
  • 网络photography;Commercial Photography
  1. Robinson还指责该法律,称其对商业摄影的定义很模糊,它似乎也适用于是摄影师与Bieber安排好在超速的情况下拍摄照片这一说法。

    Robinson faulted the law 's vague definition of commercial photography , saying it could also apply to a photographer speeding to reach an arranged photo shoot with Bieber .

  2. 商业摄影占去了他大量的时间。

    Commercial photography occupied much of his time .

  3. 2010年,加州颁布了从事商业摄影时危险驾车一律视为违法行为的这一规定,名人摄影师PaulRaef成为了此项法律制定以来第一个被起诉的对象。

    Celebrity photographer Paul Raef was the first person to be prosecuted under the state 's 2010 law that criminalizes dangerous driving when taking photos commercially .

  4. 最终,应用一款莱卡的商业摄影测量软件LPS9.2生成了月球近南极区域约7万平方公里大小,重叠率大于60%区域的DEM和DOM。

    In the end , we use a business application software named Leica Photogrammetry System ( LPS ) 9.2 to generate a DEM and DOM of lunar south pole area with 70,000 square kilometers , whose overlap rate of the Clementine images are more than 60 % .

  5. 关于家具产品商业摄影问题的探讨

    Discuss on Issues of the Commercially Photographing Furniture Products

  6. 广告商业摄影上海为您的产品册,宣传册及网络销售提供图片的完美解决方案。

    Expect print-ready photographs , which you can use for your next brochure , catalog or online shop .

  7. 到今天,方释已经成为深圳商业摄影圈中为人熟知的一个名字。

    With their emotion for photography , Fangshi turns out to be a well-known name in Shenzhen fashion industry .

  8. 商业摄影,顾名思义是指作为商业用途而开展的摄影活动。

    Commercial photography , just as its name implies is to point to as a commercial purposes in photography activities .

  9. 深圳蓝格摄影与设计机构是集合商业摄影、平面设计为一体的商业视觉创作团队。

    Lange Vision Photography Studio is a company of creative visual arts practitioners giving services on professional commercial photography and graphic design .

  10. 尽管此法针对的是商业摄影者,但普通游客恐怕也可能被起诉,并接受罚款甚至坐牢的处罚。

    While the law is aimed at commercial photographers , there are fears ordinary holidaymakers could be prosecuted and face a fine or even a jail sentence .

  11. 读图时代的到来使得商业摄影在现代平面设计中的应用非常广泛,商业摄影以独具的影像魅力,在平面设计中占据极其重要的位置。

    The arrival of " Reading Pictures " makes the commercial photography widely used in the modern graphic design . It plays special role in commercial photography with its unique features and charm .

  12. 我公司拥有高品质的商业级摄影器材。后期处理全部由苹果电脑完成。

    A case in point , Apple computers are inclusively used for post-production in our company .

  13. 技术与新媒介在最近十多年来高速发展,商业广告摄影的表现方式也在这一过程中悄悄的发生着改变。

    With the rapid development of digital technique and new media in this decade , expression of commercial advertising photography has been changed .

  14. 而作为我们视觉经历对象之一的商业广告摄影也名正言顺的成为了社会生活中不可忽视、实实在在的物质力量。

    Consequently , commercial advertising photography , as one of our visual experience objects , is perfectly justifiable of being material force which cannot be neglected .

  15. 本文所要讨论的问题首先是界定在商业人像摄影这个范畴,其次是数码技术下的商业人像摄影。

    This paper tries to discuss the issues first is defined in this category in commercial portrait photography , followed by digital technology of commercial portrait photography .

  16. 同时作为摄影艺术的一个分支,商业广告摄影同样也有其独特的视觉表现语言,它伴随着消费文化渗透到我们生活的方方面面。

    Meanwhile , as one branch of photography , commercial advertising photography has its unique visual language , which is penetrating into every aspect of our life accompanying with consumer culture .

  17. 深入透彻地分析探讨数码商业人像的审美层面,对商业人像摄影的的实践和消费者审美的提高是很有意义的。

    In-depth analyzes the aesthetic level like digital business , the commercial portrait photography of practice and improve consumer aesthetic is very meaningful .