
jià zhí shí tǐ
  • Value Entity;subsistence of value
  1. 劳动作为价值实体的一元性新论

    A New Monistic Perspective : Labor as an Entity of Value

  2. 这一危机的根源在于传统哲学和唯科学主义都具有价值实体主义本质。

    The traditional philosophy and scientism both hold value-substantialism .

  3. 论新经济条件下的价值实体与价值尺度

    On the substance of value and measure of value under the new economic condition

  4. 本文的基本思路是,首先提出和论证人力资源的价值实体和价值决定,揭示和阐述人所拥有的知识和技能在经济活动中实现的人力资源资本化的转变。

    Basic thought of this paper is to put forward and prove value entity and value of human resource .

  5. 根据马克思关于商品价值实体的概念和商品价值相对性原理,衡量各种劳动创造价值的能力的尺度应该是社会平均劳动而非简单劳动。

    According to Marx , the measure to weigh the ability of creating value is not simple labor but social labor on average .

  6. 新经济条件下的价值实体是脑力劳动,能动性、创新程度是脑力劳动价值量的尺度。

    Under the new economic condition , the substance of value is the mental labor . Man 's subjective initiative and innovative degree is the yardstick of the magnitude of value .

  7. 价值的实体是劳动,是人类劳动力的生产耗费。

    The substance of value is the expense of human productive labor .

  8. 民事诉讼程序的理想价值&实体公正与程序公正的统一

    Entity of Substantial and Procedural Justice on Pursuit of the Ideal Value

  9. 公诉的价值包括实体正义、程序正义和诉讼效益。

    The value of public procedure includes substantive justice , procedural justice and procedural interest .

  10. 独立的量刑程序具备四项价值:实体正义价值、程序正义价值、权利保障价值、权力制约价值。

    The independent sentencing debate procedure has four capital functions : substantive justice function , procedure justice function , gurantee of human rights , and restriction of powers .

  11. 民事判决书的正义价值包括实体正义价值和程序正义价值,从程序正义角度分析判决书价值具有更加重要的意义。

    The value of justice contains value of the body justice and the procedure justice , and it has more important meaning to analyze the value of judgment from the view of the procedure justice .

  12. 本文正是从慎重对待死刑的角度出发,结合我国的司法实际,对死刑复核程序的基本问题进行了探讨,希望可以从中得出一些对我们有借鉴意义的程序价值和实体规则。

    This article embarks from the prudent treatment of death penalty , which unifies our country ' the judicial reality , has carried on the discussion to the basic question of the death penalty review procedure .

  13. OTS对于供给商和客户之间的贸易往来是一个对双方均有益的价值提升的实体。

    OTS is a value added entity in the business transaction between suppliers and clients for the benefit of both parties .

  14. 外汇管理体制对虚拟价值增殖与实体经济运动的影响分析

    Influence and Analysis of Foreign Exchange Control System on the Proliferation of Fictitious Value and the Movement of Real Economy

  15. 民事诉讼程序的外在价值&保障实体公正、保护民事权利、树立司法权威;

    The external value of civil litigation procedure-insuring justice of entity , protecting civil right and setting the pace of judiciary authority ;

  16. 在此基础上,将税收执法程序的外在价值概括为实体正义,其内在价值则体现为程序正义和程序效率。

    Then , the external value of the tax enforcement procedure is summarized as substantive justice , and its intrinsic value is reflected as procedural justice and procedural efficiency .

  17. 程序过程具有独立性价值而不是实体的附属物,其本身的正当性是实现实体正当性的前提条件,与实体处于同等的地位。

    The procedure process provides with some unattached value , and isn 't entity 's attachment . Moreover , its own justice is premise condition of carrying out entity justice , and their status is uniform .

  18. 本文以网络经济下的虚拟价值链和实体价值链的整合分析为基点,探讨了价值链整合后会计的一些相关问题。

    Based on the conformity of the virtual value chain ( VC ) and the real value chain in the network economy , the article discusses some problems on the accounting after the value chain 's conformity .

  19. 本文试从制定规制外资并购的反垄断法的背景、价值取向、实体法、程序法规则以及其执行机构等几个方面阐述对外资并购反垄断法规制的必要性和可行性。

    This paper focuses on the background , the direction of the value , the entity and the procedure law and the administer institution , and discusses the necessity and feasibility of the regulation of the foreign funds ' incorporation .

  20. 价值不是一种实体概念,而是一种关系概念。

    Value is not a concept of substance , but of relationship .

  21. 其价值包括有形的实体的价值和无形的服务的价值。

    Its value includes the value of tangible tangible value and aeriform service .

  22. 教育立法的价值可分为实体价值和程序价值。

    The values of educational legislation can compartmentalized to substantiality values and process values .

  23. 程序公正的价值&兼议实体公正与程序公正冲突的解决

    The Value of Procedural Justice-On the Settlement of Conflicts between Substantive Justice and Procedural Justice

  24. 产品是品牌的实体,产品的实体生产价值是品牌的实体价值功能的具体体现。

    The product is physical entity of its brand , whose the production value concretely manifestoes its value functions .

  25. 其次,阿里巴巴可以有许多办法把价值转移给相关实体,而阻止它这么做的机制却十分脆弱。

    Then , there are many ways to divert value to affiliated entities , but there are weak mechanisms to prevent this .

  26. 程序的外在价值是程序实现实体法价值的价值,包括秩序和公正价值。

    While , its outer value is to achieve the value of the entitative law in the formality , including order and just value .

  27. 以实体公正为本位、忽视程序的相对独立价值常常会使实体正义的实现陷入困境,说明程序正义是具有独立价值的。

    Valuing entity justice but neglecting procedure independence value often brings entity justice into dilemma , which suggests that procedure justice is of independent value .

  28. 民事执行的价值以其实现实体法律文书内容和当事人合法权益的工具效能为内涵。

    Civil enforcement value means that the content of entity law paper should be realized and the lawful interest of the parties should be protected .

  29. 法律的正义性是司法正义的内在价值,既包括实体法的正义性,也包括程序法的正义性。

    The justice of law is the intrinsic value of the judicial justice , including the justice of substantive law and the justice of procedure law .

  30. 程序的价值首先在于保证实体价值实现的工具性,此外它还具有独立性、终局性和增加当事人对案件处理的实体结果的可接受程度等价值。

    The value of procedural justice consists in the instrumental value that guarantees the substantive merits , the independent and terminative value , and value of increasing the acceptability of the substantive result of a case .