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  • 网络Doubting Antiquity School
  1. 论古史辨派的易学研究

    Research on Book of Changes by Historical Text Research School

  2. 钱穆先生与20世纪的古史辨派有复杂的关系。

    Qianmu has a complicated relationship with the dialectical school of ancient history .

  3. 第四章着重分析了对古史辨派子书讨论的各种不同的回应。

    The fourth chapter is the discussion of all kinds of responds to Gu shi bian school .

  4. 古史辨派是活跃于本世纪上半叶中国史学界的一个重要学术流派,为了揭示有关中国上古史记载的真面目,该派对包括《周易》在内的诸多古代经籍进行了考证。

    Historical Text Research School is an important academic school active in the first half of the 20 th century .

  5. 古史辨派视尧、舜为神话、传说中的人物,否定尧舜时代的存在。

    The faction of ancient history distinguishes regarded Yao and Shun as the character of myth and legend . So it never existed .

  6. 古史辨派《诗经》学是传统《诗经》学向现代《诗经》学过渡的重要阶段。

    The school of " Discussion in Ancient Chinese History " reflects a crucial transition from traditional to modern studies in the Book of Songs .

  7. 由今天的知识水准看来,胡适的两阶段理论预见了20世纪学术发展的真实轨迹,代表着古史辨派中一个比较正确的方向。

    A retrospection reveals that Hu Shi 's " Two stages " predicated the academic development of the 20th century , which represented the right direction .

  8. 20世纪二十年代,古史辨派通过塑造一种区别于传统主流学术的科学范式,迅速成为当时最重要的学术新派别。

    In the1920s , Ku Shih Pien School quickly became the most important new school of Chinese History by the self-fashioning in a new science paradigm differing from the traditional research .

  9. 概言之,其疑古和求真的治易态度和精神,是一种受传统与反传统双重影响的态度和精神。进而,论文探究了古史辨派易学研究的具体路向。

    Generally , its spirit of suspicion and seeking the truth is but a one of receiving the tradition with the attitude of anti-tradition . Furthermore , this thesis discusses the concrete approach in which the school studies Yi-ology .