
  • 网络Social reformism;meliorism
  1. 约翰·阿特金森·霍布森(JohnAtkinsonHobson,1858~1940)是英国新自由主义政治思想家、经济学家、社会改良主义者、帝国主义理论的创立者。

    John Atkinson Hobson was an English Neoliberalism political thinker , economist , social reformist and the creator of imperialism theory .

  2. 约翰·密尔是英国19世纪功利主义思想家,社会改良主义者。

    John Stuart Mill was an English utilitarian philosopher and social reformist in the 19th century .

  3. 它不涉及社会主义与资本主义间的意识形态争论及制度选择,而是资本主义社会内部出现的一种社会改良主义。

    It does not involve ideology argument and system choice between the socialism and the capitalism , but is one kind of reformism that the capitalist society interiorly appears . What the Third Path ?