
rén kǒu zhǐ biāo
  • demographic indicator
  1. 人口指标法是国内通行的评价城镇化进程和水平的方法。

    Method of Population Index is prevalent to evaluate the course and level of urbanization .

  2. 此外,人口指标也是一个易获得、连续性好、相对精确、具有综合表征意义的指标。

    In addition , population is also an easy getting , relatively accurate , continuous index with synthetical meaning .

  3. 在经济上,中国是发展中国家;但是在人口指标上,中国可以说是发达国家。

    In economy , China is a developing country , But in the population , China is the indicator of developed countries .

  4. 区域泥石流易损性定量表达为财产指标赋值和人口指标赋值平均值的平方根。

    Regional vulnerability of debris flows mathematically expressed as a square root of the average of the transformed values of property and population .

  5. 人口指标是现代化八大指标体系中的非常重要的一项指标,也是人口管理的依据。

    The modernization index is a very important one among the eight indexes system of modernization , and also is the basis of population management ( PM ) .

  6. 对于人口指标的统计,目前大多采取人口普查和抽样调查的方法来计算某一区域内当前的人口数量。

    Statistics about population indexes , is taken by the census and the method of the sampling mostly now to compute with a current population in some district .

  7. 同时还提出了新的衡量城市化水平的复合人口指标,认为1998年重庆城市化水平应该是31.12%。

    At the same time , a new complex population index is suggested to measure the level of urbanization . So the level of urbanization was 31.12 percent in 1998 in Chongqing .

  8. 该模型采用最大模糊熵的高斯聚类算法,根据历史年各项经济和人口指标,将其进行分类,然后将预测年各项指标与各类的特征指标相比较,从而预测出该年的负荷增长率。

    Gauss clustering method of maximum fuzzy entropy is applied , which classifies the economics and population targets of past years and compares them with those of future years to forecast the load increase rate .

  9. 第三部分,是在上述预测结果的基础上,对21世纪前半叶浙江省的主要人口指标的变化趋势进行讨论,并对浙江省的总的人口变动趋势及其对社会经济发展影响进行分析。

    In the third sector , base on results of Zhejiang Province population forecasts , the paper discusses change trend of mainly population index in the 21 century , and analyzes how population trend effects development of society and economy .

  10. 本文提出的转换赋值函数解决了人、财、物统一标度和综合表达的难题,使泥石流易损度定量表达为财产指标转换函数赋值与人口指标转换函数赋值之和的二分之一的平方根。

    In this paper , the transformation functions have successfully provided identical scale and dimensionless expression for both the indexes of property and of population , which make the vulnerability possibly to be expressed synthetically as the sum of the values of property and population .

  11. 人均GDP核算中人口总数指标的选择

    The Choice of Total Population Quota in the Assessment of GDP Per Capita

  12. 结果运用KishGrid抽样方法所获得的样本,在性别和年龄分布等人口统计学指标上,与总体有较好的一致性。

    Results The demographic character of age and sex of Kish Grid sample approximated to the population .

  13. 第4节基于我国2004年地区截面数据,提出并测算了基于人口素质指标体系的人力资本指数,作为人力资本的一个代表性指标。

    Section 4 put forward and measure the human capital index based on population diathesis variables system .

  14. 结果:人口统计学指标的相同程度与他人指向的组织公民行为评价成显著正相关;

    Results : There existed significantly positive correlations between similarities in seven demographic indices and other-oriented OCB dimensions ;

  15. 常规人口统计学指标及临床指标对人工关节置换患者生命质量的影响范围和程度存在明显差异。

    Assessment of the extent and degree of influence on AJR patients with conventional demographic and clinical characteristics have significant differences .

  16. 根据地学空间相互作用理论,运用本文的人口压力指标首次建立了人口空间迁移与人口压力及其它经济指标相互关系的数学模型。

    Mathematical model on the interactive relationship between population migration , population pressure and other economic indexes is established according to geographic theories .

  17. 通过人口现代化指标评分系统,利用第五次人口普查数据来评定各地区人口现代化实现的程度,并且指出各地区不足之处。

    To evaluate the realization degree of different area 's population modernization with the fifth census ' data through population modernization grading system and point out different area 's disadvantage .

  18. 在探讨体育人口测度指标功能和特征的基础上,运用专家评定、单元统计等方法筛选体育人口测度指标。

    On the basis of inquiring into the functions and characteristics of sports population measurement indices , this study has applied the methods of experts ' evaluation , unit statistics , etc.

  19. 依据人口学静态分析与动态分析理论,构建体育人口测度指标体系。

    To sieving the sports population measurement indices , and set up an index system of sports population measurement in the light of the theories of static and dynamic analysis of demography .

  20. 常见的测算方法主要有人口比重指标法、城镇土地利用比重指标法、调整系数法、农村城镇化指标体系法与现代城市化指标体系法等几种。

    Common measurement methods were : population proportion index method , urban land use proportion index method , adjustment coefficient method , rural urbanization index system method and modern urbanization index system method etc.

  21. 受试者按年龄、性别及其他人口统计指标进行匹配分组,他们中无吸烟者,无糖尿病、心血管疾病、癌症、肺部及其他慢性疾病。

    The subjects were matched for age , sex and other demographic factors , and no one smoked or had diabetes , cardiovascular disease , cancer , lung disease or other chronic illness .

  22. 从宏观动力实证,各地区经济指标与人口流动指标的相关关系,也揭示了城市的高收益预期对人口流动的强大拉力,以及经济收入、城市化对人口流动的推拉、集聚效应;

    The evidence of relation between the economy indexes of every city in Zhejiang province and the floating population index showed that the expectation of high profitability in urban area had great attractiveness to the floating population .

  23. 城市化水平测度的方法主要有两种:主要指标法和复合指标法,而人口比例指标则又是主要指标法中最常用的城市化测度指标。

    There are usually two kinds of methods to measure the level of urbanization : primary indicator method and composite indicator method . Among the former method , the indicator of urban population rate is most commonly used .

  24. 生活承载力指标主要由反映社会系统承载力指标构成,包括人口发展指标、基础设施指标、生活质量指标和科技教育指标。

    The indexes of social capacity are mainly the ones reflecting the capacity of social systems , and include the ones of population development , infrastructure , living quality , science and technology as well as the level of education .

  25. 本文的可能创新之处:1、厘清了相关概念的真实含义,对个别概念提出了自己的看法,对人口发展指标选择与权重标准提出了新的看法。

    It has made clear the real meaning of the related concepts , put forward personal viewpoints on some concepts and provided new viewpoints for the choice of index as well as the standard of weight of population development . 2 .

  26. 以生命素质指数PQLI(PhysicalQualityofLifeIndex)作为分析人口质量的指标。

    The physical quality of life index ( PQLI ) was used as analyzing population quality .

  27. 我国老龄人口健康评价指标的社会学初步研究

    Preliminary study on health evaluation idexes of aging population in China

  28. 甘肃省人口压力评估指标及定量评估研究

    The Study of Gansu Population Pressure Evaluation Index and Evaluation with Quantitative Method

  29. 中国老年人口健康评价指标研究

    Health Evaluation of Aging Population in China

  30. 利用已建立的人口现代化评价指标体系,对中国及各地区人口现代化发展的历史与现状进行了量化考察与分析。

    The current thesis analyzes the history and the current status of population modernization in China and various areas , utilizing the established index system of population modernization .