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  1. 所有的殖民地都要求唯有相信三位一体之神的人方可任公职。

    All colonies required belief in the Triune God for office-holding .

  2. 按照规定,只有具备该市居住许可的人方可参加该考试。

    Only those who have a residency permit in the city can take the exam .

  3. 这是否意味着许多德裔犹太人的后裔外邦人方对他们的母亲?

    Does that mean many Ashkenazic Jews are descended from gentiles on their maternal side ?

  4. 叫人方,请讲,说话吧,贝克先生的电话接通了。

    Go ahead , speak up , caller , Mr Baker is on the line .

  5. 因此,军事人方资源开发就成了军队现代化建设的重要内容。

    Therefore , the development of military human resource becomes important contents for the troops ' modernization .

  6. 进餐结束后,必须等女主人起身离席,其他人方可离席,且仍然要为女士拉椅子,让其先行。

    The gentlemen need to help the ladies to pull out their chairs and allow them to leave first .

  7. 在一些国家,你若想申请一份工作,用人方总要取一份你的笔迹字样。

    If you applied for a job in some countries you would almost certainly be asked for a sample of your handwriting .

  8. 只有那些能忍受孤独和乏味的生活的人方能不断的充实自己,变得有创造力并最终能实现他的目标。

    Only those who can endure dull and lonely life can they constantly enrich himself , be creative and in the end reach his goal .

  9. 国家资源的投入目前仍然是支持农村学校生存的主要力量,但需要通过中间人方进入基层学校。

    The state investment is still the main resource of the rural schools for maintaining basic unit schools , however it has to be obtained by the intermediary .

  10. 当左有行驶较缓慢的车辆时,驾驶人方可使用中,但超越这些车辆后,必须驶回左边行车。

    You may , however , stay in the middle lane when there are slower vehicles in the left-hand lane , but you should return to the left-hand lane after passing them .

  11. 据该婚姻登记处的负责人方主任讲,工作人员可以帮忙不识字的领证人代填声明书,当事人按手印即可。

    According to the head of the marriage registration office , surnamed Fang , employees are allowed to fill out forms for applicants that cannot read or write , who then sign with a fingerprint .

  12. 虽然社会文化、习俗、传统等因素在其中起到了重要的作用,但是,从心理和行为层面来看,无非是用人方和择业者对社会性别与职业之间关系的认识,在起着作用。

    Although the social culture , customs , traditions and other factors play an important role , in the view of psychology and behavior , the cognition of the recruiters and job hunters for the relationship between gender and careers play an important role , too .

  13. 巴黎人布鲁诺方丹正在河畔小憩。

    Parisian Bruno Fontaine is relaxing by the edge of the river .

  14. 经人指点方知是称谓有误。

    Through someone pointing out , only then I realized there 's an addressing mistake .

  15. 而作为加害人一方义务规定的不明确导致其逃避相应的法律责任。

    But as injures the not clear under the provisions party led to the escape corresponding legal responsibilities .

  16. 申请人或收款人一方为单位的,只能申请签发转账银行汇票。

    If the applicant or the payee is unit client , only transfer bank draft can be applied for and issued .

  17. 因此,货物保险是一种目的在于把风险从进口商和出口商的肩上转移到专门承担风险的保险人一方的活动。

    Therefore , cargo insurance is an activity aiming at moving the burden of risk from the exporters and importers to the underwriters .

  18. 通常它是以矩形黑底白字的方式显示,给人以方盒子的效果,经常用于新闻短讯或副标题。

    It is usually displayed as white characters on a rectangular black background , giving a boxed effect , often used for news flashes or subtitles .

  19. 而圆形的升鼎却空前地在以优美柔和的圆弧线为主构成的器形中,引人了方硬而富有力度的水平横线。

    However , the round Sheng cauldron , though mainly composed of smooth and graceful curves , was the first to incorporate firm and vigorous horizontal lines .

  20. 多数法官认为,保险合同是格式合同,如因条款模糊引起争议.应倾向于弱势的投保人一方。

    Most judges believe that insurance contracts are format contracts , when the controversy caused by fuzzy term , the interpretation should be inclined to vulnerable policyholders .

  21. 商业健康保险在经营管理过程中,存在着保险公司、医疗服务提供机构和被保险人三方的利益平衡问题。

    In the operational management process of commercial health insurance business , there is a need to balance interests of insurance companies , medical service providers and the insured .

  22. 而政府通过财政和税收政策调节时,追求的是公民的“普遍权利保证”,不可能照顾到每个人的方方面面。

    But government through financial and time tax policy adjustment , what pursues is the citizen " the universal right guarantees ", is impossible to consider each person 's aspects .

  23. 利益衡量原则,就是指在某些特殊的刑事案件中,基于各种综合因素的考虑而将部分证明责任分配给被告人一方。

    The principle of balancing of interests means part of criminal burden of proof will be distributed to the defendant based on considering variety of comprehensive factors in some special criminal cases .

  24. 其次,进一步分析了代理人、本人、第三人三方当事人在外贸代理中的权利义务等法律关系,同时也比较了行纪和外贸代理制之间的关联。

    Second , we further analyze the legal rights and obligations among the three parties of the agent , the principal and the third person , and compare the association between broker and foreign trade agency .

  25. 以协调主体各方利益关系为原则,尝试建立一种符合我国国情的实现政府、保险行业、投保人三方联动的有效的重大灾害风险分散的保险经营系统模式。

    To coordinate the relationship between all interests parties , this paper try to establish an effective insurance operating system mode compliance with the Government , insurance industry and policyholders in tripartite linkage to spread the risks of disasters .

  26. 第二章明晰了电子认证法律关系的性质,并对电子认证机构与证书用户以及信赖人三方之间的法律关系作了分析。在此基础上,探讨了电子认证各方应尽的法律义务。

    Chapter two clarifies the legal character of electronic certification , analyzing the relationship between certification authority , certificate user and relier , on the basis of which , discussing the legal obligation that each part assumes in electronic certification .

  27. 在这一过程中,余额宝可能会颠覆中国受到国家保护的金融业行业的规则,逐步破坏银行业盈利模式,并将权力转移至存款人一方,这在今年年初的时候是人们几乎无法想象的。

    In the process , it threatens to upend the rules of China 's state-protected financial sector , eroding banks " profit model and shifting power to savers in a way that was scarcely imaginable at the start of this year .

  28. 以上各国的法律规定虽各有特色,但都承认了一个基本原则,即不法原因给付不得请求返还,但不法原因仅存在于受领人一方时不在此限。

    Countries above mentioned have their own characteristics , but they all acknowledge a basic principle , that is the people who pay because of illegal reason should not require for return , with the exception of the condition that there is only recipient .

  29. 为此,我们要进一步寻求对刑事被害人量刑建议权完善的途径,以确保国家、刑事被害人和被告人三方冲突的平衡,以真正达到保护刑事被害人的目的。

    To this end , we should further seek to improve the Victim sentencing recommendation right way To ensure that national , three victims and the accused of criminal conflict of balance in order to really achieve the purpose of protection of criminal victims .

  30. 在刑事证明责任的特殊规则方面,文章通过被告人辩护方承担证明责任的原因、应遵循的基本原则以及被告人、辩护方承担证明责任的具体范围进行了阐述。

    The burden of proof in criminal special rules , the article by the accused bear the burden of proof defense reasons , should follow the basic principles , as well as the accused , the defense burden of proving the specific scope of responsibility are described .