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  1. 用旋律写张信签。

    Using the tune to write a bookmark .

  2. 这是10张信封装的,1袋1美元,可以吗?

    A : The pack of ten is one dollar , is that OK ?

  3. 他太太拿起那张名信片,念道“意大利面条,意大利面条,意大利面条,意大利面条——两个有附香肠和肉圆,两个没有。”

    So the wife picked up the card and read " Spaghetti , Spaghetti , Spaghetti , Spaghetti - Two with sausage and meatballs , two without . "

  4. 我保证你也会收到一张感谢信的。

    I 'll make sure you get a thank-you note , too .

  5. 我一直希望你能在这张申请信上帮帮我。

    I was hoping that you could help me with this application form .

  6. 好的,41美分邮票一册,4张优先信邮票,1张特快专递邮票一张。

    Okay , that 's a book of41-cent stamps , four Priority Mail stamps , and one Express Mail stamp .

  7. 有时候,口头上的感谢就足够表达你的谢意了,但是,在某些情况下,写一张感谢信或者纸条更能够表达你的谢意。

    Sometimes a verbal thank you is sufficient , but sometimes , etiquette suggests a more thoughtful written response is best .

  8. 要和导师建立起持续的关系和对话,那么如果你们有过一段尤为值得记忆的、或者是长时间的谈话,就应该有意发一张感谢信。

    In order to develop an ongoing relationship and dialogue with a mentor , you should make a point of sending a thank you note if you shared a particularly memorable or lengthy conversation .

  9. 漂流瓶里的那张字迹潦草的信是ZoeLemon写的,她是一个喜爱芭蕾、演奏竖笛和钢琴的女生,她当时刚刚上轮船要去德国度假。

    Inside the bottle was a scrawled letter from Zoe Lemon , a youngster with a love of ballet , playing the flute and the piano , who had just boarded a ferry bound for a holiday in Germany .

  10. 漂流瓶里的那张字迹潦草的信是ZoeLemon写的,她是一个喜爱“芭蕾、演奏竖笛和钢琴”的女生,她当时刚刚上轮船要去德国度假。

    Inside the bottle was a scrawled letter from Zoe Lemon , a youngster with a love of " ballet , playing the flute and the piano , " who had just boarded a ferry bound for a holiday in Germany .

  11. 她将它拆开,拿出一张与第一封信一样大小的便条纸。

    She tore it open and fished out a note the same size as the first one .

  12. 我希望不需要把第二张邮票贴到信上寄到地点。

    I hope you didn 't place another stamp on the letter that it would not cover up the address .

  13. 我还想买些邮票&十张两角两分的和三张航空信邮票。

    I 'd also like some stamps-a book of twenty two and three airmail 's.

  14. 在某一时刻,他收到一张生日贺卡,这是埃尔莎给他寄的一张名信片。

    At some point , he received a birthday card , it was Elsa writing him a postcard .