
sī mǎ qiān
  • Sima Qian;pioneering historian;author of Shi Ji
司马迁 [sī mǎ qiān]
  • [Sima Qian] (公元前145/前135-?)中国西汉著名史学家、文学家和思想家。字子长。夏阳(今陕西韩城南)人。早年游历各地,遍访民间风俗,采集传说。初任郎中,后继父任太史令,得读国家藏书。太初元年(公元前104年)与唐都等人改定太初历。汉将李陵与匈奴作战失败,率军投降。司马迁因为之申辩获罪下狱,受腐刑,出狱后任中书令,发愤继续完成所著史籍。人称其书为《太史公书》,后称《史记》。是中国最早的记传体通史。其书传记语言生动,人物形象鲜明,也是优秀的传记文学作品。对后世史学和文学均有深远影响

  1. 司马迁与汉代经学之间有着复杂关系。

    There are complicated connections between Sima Qian and Confucism of Han dynasty .

  2. 人固有一死,死有重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。(司马迁《报任少卿书》)

    Though death befalls all men alike , it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather . & all men must die , but some die a more meaningful death than others .

  3. 司马迁一直很敬重李陵,他不信李陵会无缘无故投降,便谏言皇上不要听信谣言。

    Ze-ma Chian , who had always respected Li Ling , believed that he wouldn 't surrender without a reason , and urged the emperor not to believe rumors2 .

  4. 论司马迁对屈原研究的历史贡献

    On SIMA Qian 's Contribution to the Research on QU Yuan

  5. 论司马迁的西部人文地理思想

    On Sima-Qian 's Thought on the Human Geography of West China

  6. 司马迁充分认识到了动机的重要性,同时又是动机与效果的统一论者。

    Thereby he believed in the integration of motive and effect .

  7. 司马迁对天道的怀疑与信仰

    Sima Qian 's Doubt to Divine Justice and Belief in It

  8. 司马迁饮食文化思想形成的原因及历史地位

    Causes of Sima Qian 's Dietetic Ideology and Its Historical Status

  9. 对于酷吏,司马迁表现出一种复杂态度。

    Si Ma-qian has a complicated attitude toward the oppressive officials .

  10. 司马迁是中国历史上一位著名的史学家、文学家和编辑家。

    Sima Qian is a famouse historian , literati and editor .

  11. 论司马迁的文化学术史观

    SIMA Qian 's outlook on the history of culture and learning

  12. 屈原、司马迁悲剧性人生之对比

    The Contrast of Tragedy Life about Qu yuan and Sima qian

  13. 司马迁哲学史学思想述略

    Sima Qian 's Theory and Writing of the History of Philosophy

  14. 论司马迁的货殖思想

    On Qian Sima 's Thought of Merchandise Increasing and Currency Proliferation

  15. 文化根源:司马迁笔下的李斯人格探析

    Cultural origin-analysis on Li Si 's personalities described by Sima Qian

  16. 司马迁的礼学思想论地学思维体系

    Courtesy in Sima Qian On System of Earth Science Thinking

  17. 孔子之真与司马迁之真的比较

    The Comparison between Confucius ' and Sima Qian 's Truth

  18. 这个故事载自司马迁写的《史记》中。

    This story appears in the Historical Records Written by Sima Qian .

  19. 司马迁规划的农牧地区分界线在黄土高原上的推移及其影响

    The Boundary between the Farming and Pasturing Areas on the Loess Highlands

  20. 论司马迁的生存精神

    Toward the Spiritual Survival On Sima Qian 's Existence Spirit

  21. 从司马迁对历史人物的评价看其学术思想

    On Sima Qian 's Academic Thoughts in His Appraisement of Historical Figures

  22. 司马迁研究历史的方法是循环论。

    Sima followed a circulatory methodology in his historical studies .

  23. 司马迁的“与时俯仰”经济观

    Sima Qian 's Economic View of " Going with the Time "

  24. 试论司马迁崇高人格的成因

    A View of Factors of SIMA Qian 's Noble Personality

  25. 司马迁写王朔燕语的真意与匠心

    Truth and Originality of Si Ma Qian Writing " Wang Shuo "

  26. 论司马迁和波利比乌的历史思想

    The Thought of History in the Works of Sima Qian and Polybius

  27. 李陵事件和司马迁的童年经验

    Li Ling 's Event and the Experiences of Si Ma-qian 's Childhood

  28. 论司马迁与韩信的精神契合

    On the Spiritual Accordance Between Sima Qian and Han Xin

  29. 论司马迁的文学创作思想

    On the Thought of Sima Qian 's Literary Creation

  30. 司马迁民族相处原则评议

    On Sima Qian 's Principles of Coexistence of Nationalities