
  • 网络the socialist rule of law
  1. 开展具有司法行政特色的社会主义法治理念教育

    Carrying out the Socialist Rule of Law Concept Education with the Characteristics of the Judicial Administration

  2. 第三,关于社会主义法治,他主张宪法至上,并处处以身作则。

    Third , about the socialist rule of law , he advocated " constitutional supremacy ", and set an example everywhere .

  3. 弘扬宪法精神,树立宪法权威,使全体人民都成为社会主义法治的忠实崇尚者、自觉遵守者、坚定捍卫者。

    We should promote the spirit of the Constitution , uphold the Constitution 's authority , and make efforts to guide all the people to loyally uphold , willingly comply with and firmly safeguard the socialist rule of law .

  4. 社会主义法治内涵的再思考

    The Rethinking of the connotation of the Socialist Rule of Law

  5. 社会主义法治国家的实现论析

    Discussion and analysis on achievement of a socialist country ruled by law

  6. 马克思主义法学中国化与当代中国的社会主义法治精神

    Marxist Chinese-characterization & Socialist Spirit of Rule-of-law in Modern China

  7. 建设与社会主义法治城市相适应的律师队伍&上海市律师队伍建设的现状与对策

    Constructing the Lawyers Contingents Suitable to the Socialist City Ruled by Law

  8. 因此,社会主义法治建设必须从“体制型“法治走向“生活型”法治。

    So socialist nomocracy must go to life style from system style .

  9. 建设社会主义法治国家之我见

    My opinion on building a socialist country under the rule of law

  10. 中国传统法律文化与社会主义法治现代化

    Chinese Traditional Legal Culture and Socialist Modernization Ruled by Law

  11. 社会主义法治理念可概括为5项基本内涵:即依法治国、执法为民、公平正义、服务大局、党的领导。

    The socialism law governing idea includes five basic connotations .

  12. 对依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的思考

    Administer a Country According to Law Build Socialist Country Governed by Law

  13. 论社会主义法治理念的形成和发展

    The Formation and Evolution of the Socialist Idea of the Rule of Law

  14. 建设社会主义法治国家,首先要有法可依。

    Building a socialist country ruled by law , the first to work .

  15. 以德治国与依法治国统一于社会主义法治国家,它们是相辅相成、不可分割的两个方面。

    It complements " the rule of law " in a socialist country .

  16. 这种亲属伦理取向在今天仍具有一定的时代价值,对我们正在进行的社会主义法治建设也会产生很大的影响。

    The relational ethic tropism has value of age .

  17. 深入开展社会主义法治理念教育推动劳教工作全面发展

    Conducting In-depth Socialist Legal Conception Education and Promoting the Overall Development of Reform-through-labour

  18. 改革开放推动我国社会主义法治文明进步

    Reform & Opening Promotes China 's Socialist Legal Civilization

  19. 社会主义法治理念下对我国检察权制约机制的审视

    Scanning the Restriction System of Chinese Procuratorial Power under Socialist Rule of Law

  20. 一方面是法学理论对社会主义法治的解构。

    One is the legal theory of the deconstruction of socialist legal system .

  21. 论社会主义法治的道德化

    Discussion on the Socialist Moral Ruling and Law Ruling

  22. 立足工作实际开展社会主义法治理念教育

    Conduction Socialist Legal Conception Education based on Practical Work

  23. 社会主义法治之路的历史审视

    A Historical Review of the Path of Socialist Ruling-by-law

  24. 论建设有中国特色社会主义法治国家的途径

    Way of Fundation of Country ruled by law of socialist with chinese characteristics

  25. 社会主义法治是建设社会主义和谐社会的政治保障

    Socialist rule of law is political guarantee to build a harmonious socialist society

  26. 牢固树立社会主义法治理念依法履行司法行政各项职能

    Upholding Socialist Legal Conception and Performing the Functions of Judicial Administration according to Law

  27. 社会主义法治要求刑事法律体系完整、统一和协调。

    Socialist law-ruling requires integrity , unity and harmonization of the criminal law system .

  28. 依法行政与建设社会主义法治国家

    Administration According to Law and the Building of a Socialist Country of Legal System

  29. 社会主义法治理念的提出,是马克思主义法律观中国化的最新理论成果。

    Socialist legal concept is the sinicization of Marxist legal concept latest theoretical achievements .

  30. 这一切都与我国建设社会主义法治国家的宏旨不相符合。

    All are not complied with the principle of building the Socialistic nomocracy nation .