
pèi jǐ zhì
  • rationing;ration system
  1. 作为食品配给制的一种遗留影响,他们总把黄油和人造黄油混在一起吃。

    As a hangover from rationing , they mixed butter and margarine .

  2. 人们认为实行配给制会使农业失去活力。

    It reckons that rationing would ossify the farm industry

  3. 那个国家早就取消了粮食配给制

    Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago .

  4. 正如大卫·基纳斯顿(DavidKynaston)在他的《现代性英国:1957-1962》(ModernityBritain:1957-1962)一书中详尽记述的,对于一个刚刚从战争中恢复过来、厉行节约、实行配给制的国家来说,麦克米伦的年代已经很好了。

    As David Kynaston documents , exhaustively and exhaustingly , in " Modernity Britain : 1957-1962 , " the Macmillan years felt good to a country recovering from war , austerity and rationing .

  5. 配给制的具体操作过程是由医生、病人权益维护者和生物伦理学家组成的器官获取和移植网络(OPTN)负责的,并受卫生部监督。

    The process is handled by the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network ( OPTN ) , which includes doctors , patient advocates and bioethicists , overseen by the health department .

  6. 很多政府试图对进口实行配给制。

    Many governments have tried to ration imports .

  7. 一些主要的粮食实行配给制,人民必须出示粮票才能买到。

    Some essential food items were rationed and locals must produce coupons to purchase their entitlements .

  8. 定量配给制保证所有市民都能得到维持生存的食品。

    Ration books insured that all the citizens could receive at least enough food for living .

  9. 在荒芜的内陆地区,庄稼歉收导致饥荒;富饶的沿海城市则不得不实行紧急配给制。

    Crop failure and famine in the deserted interiors ; emergency rationing in the teeming coastal cities .

  10. 住房福利分配制度具有低工资、低租金、实物配给制的特征。

    The housing benefit allotment system had the characteristic of lower - wages , lower-rent , material allotted system .

  11. 若想实现自给自足,中国要么必须对肉类实行配给制,要么就必须大幅增加粮食产量。

    If it wants to be self-sufficient , China will either have to ration meat or hugely ramp up grain production .

  12. 天气干旱,供水实行配给制,盘子堆积如山的晚宴、洗车和泡泡浴这样的耗水活动有所收敛。

    Water rationing during the dry spell put a damper on activities from dish-intensive dinner parties to car washes and bubble baths .

  13. 组织价格上涨如果未引起商品短缺与要求实行配给制的规避行动,作用就不会长久,所以必须拿出更灵活的办法。

    Because prohibiting all price increases could not work for long without producing shortages and evasions requiring rationing , a system with greater flexibility had to be introduced .

  14. 伊朗计划推行的燃料配给制在全国上下引起了恐慌和动荡。尽管如此,伊朗议会昨晚仍同意推进上述计划。

    Iran 's parliament last night agreed to press ahead with plans to introduce fuel rationing in the face of panic and rioting across the country over the proposals .

  15. 除非知道会征什么税,或是配额的多少,否则就不可能计算出配给制是否会比税收促成更多的减排量。

    It isn 't possible to work out whether rationing would reduce emissions more than a tax until you know what the tax might be , or how generous the ration .

  16. 即便是肾脏也很稀少,虽然人们可以捐献一只肾,靠另一只仍然活得好好的。美国人说他们憎恶配给制,但他们也不支持买卖器官。于是,除了配给,他们别无选择。

    Even kidneys are scarce , though you can donate one and still get by with the other . Americans say they abhor rationing . But they also hate the idea of letting people sell an organ , so rationing is what they are left with .