
  • 网络quarter method;quartering method
  1. 中点四分法取样技术在热带山地雨林中的应用

    Application of Centred Quarter Method to Tropical Rain Forest in Hainan Island

  2. 直言判断的周延问题是普通逻辑推理特别是三段论的一个基本问题,这个问题直接关系到A、E、I、O四分法、传统逻辑三段论乃至整个传统逻辑演绎体系的生存。

    Distribution of categorical judgment is a basic problem in universal logic deduction , especially in syllogism . It directly concerns 4 divisions of " A ? E ? I ? O "? traditional logical syllogism and even the existence of the whole traditional system of logical deduction .

  3. 小说是文学体裁四分法中的一大样式。

    Novel is one of the four types of literature .

  4. 这种情况恰好同乔姆斯基(1981)的四分法相一致。

    Such division coincides with the four-way division made by Chomsky ( 1981 ) .

  5. 行为四分法之初探&兼反思我国犯罪构成模式

    Quarter Division of Acts Reflection of the Mode of the Constitution of Crime in China

  6. 成就目标的一种新分类&四分法

    New Classification of Achievement Goal

  7. 论文主要从分析社会结构入手,指出不论是两分法、三分法,还是四分法,公共领域都是指一个处于国家与社会之间对公共权力机构进行监督和制约的公共空间。

    The paper mainly obtains from the social structure , which points out dichotomy , trichotomy and quartation .

  8. 采用无样抽样点四分法对云南大围山自然保护区常绿阔叶林内的苔藓植物作了调查。

    Study on the Liverwort Flora and Ecological Distribution of Bryophytes in Evergreen Broadleaved Forests of Daweishan Nature Reserve ;

  9. 采用样地法和点四分法在江西大岗山年珠、上村林场进行植被调查。

    The vegetation in Dagang Mountain , Jiangxi Province was investigated using the method of quadrate and plotless sampling .

  10. 其中主要有三种分法:二分法、三分法和四分法。

    There are three means of the division : dividing into two parts , dividing into three parts and dividing into four parts .

  11. 实证分析结果表明:(1)运用激励&贡献四分法雇佣关系模式在我国雇佣关系研究中具有可行性;

    My case study shows that it feasible to use the employment relationship pattern of stimulation-contribution quartering to study China 's employment relations ;

  12. 紧接着,又介绍了律师文化的四分法。随后,对律师文化的特征进行了描述。

    Then , introduces the four parts of the lawyer culture ; subsequently , the characteristics of lawyer culture are described in this article .

  13. 这一章中,我们将为秩序的上述四分法和被本质性规定的术语间的相互关系提供证明。

    1 in this chapter we offer arguments for the aforesaid fourfold division of order and for the interrelations that exist between essentially ordered terms .

  14. 在系列杀人犯的类型研究上,存在有幻觉型、使命型、享乐型、力量/控制型四分法。

    For the type research of serial homicide , there are four ways of classification : Hallucination , Mission , Pleasure , Power / control .

  15. 一次性牙周治疗和传统牙周治疗短期临床疗效比较龈下刮治一次法与四分法治疗慢性牙周炎的疗效观察

    Comparison of short-term clinical effect between full-mouth root planing and quadrant root planning Clinical Evaluation of One-stage Full-mouth and Quadrant Subgingival Scaling Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis

  16. 从企业价值创造机理出发,按照结构化程度的高低,提出了智力资本的动态四分法构成模型。

    This paper puts forward its own suggestion of dynamic four-element method model to classify the intellectual capital on according to the organ of enterprises value created .

  17. 龈下刮治一次法与四分法治疗慢性牙周炎的疗效观察如果你执意抵抗,那么这次治疗将会十分简短。

    Clinical Evaluation of One-stage Full-mouth and Quadrant Subgingival Scaling Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis If you 're inclined against that , this session will be quite brief .

