
  1. 主文讽刺匪直匪愚&浅谈司马相如辞赋的讽谏艺术

    On the Allegorical Art in SIMA Xiang-ru 's Prose Poems

  2. 司马相如的道家与神仙思想

    Sima-xiangru 's thought has some Taoism and immortal element

  3. 司马相如:汉初社会经济孕育的赋圣

    Sima Xiangru : Sage of Fu Poetry Produced in the Early Han Dynasty

  4. 司马相如生年考述评

    Review : the Birth Year of Sima Xiangru

  5. 司马相如辞赋美学思想的现代阐释

    Modern Interpretation of Sima Xiangru Fu Aesthetics

  6. 代天子立言:司马相如文本的精神解读

    Glorifying the Emperor by Writing : An Interpretation of the Spirit of Sima Xiangru 's Text

  7. 此画即为司马相如当晚为文君弹奏《凤求凰》的一幕。

    This picture shows the scene that Sima Xiangru played the Song of Courtship for Wenjun that night .

  8. 同时,司马相如也被看作是剧中穷困文人的代名词。

    At the same time , Sima Xiangru was also seen as a synonym for poor literati in the drama .

  9. 早在西汉时期,蜀地就出现了名声享誉全国的词赋大家司马相如和扬雄。

    As early as the Western Han Dynasty , Sichuan emerged national well-known writers like Sima Xiangru and Yang Xiong .

  10. 西汉时,著名文学家枚乘、司马相如,曾长期生活在开封。

    In the Western Han Dynasty such famous men of letters as Mei Cheng and Sima Xiangru had spent long years in Kaifeng .

  11. 在屈指可数的案例中,司马相如和卓文君的爱情故事最为著名,也是极少数获得成功的案例之一。

    Among the numbered cases , the romance of Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun is the most renowned one , and also one of the rare successes .

  12. 司马相如和卓文君的爱情故事是中国文学史上流传已久的佳话,它在历朝历代都不同程度地受到了关注。

    The love story of Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun is a beautiful and famous legend which spreads abroad for a long time in the history of Chinese Literature .

  13. 本书讲述了西汉著名辞赋家司马相如和才女卓文君的爱情故事,其中“文君夜奔相如”和“文君当垆卖酒”的故事更是为后人所传颂。

    The book tells a love story of Sima Xiangru , a writer living the Western Han Dynasty ( 206 BC-25 AD ), and a talented woman Zhuo Wenjun .

  14. 司马相如得之于心说及其巴蜀地域文化心态特点论池莉市民小说的大众文化性

    Analyzing Sima Xiangru 's " Creating from the Inner Heart " and Geographical and Cultural Features in Ba-Shu The Mass Cultural Features of Civic Novels Written by Chi Li

  15. 从温宿县天山岩画看古代牧民的游猎生活司马相如《子虚赋》与《天子游猎赋》辨

    Observation of the Nomadic life of Ancient Herdsmen from Tianshan Rock Pictures in Wenshu Area Differentiating between Sima Xiang-ru 's Zi Xu Fu and Tian Zi You Lie Fu

  16. 枚乘《七发》开创了汉大赋这一体式,是司马相如《天子游猎赋》的直接祖先。

    Mei Cheng creates the genre of Han Da Fu with his Qi Fa , which is the direct ancestor of Sima Xiangru 's Tian Zi You Lie Fu .

  17. 司马相如出身平庸,用现在的话说就是无房无车没钱没卡一族。

    Sima Xiangru was a poor lad from obscure background , in modern words , he was the one without house , without car , without money and without card .

  18. 司马相如在他的赋文创作实践中建构了一套赋中人物命名原则,这一原则的基本精神是虚构,但此虚构与小说、戏剧这样的叙事文学所遵循的虚构原则完全是不同的。

    Sima Xiangru works out in his fu creation a naming principle of fu characters , the basic spirit of which is fictitious , which is different from the fictitious principle followed by literary genres such as fiction or drama .

  19. 两个人私奔后,司马相如仍然是个一贫如洗的穷书生,而卓文君不得不由富家千金沦为买酒小贩。

    After the two eloped , Sima Xiangru was still the same talented scholar with little wealth , and Zhuo Wenjun had to sell liquor in the market despite her eminent family background , turning herself into a peddler - as modern people put it .

  20. 本文主要从司马相如本人以及《文选》分出《子虚赋》入手,与枚乘的《七发》进行比较,认为《文选》所分出的《子虚赋》只能作于武帝时。

    Starting from Sima Xiang-ru himself and Zi Xu Fu that divide from Wen Xuan , and comparing with Mei Cheng 's Qi Fa , this article thinks that Zi Xu Fu , divided from Wen Xuan , was written just in the period of Emperor Wu .

  21. 司马相如出身平庸,用现在的话说就是“无房无车无没钱没卡”一族。但是他居然用一曲古琴《凤求凰》打动了富家小姐卓文君。

    Sima Xiangru was a poor lad from obscure background , in modern words , he was the one " without house , without car , without money and without card 。 " Yet by pure chance he moved Zhuo Wenjun , a lady from a rich family , with a guqin-accompanied song , The Male Phoenix Seeks His Mate .