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  1. 众多文学史、文学批评史著作对张溥或略为勾勒,或一笔带过。

    Many books on history of literature and literary criticism history did no more than drawing the outline of Zhang or just mentioning him a little .

  2. 张溥鼓吹宗经与有用的文学思想,其缺憾在于忽略文学的艺术形式及审美特性,但张溥强调诗文要有充实的内容与劲健的风格,是有积极意义的。

    Zhang Pu advocated in the literature with useful ideas . Its deficiency was the neglect on literary art forms and aesthetic characteristics , but Zhang Pu stressed that poems should have luxuriant content and bright style , on which has a positive meaning .