
  • 网络Effective labor;useful labor;productive labor
  1. 通过引入强可分的效用函数和含有有效劳动时间的生产函数,得到一个具有内生生育率的Cass-Koopmans经济增长模型。

    By introducting a strongly divisible utility function and a production function with effective labor , we get an improved Cass Coopmans model with endogenous fertility .

  2. 运用价值理论分析了有效劳动增加是经济增长的根本原因。

    From the theories of value , effective labor is the fundamental for economic growth .

  3. 附加值(ValueAdded)是附加价值的简称,是在产品的原有价值的基础上,通过生产过程中的有效劳动新创造的价值。

    Value Added , called additional value for short . On products ' original value , it is a new value from valid labor in production process .

  4. 随后利用改进的有效劳动模型分析人力资本对经济增长的影响。

    Using effective labor model to get the affection of human capital on economic growth .

  5. 次一级的模型包括有效劳动模型、固定资本模型、生产费用模型和土地生产潜力模型。

    Sub-models are effective labor model , fixed capital model , productive cost model and land productivity model .

  6. 将新古典经济增长模型、有效劳动模型和人力资本外部性模型相结合,并对上述模型的不足进行了改进,建立了一个相对完善的分析人力资本在高技术产业增长中贡献的定量模型。

    The paper combines and upswings New Classical Economic Model , Effective Labor Model and Human Capital Externality Model .

  7. 农牧业生产模型由资本、有效劳动和土地生产力构成,其弹性系数依次下降。

    Agriculture-stock raising production model is composed of capital , effective labor and land productivity , and the elastic coefficients descend in turn .

  8. 在产品的原有价值的基础上,通过生产过程中的有效劳动新创造的价值。

    Added value means the new value which is created through the effective work in the process of manufacturing based on the original value .

  9. 然后利用有效劳动模型计算出劳动力再配置对经济发展的贡献率。

    Then we calculate the contribution rate that the reallocation of agricultural sector labor produced on the development of economy using the model of effective labor .

  10. 摘要以人力资本溢出模型和有效劳动模型为基础,通过教育年限法分析了青岛市人力资本积累与外溢对经济增长的影响。

    By employing the human capital overflow model and the valid labor model , this paper analyses how the human capital accumulation of Qingdao influences economic growth .

  11. 本文在卢卡斯人力资本外溢模型和有效劳动模型的基础上,通过将简单劳动力和人力资本进行分离的方法对模型进行改进。

    Based on the Lucas Human Capital Model and the Valid-labor Spill Model , this paper set up a new model through the separation of simple labor and human capital .

  12. 企业制定内部适用的规章制度是法律赋予的一项重要权利,是组织生产经营、进行有效劳动管理的重要手段。

    Law endows enterprises with an important right to establish their own rules and regulations , which is a significant method to organize business production and to manage business effectively .

  13. 然后用有效劳动模型和人力资本外部性内生经济增长模型对中国经济增长的贡献进行实证研究。

    Latterly in this paper , some endogenous economics growth model that included effective Labor models and human capital externalities models were served as empirical tool for further empirical analysis .

  14. 强调,价值的真正来源是有效劳动,而在社会化生产中,劳动的有效程度与劳动间的协调水平密切相关。

    During the socializing production , the effective degree of labor is depended on the coordination between labors , and coordination is becoming the motive power of the development of society with the society pushing on .

  15. 其次,论文在人力资本溢出模型和有效劳动模型的分析框架内,结合大量数据,对西部地区人力资本脑力素质积累及其溢出的增长效应进行了实证分析。

    Secondly based on the human capital spillover model and effective labor model , by using a large amount of data , the paper analyses the human capital accumulation and its spillover effect on the economic growth .

  16. 对于中国农业集体化经济绩效的解释,既有文献的主要结论是集体农业内部平均主义的分配方式导致对有效劳动投入的激励不足。

    As for the explanation on economic performance of the Agricultural Co-operation in China , the dominating conclusion of existing works is that equalitarianism within collective agriculture damaged the peasants and exerted negative impact on their incentive .

  17. 另一方面,通过人力资本有效劳动模型的分析,从而证明人力资本的间接贡献是人力资本有效劳动模型贡献减去外部性贡献。

    On the other hand , the research prove that indirect contribution of human capital equals that contribution of human capital in effective model deducts contribution of human capital in outside model throng analysis of effective model .

  18. 直接经济成本指治疗疾病过程中所发生的医疗服务费用和其他相关费用;间接经济成本是指患者的有效劳动时间损失,以及陪护人员因工作时间减少所导致的损失。

    The direct economic cost is the payment of medical and other relative services which should be taken in the curing process ; correspondingly , the indirect cost is suffers ' loss of efficient work time , and the loss for caring patients by cutting work time .

  19. 通过对马克思劳动价值理论、边际效用理论、生产费用理论、创新理论的分析,笔者认为,有效劳动价值理论是域名价值形成的理论基础。

    In Chapter Two , through the analysis of Marx 's labor value theory , marginal utility theory , producing cost theory , " innovating " theory , the author thinks , the effective labor value theory is the theoretical foundation on which the value of the domain names form .

  20. 加强人力资源管理有效防范劳动争议

    To Reinforce Human Resources Management and to Avoid Labor Disputes Effectively

  21. 天才就是更好、更有效的劳动。

    Genius is the power to better and more availably .

  22. 建立有效的劳动关系调整机制是完善市场经济体制的必然要求。

    It is the inevitable request for perfecting the market economic system to establish effective the labor relation mechanism of adjusting .

  23. 在法律框架下解决农民工欠薪问题必须依据合法有效的劳动合同。

    Under the frame of legal system , the effective contract is a main factor to solve the problem of deferring rural workers ' salary .

  24. 合法有效的劳动合同是用人单位与劳动者之间维护各自权益,实现双赢目的的有效途径。

    Legal and effective labor contract is the useful way that the employment unit and the laborer protect each right , get the aim of double-win .

  25. 现行劳动争议与诉讼制度存在的问题已对及时、有效解决劳动纠纷产生了一定的不良影响。

    The current system of arbitration and lawsuit on labor disputes are confronted with problems , which have posed negative influence on effective settlement of labor disputes .

  26. 无固定期限合同是很多市场经济国家通常适用的也是被证明最有效稳定劳动关系的合同期限。

    Labor contract with unfixed term is applied commonly in many marketing countries , and it is indicated as the most effective contract term that can make labor relations stable .

  27. 探讨用人单位制定劳动规章的法律依据,合法有效的劳动规章应当具备的法律要件,用人单位劳动规章与劳动合同和集体合同的法律关系等诸方面问题。

    Talked about such problems : the legislative authority of the rules the employer made , the element of law of the lawful labor rules , the jural relation of the labor rules with the labor contracts and the collective contracts .

  28. 运用CFD配合设计后期针对性的实验验证可以有效的减少劳动和研究经费的投入。

    It has been widely proved that taking CFD combined with last-phase experimental validation can effectively cut down the input of labor and research investments .

  29. 只有处理好劳动合同的法律适用问题,实践中才能公平、有效的解决劳动争议。

    Only deal with the labor contract law is applicable to problems in practice can be fair and effective resolution of labor disputes .

  30. 通过培训,员工素质的整体水平将不断提高,从而有效地提高劳动生产率,改善企业效率和效益。

    Proper training results in improvement of overall employee qualification , which effectively improves productivity thus optimizing the efficiency and profitability of the company .