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qiāng diào
  • Tone;accent;tune;style;intonation
腔调 [qiāng diào]
  • (1) [tune]∶指音乐、歌曲或戏曲中成系统的曲调子

  • 腔调韵味极像梅兰芳唱的

  • (2) [style]∶指诗词文章的声律格调

  • 安排腔调

  • (3) [accent;intonation]∶口音,语调。指说话的声音、语气;亦指人动作的模样

  • 山东腔调

腔调[qiāng diào]
  1. 不错,他们会用另外一种腔调来唱。

    Well , they 'll be singing a different tune .

  2. 富裕中农也改变了腔调。

    The well-to-do middle peasants also changed their tune .

  3. 其他一些人也以类似的腔调评论。

    A number of other people commented in a similar vein .

  4. 但愿他别故意装出那种可笑的腔调。

    I wish he wouldn 't affect that ridiculous accent .

  5. 别用那种腔调和我说话。

    Don 't take that tone of voice with me !

  6. 她用一种伪装的俄国腔调说话。

    She spoke with a phoney Russian accent .

  7. 乔说话声音低沉粗嘎,带着中西部地区的腔调。

    Joe had a low , guttural voice with a midWestern accent .

  8. 他模仿她那上流社会的腔调。

    He mimicked her upper-class accent .

  9. 听他说话的腔调像是河南人。

    Judging from his accent , he is probably from henan .

  10. 他讲起话来一副十足的流氓腔调。

    He speaks like a real gangster .

  11. 她那矫揉造作的腔调使我感到难受。

    Her genteel accent irritated me .

  12. 我就是受不了你对他那种高高在上的腔调还那么低三下四。

    I simply cannot put up with your abjection to his patronizing tone .

  13. PID调节器在氧碘化学激光器谐振腔调腔中的应用

    Application of PID adjuster for COIL resonator

  14. 窄线宽线形腔调Q双包层掺钕光纤激光器

    Narrow Bandwidth Linear Cavity Q-switched Double-clad Nd-doped Fiber Laser

  15. 我知道这种腔调听着像个法国文化部官僚在哀叹,法语被computer、Internet之类的英文词给侵蚀了。

    I know I risk sounding like a bureaucrat in the French Ministry of Culture lamenting the dilution of the French tongue by English words like computer and Internet .

  16. 短TOP已经持续流行了好几季,今年你依旧可以穿它,编辑推荐你选择长款下装搭配,更有腔调!

    Short TOP has been popular for several seasons , you can still wear it this year , and it is recommended that you choose long bottoms to match !

  17. 我尖声说道:用“将来”怎么样?然后又用一种讽刺的腔调建议:“要么用现在时兴的goingforward?”

    I piped up : how about " in the future " , and then , putting on an ironic voice , suggested " or going forward , as it is now known ? "

  18. 四十多岁、还在首届任期内的佛罗里达州参议员马可•鲁比奥(MarcoRubio)说话腔调又太像巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)了。

    As a first term senator in his forties , Marco Rubio of Florida sounds too much like Barack Obama .

  19. 亲爱的TH:高管演讲教练克里斯汀•杨克曾说过:“‘山谷语’腔调给人的感觉,就像一个人刚从床上爬起来,紧接着就开始工作了。”她还说,

    Trying to Help Dear TH : " 'Valleyspeak ' is the verbal equivalent of coming to work looking like you just rolled out of bed , " says executive speech coach Christine K. Jahnke .

  20. SarahColwill认为自己得了“外国口音综合症”,这就是为什么她原本典型的西方拉长调子讲话的腔调,变成了中国人的鼻音(纳闷:中文的鼻音很明显吗?),而且她之前从未去过中国。

    Sarah Colwill believes she has Foreign Accent Syndrome ( FAS ) which has caused her distinctive West Country drawlto be replaced with a Chinese twang , even though she has never even visited the country .

  21. 别用你的民工腔调说,伙计。

    Don 't sound like a fag , either , man .

  22. 必须服从的命令腔调。

    An imperative tone of voice that had to be obeyed .

  23. 他活着的时候你的这些英雄腔调去哪里了?

    And where was your heroic voice when he was alive ?

  24. 我问她说话的腔调,她累了吗

    I 'm talking about her tone . Was she tired ?

  25. 三角形环形激光谐振腔调腔原理及方法

    Principle and procedure for the alignment of a triangular ring laser resonator

  26. 他继续用他那经过精心调节的演员腔调说话。

    He continued in his carefully modulated actor 's tones .

  27. 这种腔调是教师似的、镇定、乐观的(本杰明德莫特)

    The tone is teacherly , unflappable , optimistic ( Benjamin DeMott )

  28. 柯林讲话的腔调有些轻浮,可他那双黑色的眼睛是严肃的。

    Colin 's tone was flippant but his dark eyes were serious .

  29. 评论文戈的人已经开始改变腔调了。

    Vingo 's critics had begun to change their note .

  30. 不,你知道,这只是有点懒散的腔调。

    Nah , you know , that 's just laid back man .