首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 许多人都梦想成为一名象张玲那样的新闻节目主持人。

    Many people dream about becoming a News Anchor like Zhang Ling .

  2. 张玲,读一下你的句子。

    Zhang Ling , read your sentence , please .

  3. 我的名字叫张玲,英文名字珍妮,在省级医院做过助产师十年。

    I was working in the provincial hospital lasting ten years as a docter .

  4. 采用我国学者张玲的4变量财务危机预警分析判别模型,对海信集团进行个案分析,得到比较满意的结果。

    After the case analysis on the Hisens Group , which adopts the4-variable financial risk evaluation model , the result is satisfactory from the bank side .

  5. 作为女性译者,张玲和张扬具有女性意识,在翻译的过程中,她们对涉及到性别方面的词语或思想高度敏感。

    As female translators , Zhang Ling & Zhang Yang translate the works with strong feminist awareness , hence they are more sensitive when they encounter some gender related words or concepts .

  6. 作为一名就读于江西科技大学环境保护专业的学生,张玲(音译)本没有很多机会来提笔写文章,然而,当她加入了学校广播站后,一切都变了。

    Zhang Ling did not get many chances to write stories as an environmental protection major at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology . But this changed when she joined the university broadcast station .

  7. 张玲和张扬两位翻译家合作译出了很多优秀的译著,也对我国的翻译事业做出了很大的贡献,然而对其翻译作品进行研究的学者则寥寥。

    Zhang Ling and Zhang Yang together have provided us with many good translation works and they make a great contribution to our translation course , but the studies on their translation are few .

  8. 此外,对于翻译家张玲和张扬的研究为数不多,本文虽有许多不足之处,但对翻译研究也算提供了一个新的研究点。

    Moreover , although there are considerable limitations and defects in this thesis , the studies on Zhang Ling and Zhang Yang are few in number and this thesis provides us with a new study point .

  9. 安徽科技大学教授蓝玉杰(音译)认为,穆玉明和张玲做出了良好的榜样,他们在找工作或继续深造这个问题上都选择了“个人爱好”,而非“实用主义”。

    Lan Yujie , professor at Anhui University of Technology , regards Mu and Zhang as good examples of choosing " what I like " instead of " what is practical " in finding jobs and seeking further study .

  10. 摘要:商空间理论是国内学者张钹院士和张玲教授在研究问题求解的过程中提出的,现已经成为粒度计算的三大模型之一。

    Abstract : The framework of quotient space theory is proposed by the domestic scholars Academician Zhang Bo and Professor Zhang Ling when they research on problem solving , which has become one of the three models of granular computing .

  11. 运用湖南大学张玲教授的财务困境判别模型来分析也获得了类似的结论:电广传媒目前正面临着较为严重的财务风险,财务状况急待改善。

    Using Professor Zhang Ling 's Evaluation Model of Financial Distress Diagnosis , this study draws a similar conclusion : the Television and Broadcasting Media Company is faced with rather severe financial risks and it is urgent to improve its financial conditions .

  12. 作为女性主义译者的张玲在具体语言运用方面反而违背了女性性别语言的特征,例如倾向使用标准语,句末语气助词的频繁使用,对粗俗或咒骂语的回避,对人物感情的描写等。

    As a female translator Zhang Ling has violated the characteristic of women language in language use , such as preference to standard language , preference to frequent use of sentence final particles , avoiding vulgar or coarse words , and description of feelings .