
  • 网络logistics project
  1. 基于BP神经网络的物流项目风险评估

    BP Neural Network-based Logistics Project Risk Assessment

  2. EXCEL在物流项目投资决策中的应用

    EXCEL application in investing decision-making of logistics project

  3. 基于AHP的成品油配送物流项目风险的识别与评估

    Identification and Assessment of the Risk Based on Product Oil Logistic Distribution Project by AHP

  4. 物流项目竞标博弈策略研究

    Research on the Game Strategy of Competitive Bid in Logistics Project

  5. 物流项目的测评标准和方法探讨

    Research on the Standard and Method of Assessment of Logistics Project

  6. 论文研究对物流项目管理的研究具有一定的理论探索及实践意义。

    The research brings significant for both theoretical aspects and practical applications .

  7. 物流项目的建设就是其中之一。

    The plan and construction of logistics project , makes very important .

  8. 大型石化设备工程物流项目的方案设计

    The Scheme Design of Project Logistics on Large Petrochemical Equipment

  9. 对高效物流项目团队管理特征的探析

    On the Features of Managing High-efficient Logistics Project Team

  10. 物流项目的规划与评价研究

    The Planning and Appraisal Study of the Logistics Project

  11. 一汽丰田物流项目中运输费用支付请求系统的开发和应用

    Development and Application of Transportation Costs Payment Request System in FAW-TOYOTA Logistics Project

  12. 推动粮食物流项目的发展。

    To promote grain logistics project development .

  13. 物流项目的评价方法研究

    Study on Evaluation Method for Logistics Project

  14. 但因为这些特点,此类物流项目的实施过程通常具有较强的不确定性。

    Because of these characteristics , the implementation process of such project logistics is uncertainty .

  15. 本文面向汽车物流项目管理的生产实际,研究汽车物流项目管理调度问题。

    The thesis studies project scheduling problems arising in automotive logistics project managements through practical investigations .

  16. 风险评估在物流项目中的应用

    Risk Evaluation Applied in Logistics Projects

  17. 目前,国内一些地区开始规划或正在建设符合自身特色的物流项目。

    Now , the logistics park project is being planed and constructed with the feature in the country .

  18. 本文根据第三方物流项目及项目管理特点,通过执行步骤、项目过程管理、组织发展等三个维度进行分解,提出了基于企业三维项目管理要素的物流项目管理成熟度模型。

    , this paper brings forward a project management maturity model , which based on three-dimension project management factors .

  19. 物流项目的开展为推动物流产业在多个方面获得提升提供了平台。

    The ongoing of logistics project provides a platform for the improvement in various aspects of pushing logistics industry .

  20. 本文作者在几年的开发过程中参与了多个物流项目的设计、编码和测试等方面的工作。

    The author of this article involved in the process of development logistical system from the design , coding to testing .

  21. 中铁快运在开发和实施物流项目过程中,最大的优势资源是经营网络;

    CRE is in the course of developing and implementing the logistics project , the biggest superior resources are dealing in networks .

  22. 论文首先对汽车物流项目管理问题的特征进行分析与研究,分别描述了问题的优化目标、约束及决策变量等。

    The characters of automotive logistics project scheduling problem are first analyzed . These characters include optimization objectives , constraints , and decision variables .

  23. 在这种环境下,现代物流项目的发展必将成为武烟集团总体发展战略中的重要组成部分。

    Under such situation , the development of modern logistics item is bound to become the important part of the total development of Wuhan Tobacco Group .

  24. 中外运深圳分公司作为外运发展下属的一家分公司,目前主要经营的是国际快递、国际传统的货运代理业务以及其他综合物流项目业务。

    Sinotrans Shenzhen Branch as the Sinotrans development under a branch , mainly engaged in international express , international traditional freight forwarding business and other integrated logistics project business .

  25. 最后,计划书分析纸业现代物流项目存在政策风险、投资风险、环境风险、管理风险并对风险提出防范措施,保障项目的开发建设和正常管理运营。

    At last , this plan analyses the policy risks , environmental risk , management risk of establishing paper logistics platform , and introduces the methods to reduce those risks .

  26. 最后,通过典型的国际工程物流项目作为实例加以验证该模型的有效性,也为国际工程物流运输方案的选择提供了支持手段。

    Finally , the typical international project logistics as an example to verify the validity of the model , but also provides a means of support for the international project logistics transportation choice .

  27. 文中对一般物流项目的招投标决策的内核及基本原则进行分析的基础上,探讨了物流项目招投标的一般决策程序与关键环节。

    On the base of the content and original principle of tendering and biding , this paper discusses and analyzes the general procedures as well as the key processes in the logistics process .

  28. 杨国强面对媒体一向低调。2005年,他将其所有股份转至女儿名下,目前,杨惠妍是碧桂园的常务董事,并主要负责公司的物流项目。

    In2005 , the press-shy Yang transferred his shares to his daughter , who sits on Country Garden 's board as an executive director and works in its logistics activities , according to Forbes .

  29. 通过分析成功探索出私家车主的消费倾向,为公司带来了新的利润增长点。其次,我们对烟草物流项目中物流网络进行了研究。

    I explore the private owners ' consume tendency successfully , so it bring a new profit growth point for the company . Secondly , we study the logistics network formed from the tobacco logistics project .

  30. 与普通的物流项目不同,此类项目的物流主体经常为性质特殊(如超大、超长、超重等)的设备,其运输和装卸过程一般具有较高的难度和风险,极易出现各种安全事故。

    Different from common logistics , agent of project logistics is special equipment ( ultra-large , ultra-long , over-weight , etc. ) . So the process of transportation and handling is with high difficulty and high risk .