
  • 网络judicial authority
  1. 再审制度导致裁判的不确定和司法权威的下降。

    The rehearing system causes judge to be undecidedly and descends the judicial authority .

  2. 第三,不当的强制侦查可能会冲击司法权威。

    The third , the improper compulsory investigation will possibly attack the judicial authority .

  3. 司法权威与裁判文书的论证改革

    Legal Authority and Reform of Argument in Court - verdict Texts

  4. 判后答疑还是审判释疑:司法权威何以实现?

    Reply after Trial or Explanation in Trial : How to Realize Judicial Authority ?

  5. 最后,衡量和判断司法权威的标准是司法公信力和执行力。

    The standards of evaluating judicial authority are judicial credibility and judicial executive force .

  6. 司法权威的价值也就是司法权威树立的重要意义。

    The value of judicial authority is the important significance of setting the authority .

  7. 市场经济:司法权威生成的土壤与空间

    Market Economy : the Cradle of Judicial Authority

  8. 随后,本文对英租威海卫司法权威建立的整个过程进行了阐述和分析。

    Subsequently , the whole process to establish judicial authority is interpreted and analyzed .

  9. 从民事特别程序的实施现状谈司法权威的缺失与确立

    The lack of judicial authority and its establishment from present situation of civil special procedure

  10. 此外,司法权威缺失还与历史文化因素有关。

    Finally , the reason for lack of judicial authority is the historical cultural factors .

  11. 同时可以实现诉讼经济、维护司法权威。

    At the same time may realize the lawsuit economy and maintain the judicature authority .

  12. 妨害司法权威典型犯罪研究

    Study on Typical Crimes Impairing Judicial Authority

  13. 司法权威的意义阐释

    Interpretation of Sense of Judicatory Authority

  14. 有关司法权威的几个问题

    Some Issues on Authority of Justice

  15. 也就是说,民事判决书是体现民事司法权威性的唯一最终载体。

    In other words , civil verdict is the only carrier of civil justice and authority .

  16. 司法权威·法官规训·制度网络&对法官角色的一种法社会学分析

    Judicial Authority , Judge Discipline , Mechanism Net : A Sociological Study of Judge 's Role

  17. 执行难是困扰人民法院和债权人的一道难题。执行难派生出执行乱,执行乱又加剧了执行难,这已影响到人民群众对民事执行制度的信赖和国家司法权威的树立。

    Difficult to execute is a problem , which is harassing the courts and the creditors .

  18. 第四,法院在司法权威的生成中也必须发挥主观能动作用。

    Fourth , court should also play an important role in the establishment of the judicial authority .

  19. 这不仅了损害了司法权威,更侵犯了当事人的正当利益。

    It not only harm the judicial authority , and violated the legitimate interests of the parties .

  20. 论司法权威

    On the Judicial Authority

  21. 法官们不接受他们认为瑞典检察官不是正确的司法权威要求引渡;

    They did not accept that the Swedish prosecutor was the wrong judicial authority to order an extradition ;

  22. 但多年来,影响司法权威的“执行难”问题一直没能有效的解决。

    But many years have passed , Difficult Execution which weakens judicial authority hasn 't been solved effectively .

  23. 司法权威研究

    Studies on Judicial Authority

  24. 维护程序安定和司法权威性,减少诉讼成本。

    Maintaining the procedure stability and protect the authority of justice , reducing the costs of the lawsuit .

  25. 完备而优良的再审制度应该能够达到依法纠错与维护司法权威的平衡。

    Complete and excellent retrial system should be able to achieve balance between legal correction and maintaining judicial authority .

  26. 因之,我们必须从司法权威的基本性质、涵特质和历史向度诸方面阐释司法权威的意义。

    Therefore , we should interprete the sense of judicatory authority from its basic features , connotation property and historic approaches .

  27. 但是也不能忽视裁判的既判力、司法权威、诉讼效率、程序公正等各方面问题。

    But also cannot ignore jurisdiction of res judicata , judicial authority , the efficiency of litigation , procedural justice issues .

  28. 民事诉讼程序的外在价值&保障实体公正、保护民事权利、树立司法权威;

    The external value of civil litigation procedure-insuring justice of entity , protecting civil right and setting the pace of judiciary authority ;

  29. 司法权威失范的重要原因是失范司法权的攻击性、混沌性、非终结性、非及时性。

    The noted cause of the loss of judiciary authority is due to its nature of struck , chaos , and lateness .

  30. 因此,建构多元纠纷解决机制符合我国的历史习惯,也利于维护司法权威。

    So setting multi-channel of dispute settlement not only fits Chinese traditional custom but also helps to protect the authority of judicature .