
wù wù jiāo huàn
  • barter;barter with;trade-off;barter one thing for another;exchange article by article
物物交换 [wù wù jiāo huàn]
  • [barter] 进行以货易货交易的行动或实践;以货易货

  • 先前的物物交换制度实际上已经不存在了,代替它的是货币经济

物物交换[wù wù jiāo huàn]
  1. 国际贸易发展到今天已经不再是最初意义上的物物交换,生态资本和环境空间的交换越来越受到发达国家的重视。

    Now international trade is not only to barter one thing for another . Ecological capital and environmental space have been paid more attention .

  2. 市场和街道上挤满了前来做物物交换的人。

    The market-place and street were crowded with those who 'd come to barter

  3. 当有物物交换的机会时,利用它。

    When an opportunity to barter arises , capitalize on it 。

  4. 在孤立交换条件下,物物交换有其比例问题;

    Barter has its proportion of exchange on condition of isolation commute ;

  5. 百姓间的物物交换多为生活必需品。

    Among the common people barter mostly involved daily necessities .

  6. 在这些岛上仍然实行着物物交换的制度。

    On these islands a system of barter is used .

  7. 起初,物物交换是发生在两个人之间的交易。

    At first , bartering took place asan exchange between two people .

  8. 后来这种物物交换的体制被货币所替代。

    Then the barter system was replaced by coins .

  9. 大部分交易仍采用物物交换的方式。

    Most trade was still done by barter .

  10. 清代滇粤铜盐互易是一近乎以货易货的贸易形式。在孤立交换条件下,物物交换有其比例问题;

    GOODS DISPLAY Abstract The exchange of copper and salt was similar to barter .

  11. 冀南乡村的物物交换&地方经济的人类学研究

    The Rural Barter of South Hebei Province & An Anthropological Research of Local Economy

  12. 最开始的物物交换逐渐被以货币为媒介的商品交换所取代。

    Gradually , the primary barter was replaced by the commodity exchange conducted by money .

  13. 而市场则是一种进行物物交换的场所。

    Market is an object of exchange .

  14. 根据物品价值来交易的物物交换系统,将取代这些。

    The barter system , where things of value are being exchanged , will replace this .

  15. 在物物交换阶段,人的社会性与个性从同一开始了分离;

    In the phase of barter trade , sociality and individuality begin to separate from one unity ;

  16. 物物交换是一种很不方便的交易方式,因为买卖双方的需要都能吻合才行。

    Barter is a very inconvenient means of trading because it requires the double coincidence of wants .

  17. 从找到交易伙伴所需的时间和所作的努力看,物物交换的成本非常高。

    Barter is costly in terms of the time and effort required to find a trading partner .

  18. 世界范围的抗议和物物交换系统越来越多地被使用也就在情理之中。

    That there are protests worldwide and increasing use of the barter system should be no surprise .

  19. 奴隶、牛马、兵器、珍异等物品的买卖主要是通过物物交换。

    At this time , slaves , cattle and horses , arms and jewellery were exchanged through barter .

  20. 交换和流通领域主要包括市场地、新物物交换和农民之间.的互惠关系等方面进行了研究。

    The study of fields of exchange and circulation include markets , the new barter and the reciprocity .

  21. 货币贬值情况很严重,所以物物交换成了人人愿意的贸易方式。

    The currency has lost so much of its value that barter has become the preferred way of doing business .

  22. 像淘宝网,大多数的物物交换场所允许成员通过诚信程度、质量高低等对交易伙伴进行等级评定。

    Like eBay , most barter sites allow members to " grade " trading partners for honesty , quality and so on .

  23. 举个身边的例子,我这个网站的设计就是通过物物交换完成的,我因此节省了1000多美元。

    My website design was done through the barter system , so I saved well over $ 1,000 there , for example .

  24. 他们想要远离那些他们认为没有必要甚至是资源浪费的事情,他们想要生活在一个只具有基本生活条件,依靠物物交换为生的社会中。

    By ridding themselves of everything they deem unnecessary or wasteful , they live in a community based on subsistence and barter .

  25. 市场经济的形成过程可以划分为物物交换、商品流通和资本流通三个阶段。

    The formative process of market economy can be divided into three phases : barter trade , commodity circulation , and capital circulation .

  26. 在最基本的交易出现之后,更为复杂的交易形式在物物交换经济的基础上产生,新的风险形式也应运而生。

    After basic exchange came into existence , more complex forms developed beyond a basic barter economy , and new forms of risk manifested .

  27. 因为一般人都把金钱当作交易媒介,这就不必再进行物物交换了,即不必再以一种商品去交换另一种商品了。

    As a generally accepted medium of exchange , money rules out the need for barter , the direct exchange of one item for another .

  28. 想像一下,在一个进行物物交换的小镇里只有三个人:屠夫、面包师和蜡烛匠。

    Suppose there is a very small barter-based economy consisting of only three individuals , a butcher , a baker , and a candlestick maker .

  29. 例如,用物物交换的交易方式,如果一个卖面包的想要得到肉,那他就必须找一个想得到面包的卖肉的人才能交易。

    For example , if a baker wants meat , he must search for a person who sells meat and wants bread under a barter system .

  30. 商品交换的发展经历了偶然的物物交换阶段、扩大了的物物交换阶段、一般等价物交换阶段和货币阶段。

    The development of goods exchange experienced a period of accidental goods exchange , expanded goods exchange , the usual exchange of equal values and currency .