
  1. 从商业银行借款比较高。

    There is a higher cost of funding with commercial banks .

  2. 或者中央政府也可能从商业银行借款并加快发展债券市场。

    Alternatively , the government might borrow from commercial banks and accelerate development of a bond market .

  3. 有意思的是,虽然他还是南充小额贷款公司的客户,但他也能够从传统的商业银行借款了。

    Interestingly , although he remains a client of MicroCred Nanchong , he has been able to borrow from a traditional commercial bank .

  4. 违约金按照合理比例收取,使风险在商业银行和借款者之间能够得到最优分摊。

    Default fine in accordance with a reasonable proportion , so that risks between commercial banks and borrowers will get the optimal sharing .

  5. 在商业银行与借款者之间,既存在事前非对称信息,又存在事后非对称信息,使之产生信贷风险。

    There is not only ex ante nonsymmetric information , but also ex post nonsymmetric information between the commercial banks and the borrowers , and then lead to produce the credit risk .

  6. 商业信用与银行借款的替代关系及其反周期性:1998-2006年

    Substitution between Trade Credit and Bank Borrowing and Its Counter Cyclical Phenomenon : From 1998 to 2006

  7. 在购车人与汽车经销商之间的形成买卖法律关系,购车人、汽车经销商与商业银行之间形成借款法律关系,购车人、商业银行与保险公司之间形成保险法律关系。

    They are car buyer , car dealer , commercial bank , insurance company . Business legal relationship is between car buyer and car dealer . Loan legal relationship is in car buyer , car dealer and commercial bank .