
  1. 大比目鱼大比目鱼中有两种物质帮助人们更好地睡眠:色氨酸以及维生素B6,而它的温和的口味以及厚实的口感定能吸引那些挑剔的海鲜食客。

    Halibut Halibut is packed with two building blocks for better sleep : tryptophan and vitamin B6 , which has a mild flavor and meaty texture that appeals to finicky seafood eaters .

  2. 年老者有从国家和社会获得物质帮助的权利。

    Senior citizens have the right to material assistance from the state and society .

  3. 物质帮助权思想探微

    On the thought of material assist right

  4. 居家养老的内容包括:物质帮助、生活照料、精神慰藉、医疗保健等。

    Home care and pension includes material assistance , life care , spiritual comfort and health care .

  5. 能够得出的结论是,水果中非过敏原的物质帮助过敏原逃过一劫。

    Something in the fruit that was not an allergen itself was allowing the allergens to survive .

  6. 论物质帮助权

    On Material Help Right

  7. 社会救济是对贫困人群提供无偿物质帮助的一种制度。

    The social relief system is directed to providing help for people living in poverty at public expense .

  8. 养老保险是劳动者在年老退出劳动岗位后,获得物质帮助,保障基本生活需要的一种制度。

    Pension insurance is a kind of system under which laborers can get material help to guarantee their basic life after retiring .

  9. 各民族公民都有劳动、休息和丧失劳动能力时从国家和社会获得物质帮助的权利;

    They have the right to work and rest , and the right to material assistance from the state and society when they are disabled ;

  10. 因此,仅仅对弱势群体家庭大学生施以物质帮助远远不够,他们的精神世界更需要全社会的理解和关爱。

    Therefore , only assistant to the college students of vulnerable groups families on material is not enough . Their spiritual world need all society more understand and care .

  11. 为此,国家应从立法、司法等各方面对物质帮助权予以全方位的保障,保证权利的落实和践行。

    Therefore , the nation should guarantee the material-help right from different aspects , such as legislation , judiciary , etc to assure the realization and implementation of this right .

  12. 第四十五条中华人民共和国公民在年老、疾病或者丧失劳动能力的情况下,有从国家和社会获得物质帮助的权利。

    Article 45 Citizens of the People 's Republic of China have the right to material assistance from the state and society when they are old , ill or disabled .

  13. 不作为帮助犯只有事前帮助和事中帮助两种时期,只能是物质帮助而不存在精神帮助。

    There has two periods of assistor by omission & prior help and help during others ' crime . And there is only the substantial assistance , without the existence of the spirit help .

  14. 失业保险制度是国家通过立法强制实行的,由社会集中建立基金,对因失业而暂时中断生活来源的劳动者提供物质帮助的制度。

    The country implements unemployed insurance system compulsively through legislation , by the society concentration establishs fund , provide the system that material helps to the because of unemployment worker that suspends source of income temporarily .

  15. 仁作为为人之术,是事业成功的法宝,要点是物质帮助、情感吸引、人格尊重。

    Benevolence , as the method for people , is a magic weapon for successful cause , the key point of which is the assistance with material , appeal to affection , and respect for personality .

  16. 社会保障是国家和社会为保证其成员基本生活权利,而给予一定的物质帮助和社会服务,从而保证其基本生活权利,维系社会稳定的社会安全制度。

    Social protection refers to the social security system that can provide a certain degree of material support and social service to people in order to assure their basic life right and maintain the stability of society .

  17. 失业保险是社会保险中的一项重要制度,它是指对非因本人意愿失业而暂时中断生活来源的劳动者提供物质帮助的制度。

    Unemployed insurance is one of the important social insurance system , which is not because I intend to , referring to provide the system that material helps for unemployed worker that suspends source of income temporarily .

  18. 社会工作制度介入流浪儿童救助管理,其服务目标是协助流浪儿童获得及时的物质帮助,逐步恢复社会功能,最终回归家庭或社会。

    Social work institution involved into the management of street children rescue , its goal is to help street children timely obtain material help and gradually recover their social function , eventually return to the family or society .

