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  1. 《苗族古歌》生态意识初探

    Discussion about the Ecological Consciousness of the Ancient Song of Miao Ethnics

  2. 以及一支古歌的夸张的节奏:

    And stretched metre of an antique song :

  3. 古歌&黔东南苗族习惯法的一种口头传承形式

    Ancient Song & An Oral Hand-Down of Habit of Miao People in Southeast Guizhou

  4. 苗族民间文学中最具代表性的是古歌与民间长诗。

    Ancient folk song and long poem are the most representative works of Hmong Folk Literature .

  5. 苗族古歌的潜文本解读&以黔东南苗族古歌为个案

    On the Hidden Text Decoding of the Miao 's Ancient Songs : A Case Study of Qiandongnan Prefecture

  6. “听着。”她挑衅地说,开始用同样的腔调念一节古歌谣。

    And listen , 'she continued provokingly , commencing a verse of an old ballad in the same fashion .

  7. 秦汉以降,有关《阳阿》、《薤露》古歌的记载就消失了。

    Since the Qin and Han dynasties , the records on the old songs Yang'e and Xielu have been disappeared .

  8. 第三部分从布依族古歌、神话探索布依族社会生活。

    The third part tries to explore the social life of people in Buyi through its myth and ancient songs .

  9. 即使在态度上一视同仁,绝无偏私,这也会疏远古歌与其广告合作伙伴间的关系。

    Even in the same attitude , no favouritism , it will alienate its ancient song advertising the relationship between the partners .

  10. 这部古歌两千年传唱不绝,但它到80年代才被学者所注意。

    The song has a history of 2000 years , but it attracted a few scholars ' attention only as late as the 1980s .

  11. 由原始神话到现实生活的道德思考&浅谈苗族古歌对苗族个体品德的影响

    Moral Thought from the Original Myth to Practical Living & the Influence of the Miao 's Ancient Songs on Individual Character of Miao Nationality

  12. 有“苗族古代社会生活的百科全书”之称的《苗族古歌》综合反映了苗族古代社会的情况。

    The original ancient folk song of Hmong ( Miao ), known as encyclopedia of ancient society of Hmong ( Miao ) people , may enbody profound truths .

  13. 尽管后人还创作了大量的《薤露》歌,但毕竟都只能算是后代文人的个人创作,而真正的《薤露》古歌却无从寻觅。

    Although the later generations created a large number of Xielu songs , they could only be treated as personal creations and the real ancient Song Xielu could have no place to find out .

  14. 但田野调查材料证明这种古歌不但没有消失,而且穿越了两千多年的文化浸染,一直存在到今天。

    In this paper , the writer uses large number of field study materials to prove that the old songs Xielu not only exists , but experienced two thousand years of cultural immersion to this day .

  15. 云南少数民族的创世史诗、创世古歌、叙事长诗等口传典范,汇集了关于女性身体形象、行为形态和角色气质等方面的社会群体的审美想象。

    The oral models including genesis epics , the ancient genesis ballads and narrative poems bring together the social groups ' aesthetic imagination about the female body images , behavior forms and characters ' temperament and so on .

  16. 贵州少数民族《古歌》中,不仅蕴含有丰富的人类早期社会文学艺术的资源,而且还蕴藏着早期人类朴素而又极其深刻的哲学思想。

    In " The Ancient Odes " by Guizhou minority nationalities , there contains not only plentiful resources of literature and art in the early society , but also the simple and profound philosophic thought of the ancient people .

  17. 赋诗最接近古歌的表现形式,诵诗则最能表现古歌讽喻之目的,唯歌诗是对古歌歌诵形式的巨大改变。

    Ode is most close to the expressing form of ancient song , recite can most behave the purpose of parodying of song , it is only song that huge changes the form of the ancient song and poem .

  18. 《易经》中的古歌内容非常丰富,涵盖了社会的很多方面,例如有反映劳动和社会的歌谣、战争的歌谣、自然现象的歌谣、婚恋歌谣以及其它歌谣。

    As we know there are many ancient songs about the ancient society in the book of " YIJING ", such as the labor and social songs , war songs , the natural phenomena songs , and so on .

  19. 每个村寨就算歌类相同,如山歌、情歌、酒歌、祭祀歌、古歌、鬼师歌,每个村寨的旋律音调也不相同。

    Each village even if the song of the same class , such as folk songs , love songs , drinking songs , worship songs , ancient songs , ghost division song , the melody tone for each village is not the same .

  20. 最要命的是,每天清晨禅坐之后、早饭之前的事(天啊,这些早晨可真长)——一种叫“古鲁梵歌”(Gurugita)的咏诵。

    The murderous thing is what we do every morning after meditation and before breakfast ( my God , but these mornings are long ) - a chant called the Gurugita .

  21. 古鲁梵歌的确有个令人敬畏的神圣血统;

    The Gurugita does have an impressive spiritual lineage ;

  22. 于是我为外甥尼克吟唱古鲁梵歌,帮助他入睡。

    So I sang the gurugita to my nephew Nick , to help him sleep .

  23. 古鲁梵歌基本上是待在这儿的你必须清晨三点起床的原因。

    The Gurugita is basically the reason you have to get up at 3:00 AM around here .

  24. 我原以为自己对古鲁梵歌的感觉在入住道场期间能有所改变。

    I had hoped my feelings about the Gurugita would change during my stay at the Ashram .

  25. 因此我知道自己信得过他,可以让我坦白地说出自己在吟唱古鲁梵歌时所碰到的问题。

    So I knew I could trust him to let me speak frankly about my problems with the Gurugita .

  26. 我向僧人说明自己恐惧古鲁梵歌的原因,我复杂的感受。

    I explained to the monk why I had come to dread the Gurugita , how tortuous it feels .

  27. 当我艰难地吟唱梵语诗节高深莫测的古鲁梵歌时,使我觉得比任何时候更靠近他。

    And I never feel him closer to me than when I 'm struggling through the Gurugita , with its unfathomable Sanskrit verses .

  28. 在古鲁梵歌当中,巴瓦娣女神请湿婆神告诉她世俗成就的秘密,于是他告诉她。

    In the Gurugita , the goddess is asking the god for the secrets of worldly fulfillment , and he is telling her .

  29. 不用说,我不再错过古鲁梵歌,它成为我在道场最神圣的修行。

    Needless to say , I never missed the Gurugita again , and it became the most holy of my practices at the Ashram .

  30. 我在此地的这几个礼拜,对古鲁梵歌的观感从单纯的嫌恶转变成心惊胆颤。

    Over the few weeks that I 've been here , my feelings about the Gurugita have shifted from simple dislike to solid dread .