
yǒu ɡuān bù mén
  • Relevant departments;the department concerned
  1. 我们跟有关部门联系过,知道那个会将按原计划举行。

    We have checked with the Department concerned and find that the meeting will take place as planned .

  2. 有关部门将授予荣誉证书。

    The Department concerned will give to a certificate of honor .

  3. 信息反馈给政府有关部门。

    The information is fed back to the government department concerned .

  4. 承包合同需要有关部门的监证。

    All contracts for responsibility must be checked and affirmed by departments concerned .

  5. 有关部门对这种做法亮了红灯。

    Authorities concerned have forbidden such a practice .

  6. 上述困难,深望有关部门予以妥善解决。

    We earnestly hope that the departments concerned will find appropriate solutions to the problems mentioned above .

  7. 一些非有关部门工作的建议的产生,标志了在部分职工中的广泛兴趣、机智和关心企业的精神素质。

    The presence of non-task-oriented ideas is a sign of broad interest , concern , and alertness on the part of the employees .

  8. 另一半的建造不得不暂停,因为美国联邦航空管理局和国家运输安全委员会的有关部门正在研究哪里出了问题。

    The other half will have to wait , as authorities of America 's Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) and National Transportation Safety Board work out what went wrong .

  9. 经国家有关部门批准后,会根据疫情防控需要在这一人群中推动接种。

    Following approval by relevant authorities , vaccination prevention and control situation .

  10. 教育行政部门应当会同有关部门健全教职工从业禁止人员名单和查询机制。此外,意见稿还就人身安全、人格权益、受教育权等多项权益保护作了规定。

    Education authorities should work with other departments to improve a black list of those banned from being teachers and make the list more accessible .

  11. 交警表示,居民可以向他们报告这些“僵尸车”,有关部门将联系车主或把车辆拖走。

    Traffic police said residents can report the " zombie cars " to them and authorities will either contact the owners or tow the cars away .

  12. 北京市有关部门表示要采取行动治理每年春天都困扰首都居民的飞絮,到2020年彻底解决该问题。

    The Beijing authorities have vowed1 to take action on the floating fluffy2 tree seeds that irritate capital residents every spring , ending the problem by 2020 .

  13. 县级以上各级人民政府其他有关部门在各自的职责范围内,负责有关的教育工作。

    Other departments concerned under the people 's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the related educational work within the scope of their functions and duties .

  14. 各级党委和政府及有关部门要把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位,采取切实有效措施,坚决遏制疫情蔓延势头。

    The Party committees and governments at all levels must put people 's safety and health as the top priority and take effective measures to curb the spread of the virus .

  15. 声明表示,所有在建的塑胶跑道都将暂停,有关部门要对招标过程及相关修建合同进行审查,确保质量的情况下才可继续施工。

    Construction of all synthetic racetracks are to be suspended until the bidding process and the contracts for the construction had been reviewed by authorities to ensure their quality , it said .

  16. 有关部门要落实好防护物资、生活物资保障,落实好工资待遇、临时性工资补助、卫生防疫津贴待遇,尽快出台关心关爱一线医务人员的政策措施。

    The relevant authorities should guarantee the supply of protective materials and daily necessities , implement payment and subsidy policies , and take measures to protect medical workers ’ interests as soon as possible .

  17. 北京市有关部门发布的规划文件指出,北京计划建设数字贸易试验区,以进一步推动技术创新及服务产业和数字经济对外开放。

    Beijing is planning to build a pilot digital trade zone in a bid to boost technological innovation and opening-up of its services sector and digital economy , according to plans released by Beijing authorities on Monday .

  18. 通知提出,长江流域禁捕是保护长江和加强生态文明建设的重要举措,沿江各地政府和各有关部门要细化完善各项政策措施,全面抓好落实。

    As the fishing ban in the Yangtze River basin is an important measure to protect the river and improve the ecological environment , local governments and related departments should roll out specific policies and measures to ensure its implementation , the circular said .

  19. 海南省要敢于担当、主动作为,以钉钉子精神夯实自由贸易港建设基础。中央和国家有关部门要支持海南大胆改革创新,推动海南自由贸易港建设不断取得新成效。

    Local government of Hainan should act boldly and proactively to accomplish the goal of laying a solid foundation for the construction of the Hainan free trade port , while central authorities should support Hainan 's daring reforms and innovation , pushing for new achievements in the construction of the port .

  20. 信贷集中风险有可能使国有商业银行的不良贷款比率呈U形走势,应当引起有关部门的足够重视。

    The relative departments should pay more attention to the problem of loans ' concentration because it can make the NPLs ' ratio fluctuating as " U " in the future .

  21. 本文简要介绍和分析了美国和欧盟目前对如何管制Internet电话业务的立场,并建议有关部门应重视制定相关法规,以对Internet电话业务加以规范,保证整个电信市场健康有序地发展。

    The article briefly introduces and analyzes the position given by USA and European Union on how to control Internet business , and gives the suggestion to make related laws and decrees in order to standardize telephone business and to develop the whole telecom market healthily and orderly .

  22. 当地有关部门认定是流星导致的。

    Local authorities determined it was made by a shooting star .

  23. 材料及时地交给了有关部门。

    The material was handed over to the department just in time .

  24. 俄罗斯有关部门希望能尽快开始大规模生产这款疫苗。

    Russian authorities are hoping to put it into mass production soon .

  25. 约翰斯顿说,科内特曾让他将这颗牙齿交给有关部门鉴定,但他拒绝了。

    Johnston said Kraft asked him to submit the tooth for testing .

  26. 有关部门仍在判断具体的损失金额。

    Authorities are still working to determine how much money was lost .

  27. 有关部门正在疏浚河道,恢复河道交通。

    Authorities are dredging a channel to allow river traffic to resume .

  28. 有关部门正在搜寻一名驾驶一辆深色越野车的嫌疑人。

    Authorities are searching for a suspect seen driving a dark-colored SUV .

  29. 有关部门正在调查该名女士是如何被感染的。

    Authorities are trying to how the woman was infected .

  30. 有关部门已排除了事故与恐怖主义活动的关联。

    Authorities ruled out possibility of terrorism in the accident .