
  • 网络Tuva;Tuvans
  1. 马布苏湖(UvsNuurLake)是世界遗产,为俄罗斯联邦的图瓦共和国(TuvaRepublic)和蒙古国共同拥有。

    Uvs Nuur Lake , shared with Tuva Republic of the Russian Federation , is a natural World Heritage Site .

  2. 新疆阿勒泰地区图瓦人与邻近人群遗传关系初探

    Genetic relationships between Tuva population and the neighboring populations in the Altai Region of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

  3. 北非游牧民族图瓦雷克(Touareg)人会让8、9岁的男孩去照料一只幼年骆驼。

    At 8 or 9 years old , boys among the Touareg , a nomadic people in North Africa , get a baby camel to care for .

  4. 这图语就是我们今天要拜访的图瓦族的语言。

    Daur is the language spoken by the Daur ethnic people , which we 're going to visit today .

  5. 其实最有图瓦族特色的是那些散落在村中的小木屋。

    In fact , the most salient Daur ethnic features are shown by those little wooden houses scattered in the village .

  6. 晚上10点之后连为应对生化危机的演练我也不做了…本来我是做一名“呼麦”大师但我放弃了。(注:源于图瓦族用喉咙歌唱的技能)

    I no longer stage spontaneous biohazard drills after 10:00 p.m. And I abandoned my goal to master Tuvan throat singing .

  7. 他收拾好自己的摄影器材,与朋友一起走到车旁,开车前往一个图瓦村庄。

    He packed up his photo equipment and walked with his friend to their car to drive to an ethnic Tuvan village .

  8. 2007年9月,当油价飙升时,普京赤裸上身在西伯利亚南部图瓦共和国打猎的照片亮相。

    In September 2007 , when oil was soaring , a bare-chested Mr Putin was pictured ( right ) out hunting in the Tuva Republic , southern Siberia .

  9. 詹金斯去了位于中国西北部的阿尔泰山脉,这里也是哈萨克斯坦,蒙古和西伯利亚这3个国家交汇的地方——“差不多正好位于亚洲中部”——这里的图瓦人有着至少4千年的滑雪历史。

    Jenkins went to the Altai Mountains inNorthwest China , about where Kazakhstan , Mongolia and Siberia cometogether - " kind of dead-center Central Asia " - where the Tuvan people have been skiing for at least4000 years .

  10. 位于阿斯图里亚斯自治区西北部的纳瓦市是今年的黄金中奖地。新疆阿勒泰地区图瓦人与邻近人群遗传关系初探

    The biggest share of winning tickets was bought by people in the town of Nava , in the north-western Asturias region . Genetic relationships between Tuva population and the neighboring populations in the Altai Region of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region