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  1. 在农村打破工分制而代之以大包干的分配制度。

    In rural areas , Workpoint System was replaced by an All-round Contract System .

  2. 在工分制下,他们保证农活的质量,但也显示出漂亮的挣工分策略。

    In the Work Points System , they assure the quality of farm working , and also show a brilliant strategy to get the work points .

  3. 在互助组到高级合作社的发展过程中,参与式的国家动员吸引了大量的农民,他们为了集体经济的利益和合作社社员的身份在工分制下进行劳动生产。

    In the process from mutual-aid team to advanced cooperative , participatory state mobilization attracts massive peasants , who work in Work Points System as a member of the cooperative for the collective economic interest .

  4. 在计划经济时代,我国实行的是具有浓厚平均主义和供给制色彩的个人收入分配制度,在农村里实行平均主义的工分制,在城市里实行固定的平均主义级别工资制。

    During the times of planned economic system , China pursued an individual income distribution system featured by equalitarianism and rations system , with a workpoint system in rural areas and fixed scaled wage system in urban areas .

  5. 我们必须开始严肃地看待这整个一工分做制问题。

    We must begin to look seriously at the whole question of job sharing .

  6. 本研究探讨了普通社员和干部这两个群体在工分问题上的行为、观念及其异同,也探讨了不同类型的农户在工分制下的不同选择。

    This study explores the behavior , perception , their similarities and differences on the issue of work points in ordinary members and cadres , also explores different options of different types of fanners under the workpoint system .