  19. 在这种情形下,你会发现不管你继续给他们提供物质帮助,譬如生活补贴还是给他们编制衣服,你不要期望他们很乐意陪伴你。

    In that case you must realize that while you can still render them material services , such as making them an allowance or knitting them jumpers , you must not expect that they will enjoy your company .

  20. 它是国家通过立法强制建立失业保险基金,对这些中断收入的劳动者,提供限定时期的物质帮助以及再就业服务的一项社会保险制度。

    It is a social insurance system that is through legislation to establish a mandatory unemployment insurance fund , and provide material assistance and limited period of re-employment services to those workers whose income were interrupted for a period .

  21. 因而,要坚持心理扶贫与物质帮助相结合的方针,建立起政府、高校、社会三位一体的资助体系,以帮助贫困大学生从物质上、精神上彻底摆脱贫困,促进他们的顺利成长。

    Therefore , to help poor college students shed off material and psychological problems thoroughly , an aiding system composed by the government , society and school should be established to supply them with both psychological and material help .

  22. 为保障居民享有的养老权均等,政府有责任通过社会养老保险,给予老年人一定的物质帮助,以防止其陷入老年贫困。

    To protect this equal right , the government has the responsibility to give old people certain material assistance through the public pension system through the social old-age insurance in order to prevent them fall into poverty in old age .

  23. 其基本含义是指社会成员因受自然灾害及其经济、社会原因而导致他们无法维持最低生活水平,国家或社会按法定标准而给予物质帮助。

    Its fundamental meaning is that government and society should provide substance aid to the people by law who suffer from the natural disasters or for some economical and social reasons , which makes people cannot maintain their lowest living standard .

  24. 答:社会养老保险是指劳动者在达到法定退休年龄退休后,从政府和社会得到一定的经济补偿、物质帮助和服务的一项社会保险制度。

    Answer : social endowment insurance is to show laborer is in after achieving legal and emeritus age to retire , the system of insurance of a society that gets from government and society fair economic compensation , material helps kimono wu .

  25. 科学研究自由权包括资料、信息的获取权、选择科学研究课题的自由权、研究自由、获得物质帮助和奖励权以及科研成果的发表权。

    The freedom of scientific research consists of the right to access to information , to choose freely the research subjects , to research freely , to obtain material assistance and award from the state and to express freely the result of research .

  26. 生育保险是通过国家立法规定,在劳动者因生育子女而导致劳动力暂时中断时,由国家和社会及时给予物质帮助的一项社会保险制度。

    Birth insurance is to pass national legislation to set , when laborer brings about labour force because of bearing children to be interrupted temporarily , the system of insurance of a society that offers material in time the help by country and society .

  27. 社会保险是指国家通过立法建立的,对劳动者在其生、老、病、死、伤、残、失业以及发生其他生活困难时,给予物质帮助的制度。

    Social insurance shows the country is built through legislation , be in to laborer its are unripe , old , ill , dead , injury , incomplete , unemployed and happen other when be badly off , offer material the system of the help .

  28. 随着国家积极倡导的以人为本的新发展观以及构建社会主义和谐社会理念的提出,实现公民享有的获得国家物质帮助权以及其他相关的公法受益权,越来越受到全社会的关注。

    As the state actively promotes the new developing concept featuring people-orientation and proposes the idea to build a socialist harmonious society , more and more social concerns are concentrated on realizing citizens ' rights to enjoy the material assistance and other relevant beneficial right .

  29. 资本不仅为科学提供必要的研究资金,还为科学研究提供一切必要的物质帮助,资本获取剩余价值的本性成为科学研究的动力,资本投入更是扩大了科学研究的范围。

    For scientific research , capital provides not only the necessary funds , but also all the necessary material assistance . The essence of capital , acquiring surplus value , becomes the motivation of scientific research , and capital investment expands the scope of scientific research .

  30. 社会保险制度是以立法形式建立的向社会成员提供物质帮助的重要制度,它对保障市场需求基本稳定、产业结构升级正常进行,社会资本安全增值具有重要意义。

    Social insurance system is to establish the legislative forms of social members to provide help to safeguard system , it is an important basic stability of market demand , and the upgrading of the industrial structure , social capital safety normal value is of great significance .