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  • Four Virtues;four fundamentals in girls' education
四德 [sì dé]
  • [The four virtues are fidelity,physical charm,propriety in speech and efficiency in needlework] 封建礼教指妇女应尊从的四种德行,即妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功

  • 三从四德

  1. 新加坡四德小学校长访问巴蜀。

    The headmaster of cedar primary school visited our school .

  2. 广西桂平市四德铅-锌-铜矿床地质特征及找矿潜力分析

    Geological characteristics and ore potential of the Side lead zinc copper deposit in Guiping , Guangxi

  3. 尽管嫁了个无赖丈夫,但她传统礼教要求她恪守兰从四德的妇训,毫无怨言与他一起生活。

    Although married to an abusive husband , she stayed with him no matter what happened .

  4. 深入研究孟子四德理论,对当今德育工作具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。

    An in-depth research into Manlius 's four-virtue doctrine will have theoretical value and practical significance for today 's ethics education .

  5. 《左传》中记载了许多个性鲜明的贵族女性,从她们身上体现出“四德”的雏形,对后世影响深远。

    There were many distinctive aristocratic recorded in ZuoZhuan , from their possession manifests the embryo of " four virtues " which has great impact on aftertime .

  6. “四德”内容的形成是一个不断的发展过程,它的雏形可以追溯到先秦时期。

    However , the content of " four virtues " is forming a continuous development process which can be traced back to the prototype of Qin dynasty .

  7. 党的十七大正是顺应这一变化和趋势而提出了应加强社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德和个人品德这四德的建设。

    To comply with this change and the tendency , The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China believe that we should strengthen social morality , professional ethics and family virtues and individual morality .