
  1. 为构建社会主义文艺学体系努力

    Strive Hard to Establish Socialist Literature and Art System

  2. 试论社会主义文艺的审美理想

    On the Aesthetic Ideals of Socialist Literature

  3. 在坚持先进文化中繁荣和发展社会主义文艺

    How to Promote and Develop the Socialist Literature and Art in Insisting on the Advanced Culture

  4. 坚持无产阶级立场是社会主义文艺的本质特征。

    To persist in the proletarian stand is one aspect of the essence of socialist art and literature .

  5. 当代中国民族民间舞蹈创作是中国当代文化建设的重要组成部分,尤其要认识到其具有鲜明中国特色的社会主义文艺属性。

    It is an important part of the whole construction of Chinese contemporary culture , especially has vivid socialist attribute with Chinese characteristic .

  6. 研究、整理民族民间文艺资料,探讨它的美学潜质,对繁荣社会主义文艺具有重要价值。

    It is of great importance to the prosperity of socialist literature and art to study and collate the resources and explore their aesthetic potential .

  7. 中国古代文艺伦理思想十分丰富,其中既有糟粕,更有精华,总结其特点,有利于社会主义文艺的发展。

    China ancient morals thought of literature and art is rich , we are reject the dross and assimilate the essence , for benefit develop of socialism 's literature and art .

  8. 恩格斯关于艺术典型特别是如何真实地再现典型环境中的典型人物的论述,对繁荣社会主义文艺具有重要意义。

    Engles ' theory of art model , especially his exposition on how to reproduce authentically the typical characters in typical surroundings , is of great significance for the flourishment of socialist literature and art .

  9. 社会主义文艺是由社会主义经济基础的性质所决定的,因此它有着与过去时代、资本主义社会文艺不同的性质和特征,社会主义文艺体现着社会主义的阶级性、人民性和党性。

    The socialist literature is decided by the socialist economic base , therefore it has the nature and characteristics which is different from the literature of the past Capitalist society . The socialist literature embodies the nature of class , the people and Communist Party of socialism .

  10. 摘要“无边的现实主义”的提出,冲破了从列宁、斯大林以来在一些社会主义国家文艺理论界占统治地位的左的、狭隘的文艺理论束缚,扩大马克思主义文艺理论的视界和宽容度。

    " Limitless realism " shakes off the shackles set by the provincial literary theories of the left in some socialist countries since Lenin and Stalin times , and broadens the vision and tolerance of Marxist literary theories .

  11. 中国革命文艺从一开始就深受苏联社会主义现实主义文艺理论的影响,并且一直受其影响。

    The revolutionary literature and art of China was influenced deeply by the socialism realism of Soviet Union all along .

  12. 在开放性文化视野中,根植于有中国特色社会主义实践的文艺创新必须具有世界性、开放性、继承性,并保持鲜明的民族性。

    In the open cultural view , literary and artistic innovation rooted in the socialist practice must be global , open , inheriting , and retain its national characters .

  13. 《太阳照在桑干河上》是她转型后的代表性作品,被誉为具有社会主义现实主义文艺最根本的特征。

    " The Sun Is Shining over the Sanggan River ", her representative work after transformation , has been hailed as having the fundamental characteristics of socialist realistic art and literature .

  14. “新英雄”理念是社会主义现实主义文艺思潮的重要美学范畴,也是革命文学英雄叙事文本建构的核心规范。

    The idea of " New Hero " works not only as an important aesthetic category in the socialist realist literary trend , but as a kernel norm in the textual construction of revolutionary literary Hero narratives as well .