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ɡǔ shǐ
  • ancient history
  1. 青州古史探研两题

    Two Subjects on the Probe into the Ancient History of Qingzhou

  2. 第二章,论述了他在古史方面的研究。

    The second chapter discusses some aspects of his ancient history .

  3. 《古史辨》及疑古学派之我见

    Discussion on the Skeptical School and Their Discrimination of Ancient History

  4. 古史研究中的泛图腾论

    The Pan - Totemic Methodology in the Study of Ancient History

  5. 从古史传说的角度看史前玉器的历史作用

    Historical function of prehistoric jade carving from view of ancient legend

  6. 关于中国古史分期问题的认识与反思

    Recognition and Retrospect on the Stages of Chinese Ancient History

  7. 论中国古史传说时代与伏羲文化研究&兼论天水市弘扬伏羲文化的成就

    Research into the Legendary Times of Ancient Chinese History and Fuxi Culture

  8. 论古史辨派的易学研究

    Research on Book of Changes by Historical Text Research School

  9. 中国古史分期论要在我国古代,小说是历史的附庸。

    In ancient China , novel was affiliated to history .

  10. 而且,对古史的虚构并不仅仅局限于古代的学者。

    Moreover , fiction is not confined to ancient history ancient scholars .

  11. 疑古、考古与古史重建

    Doubt of the old , archaeology and historical reconstruction

  12. 钱穆先生与20世纪的古史辨派有复杂的关系。

    Qianmu has a complicated relationship with the dialectical school of ancient history .

  13. 试论古史辨与考古学的关系

    A Tentative Study of the Interrelationship Between Discernment of Ancient History and archaeology

  14. 宇宙古史以非常简单的方式展开了印度教的原理。

    The Puranas unfolds the principles of Hinduism in a very simple way .

  15. 周谷城的古史分期观有其演变过程。

    There was an evolution process in Zhou Gucheng s ancient history staging concept .

  16. 层累地造成的中国古史&一个带有普遍意义的知识论命题

    The Ancient Chinese History Created Layer Upon Layer & An Intellectual Proposition with Universal Significance

  17. 当然,《古史》著述的局限性亦在所难免。

    Of course , the " Ancient History " in making its limitations are inevitable .

  18. 第一章和第二章重点探讨作为先秦神话传说主体的古史圣王传说所体现的价值观。

    The second book has been discussed the value which the pre-Qin myth fable manifests .

  19. 有关古史的十个新发现

    Ten new discoveries about ancient history

  20. 这些都成为《古史》中经世思想的来源。

    These have become " Ancient History " in the source of ideas through the world .

  21. 苏秉琦重建中国古史框架的努力和中国文明起源研究&苏秉琦与中国文明起源研究之五

    Reconstruction the Frame of the Ancient Chinese History and Research of the Origin of Chinese Civilization

  22. 颛顼是中华古史中仅次于黄帝的人物。

    Zhuan Xu was an important person only inferior to Huan Di in ancient Chinese history .

  23. 第四章着重分析了对古史辨派子书讨论的各种不同的回应。

    The fourth chapter is the discussion of all kinds of responds to Gu shi bian school .

  24. 毕达哥拉斯:从人到神的演变&古史层累现象的西方个案探究

    The Pythagoras from Human to Deity : A Western Case of the Accumulation of Ancient Historical Facts

  25. 论胡适缩短拉长两阶段的古史观

    On Hu Shi 's " shortening " and " lengthening " of two stages of ancient history

  26. 殷周人神关系问题是历史学上的一个重要问题,古史研究以及对中国文化认识方面的许多分歧皆与此相关。

    The relation of men and gods during Yin and Zhou Dynasties is an important problem in history .

  27. 论中国古史的氏族时代&应用长时段理论的一个考察

    The Clan Period in Ancient Chinese History & An Examination of History Applying the Theory of the Long Duration

  28. 古史辨运动的兴起构成了整个运动的最初一环,或可说是关键性的一环。

    The rise of the movement constitute the initial part of the whole movement , even be critical part .

  29. 具体说来,第二章,介绍古史传说、历史事件、政治观等社会史方面的文献意义。

    Specifically , the second chapter is about the philological value of ancient history and legend and political view .

  30. 古史辨派是活跃于本世纪上半叶中国史学界的一个重要学术流派,为了揭示有关中国上古史记载的真面目,该派对包括《周易》在内的诸多古代经籍进行了考证。

    Historical Text Research School is an important academic school active in the first half of the 20 th century .