  18. 结果:四分法超声乳化70眼中9眼出现程度不同的角膜内皮水肿,8眼出现后囊破裂,1眼发生虹膜咬伤。

    Result Out of 70 eyes operated with criss and cross technique there was a corneal edema in 9 , posterior capsular rupture in 8 and iris damage of pupillary margin in 1 eye ;

  19. 针对计算纹理特征时出现的边界效应这一问题,给出了一种基于四分法的纹理特征平滑算法,该算法使得纹理分割的精度得到一定程度的提高。

    Aiming to solving the boundary effect appearing in calculating the feature values , a smoothing algorithm of texture feature based on quarter partition is put forward to improve the segmentation precision to some extent .

  20. 结合国内外对强制海退沉积的最新研究进展,探讨了沉积层序体系域四分法的可行性和强制海退体系域的主要沉积特征。

    The feasibility of quartation for system tract and main sedimentary characteristics of forced regression system tract have been discussed , based on the new advances in researches on forced regressive deposits at home and abroad .

  21. 在动态四分法构成模型的基础上,对计量和估价进行了区分,得出了一种由识别、诊断和结果构成的三步式的企业智力资本计量的框架结构。

    On this basis , this paper differs enterprises intellectual capital measurement from valuation of intellectual capital , and obtains a new type of intellectual capital measurement framework which consists of three stages : awareness and readiness , diagnose and outcome .

  22. 在高等职业教育大扩张的背景下,许多高职教育研究者以社会人才四分法和国际教育标准分类法为依据,从不同角度探讨了高职教育特征,以期对高职教育的本质有所发现。

    Against the background of the fantastic expansion of higher professional education , many researchers expect to get some findings about the innate character of higher professional education in accordance with the four classifications of society elites and the international education standard categorization .

  23. 目前,国内线损统计考核方法主要是四分法,即指对供电企业所管辖电网采取分压、分区、分线和分站的线损管理在内的综合降损管理方式。

    At present , the domestic line losses statistical assessment method is " quartering ", referring to the power supply enterprises under the jurisdiction of the grid to take the Comprehensive Loss Reduction Management , partial pressure , partition , sub-line and sub-station area , including the line loss management .

  24. 四分法并不是线损或者线损率的计算方式,而是按四种统计方法管理线损率并进行分析。四分法可以综合、全面地考核一个供电企业的生产、运营和管理水平。

    Quartering is not the calculation method of line loss or line loss rate , actually , it is a management method of line loss rate and analysis by four statistical methods . Quartering integrated , comprehensive assessment of a production , operation and management of power supply enterprise level .

  25. 采用四型分法即柱状扩张型、曲张型、囊状扩张型、混合型对其进行分类,探讨各型的分布、CT表现及其与伴随病变的关系,CT技术因素对诊断的影响。

    Varicose , cystic , and mixed bronchiectasis . The lesion 's distribution , appearance , relationship with accompanying disease and the factors of CT technique which influence the diagnosis were studied for each group .

  26. 四分之一法在短弧长圆曲线加密测设中的应用

    Application of Quarter Method to Setting out of Circular Curve with Short Arc Length

  27. 前言:用四组分法将沥青分为饱和分、芳香分、胶质、沥青质。

    A model asphalt had been separated into four components : asphaltenes , saturates , aromatics and resins .

  28. 其次创新性地提出用专家调查问卷和四分位法相结合筛选中药新药市场需求主要影响因素的方法。

    Secondly , this paper selected the main influencing factors of the market demand for new traditional Chinese drugs with the expert survey questionnaire and quartile division creatively .

  29. 本文运用1992年全国第三次营养调查的数据,按百分位四分位数法对湖南省居民膳食脂肪与食物纤维素摄入状况进行了研究。

    Data was acquired from the Third National Nutritional Survey of 1992.Quartile division was used to describe the distribution of fat and food fibre intake in population of Hunan province .

  30. 采用四组分法从辽河减压渣油中分离出胶质、沥青质,分别考察了它们在分散型催化剂作用下的临氢热反应行为。

    Resin and asphaltene were obtained from Liaohe vacuum residue using four-fraction separation method , and their thermal reaction behavior over a dispersed catalyst in the presence of hydrogen was investigated .