engaged in agricultural activity , it is the combination of economical reproduction and natural reproduction , and is the foundation of the development of social economy .

  19. 房地产业其产业链长,关联度强,直接或间接的引导了众多相关产业的发展,如建材、建筑、钢铁、装饰、机械、交通、家具等多个物质生产部门的发展。

    The long industry chain and strong correlation characters of real estate has guided many relate industries ' development directly or indirectly such as construction , building materials , steel , machinery , decoration , furniture , traffic and so on .

  20. 对卫生部门和物质生产部门的经济效益实现形式进行了科学的分析,卫生部门经济收益和经济效益是两个不同的概念,不能把收益当效益去追求。

    The article differentiates the way to achieve economic efficiency by the health sector from that by the material production sector and points out that financial gain and economic efficiency are two different concepts , which should not be confused during practice .

  21. 如果一国主要不是依靠增加劳动力数量,而是依靠新技术设备的采用和劳动力文化技术水平的提高来实现经济增长的话,物质生产部门本身能吸收的劳动力将是有限的。

    If a country develops its economy not by hiring more workers but by adopting new technology and equipment and improving workers cultural and technical proficiency , then the ability of its material production sector to absorb the workforce will be limited .

  22. 建筑行业是我国国民经济的重要物质生产部门和支柱产业之一,建筑行业的良性发展对我国国民经济的发展和社会主义市场经济的建设具有至关重要的作用。

    The construction industry is one of the principle industries of the national economy and it is an important material production sector . For building the socialism market economy and developing the national economy , it is very important to keep it develop well .

  23. 建筑能耗的调查统计长期被分割汇集在能源消耗的各个领域,比如住宅的能耗被归入城乡人民生活能源消费,而其他各类建筑能耗被归入非物质生产部门的能源消费。

    Building energy consumption survey has long been mixed in various areas of energy consumption , such as residential energy consumption was classified as urban and rural living energy consumption , while other types of building energy consumption is classified into the non-material production sector energy consumption .

  24. 管理劳动创造价值的说法没有区分物质生产部门的管理劳动和非物质生产部门的管理劳动,没有区分资本家的剥削劳动和雇佣工人的被剥削劳动,没有区分剩余价值的生产和剩余价值的分配。

    The theory which management creates value does not distinguish management work of material department from non - material department and does not distinguish exploitation work of capitalists from exploited work of employees by capitalists and does not distinguish production of surplus value from distribution of surplus value .

  25. 即使是原有的物质生产部门,如果它们的经济增长主要依靠采用新技术装备来实现,那么该部门内原来就业的劳动者也很可能不适合要求。因此这些部门也是缺少劳动力的。

    The same labor shortage can also occur in established industries in material production that maintain growth by relying heavily on new technology and equipment , so much so that even workers on their payrolls cannot measure up to what such new technology and equipment require of them .

  26. 交通运输业作为一个不产生新的实物形态产品的物质生产部门,具有资本密集型特征,与一般的工业、商业和服务业不同,其新增固定资产比例高于外购货物和外购劳务。

    Transportation industry as a material production department that do not produce new material form product , has the capital-intensive characteristics , and is different from the general industrial , commercial and service industry , New fixed assets ratio has a higher proportion of purchased goods and outsourcing services .

  27. 中文摘要:现代化是人类历史发展的必然趋势,农业是人类物质生产的重要部门,农业现代化也是历史发展的必然要求。

    Abstract : Modernization is an inexorable trend of historical development . Agriculture is the important sector of material production in human society . The modernization of agriculture is also the inexorable demand of historical development .

  28. 本文利用随机优化,随机微分方程和实证分析等方法,探讨了人力资源和物质资源在各生产部门的最优配置及投资决策经济增长问题。

    The paper discusses the optimal allocation of human and physical capital in production sectors , risky investment decisions and economic growth , by using methods of stochastic optimal , stochastic differential equation and numerical analysis . Firstly , two models are considered .

  29. 物质生产领域与非物质生产领域在国民经济中的比重也会发生变化,非物质生产领域的一些部门的发展及其在国民经济中所占比重的增大,是经济增长的不可避免的趋势。

    The ratio between material and nonmaterial production in the national economy is changing as well . It is an irrevocable trend in economic growth for some nonmaterial production industries to grow in strength along with their shares in the national economy .