
  • 网络value form
  1. 试论价值形式的基本含义及其与价值和价格的关系

    On the Fundamental Implication of the Value Form and Its Relationship With Value and Price

  2. 效率与公正是一对既相互协调又相互矛盾的法律价值形式。

    Efficiency and justice is a pair of mutually harmonious and contradictory legal value form .

  3. 资本在本质上一种价值形式。

    The capital is a form of value in nature .

  4. 依法治国是政治文明的价值形式;

    To run the country according to the law is its form ;

  5. 简单的或偶然的价值形式

    Elementary or accidental form of value

  6. 这样,生产要素便在资本的支配下以价值形式体现出来。

    Thereby , factors of production under the dominance of capital take the forms of values .

  7. 总和的或扩大的价值形式

    Total or expanded form of value

  8. 音乐的价值形式

    Value Form of Music

  9. 价值形式的双重等式证明了价格是商品价值和使用价值的综合表现。

    The double equation of the value form shows that price is the comprehensive manifestation of commodity value and its usefulness .

  10. 从人力资本的属性、内容、价值形式、资本收益形式等方面探讨了人力资本的概念与新内涵。

    The concept and new connotation of human capital in attribution , content , form of value and income aspects are discussed .

  11. 衡量生产要素贡献大小与收益多少,可借助于社会财富的价值形式和边际分析的方法。

    When measuring the contribution and value of production factors , the value pattern and marginal analytical method of social wealth is employed .

  12. 在价值形式上则表现为农村资源净产值和环境净产值的损失。

    And it is shown as the loss of the net production value of the rural resources and environment in the value form .

  13. 在薪酬激励领域的应用研究中,发现了预期参照点效应、得失强度效应以及价值形式效应。

    We also found the " reference point effects ", " gain and loss intensity effects ", and " value form effects " in the salary motive study .

  14. 货币作为独立的价值形式,能单方面转移价值,商品交易在信用关系下进行,使经济的发展建立在契约关系的基础上;

    Money again as an independent value unit can transfer unilaterally value . The commodity transaction under the credit relationship stimulates the economic development on the basis of contracts .

  15. 高等院校人才成本是指一定时期培养每个学生所消耗的全部费用,即所耗费的物化劳动和活劳动的价值形式的总和。

    The cost of talented person in university defines the all cost to train each student in a certain period , i.e. the sum of oriented labor and live labor .

  16. 生命是人的诸多价值形式中的最基本形态,随着生活压力的增大,青少年不健康的行为取向亦日益增多,因此,加强他们的生命教育势在必行。

    Life is a most basic shape in person 's forms of value , along with life pressure increasing , the young people 's bad behavior has been increasing day by day .

  17. 先秦诸子时代是中国思想发展的一个重要时期,它确立了中国文化最为重要的价值形式和人之安身立命之所。

    Pre-Qin times is a very important period for the development of ideas in China in that it shapes the most important form of value for Chinese culture and the form of a settled life .

  18. 企业信息化必然要投入信息资源,结果会引起组织资源配置的变化和重新组合,以货币价值形式计量、分析、评价这一过程就是信息资源会计的主要职能。

    The devotion of information resource to enterprises results in the change and recombination of organization resource . The main function of information resource accounting is to measure , analyze and assess the above mentioned procedure .

  19. 大机器生产把人们的劳动变为最简单的劳动,从而使整个社会劳动普遍化和抽象化;普遍化和抽象化的劳动为价值形式在全社会的确立提供了实践基础。

    The industrial machine production shapes the labor into simplest form thus the whole social labor has been generalized and abstracted . By so doing , generalized and abstracted labor provides the establishment of value form a practical basis in the whole society .

  20. 构建生态补偿机制应遵循谁利用谁补偿,谁受益(损害)谁付费的原则,实现对生态功能或价值形式补偿或实物形式的补偿。

    During the process of structuring Eco-Compensation Mechanism , the principle " who utilizes will compensate , who benefits ; or who damages , who compensates " should be followed , in order to realize the ecological function in the form of value or material object .

  21. 而审美价值语言形式的不匹配是其内部因素。

    But the unmatched esthetic value language form is its internal factor .

  22. 本文主要从思想表现价值和形式表现价值来探讨他的小说创作。

    This article mainly discusses his novels from the performance-value of thinking and form .

  23. 劳动价值补偿形式是按要素分配。

    So the compensation for labor value must be assigned based on factors of production .

  24. 无形资产的系统摊销没有反映其价值消耗形式。

    And amortization measures do not reflect the decline in the economic value of intangible assets during the period .

  25. 在不同的历史时期,公、私法在价值、形式理性上的确定性是不同的。

    In varied period , public law and private law are different in the certainty of the value and formal reason .

  26. 影像地图作为一种信息载体,其整体形象的信息价值和形式要求是不容忽视的。

    As the carrier of information , the informational value and format demand of the integral visualization in image atlas is not ignorable .

  27. 为此,本文对国际会计准则进行了系统分析,提出用历史成本+公允价值的形式对生物资产进行计量。

    Therefore , the text analyzes the new standard , advices to use the historical cost and fairness value to measure the biological assets .

  28. 空白美的艺术价值及其形式况味的解读,是本文探研的重点内容。

    The article below will mainly approach and study the artistic value and the function of the form of the beauty without Chinese ink .

  29. 美国人的档案有着不朽的价值,形式多样、功能各异的美国档案馆一直服务于美国人的记忆。

    The American record has enduring value and America 's archives – in all their diversity of form and function – serve as its memory .

  30. 成本,作为生产资料其他潜在使用方式的价值表现形式,构成了社会总资产负债表的负债项目。

    Costs as an expression of the value of other potential employment of means of production constitute the liability items in the social balance sheet .