
  • 网络classifier;individual measure words;individual classifiers
  1. 汉语个体量词的独特性&从英汉对比角度研究

    The Uniqueness of Chinese Classifier

  2. 现代汉语个体量词语法特点的认知解释

    The Cognitive Interpretation for the Grammar Characteristics of the Individual Classifier in Modern Chinese

  3. 正文的第一个问题是:个体量词词义考察。

    Text of the first question is : Meaning Classifiers individual inspection .

  4. 汉语个体量词的产生及其原因探讨

    A Study on the Emerging of Chinese Individual Measure Word and Its Reasons

  5. 正文的第二个问题是:对外汉语个体量词教学研究。

    Text of the second question is : Researching Classifiers individual teaching of Chinese .

  6. 结语:概括性地阐述了本文写作中的体会、收获和不足,指出洞口方言个体量词研究还有许多工作需要我们去做。

    It points out there are more researches waiting for us to take in research of individual quantifier in DongKou dialect .

  7. 从历时的角度考察了汉语个体量词产生、发展和成熟时期的情况,和汉语个体量词产生的动因。

    This article inquires the emerging , developing and maturing of the Chinese individual measure word and the reasons of its emergence .

  8. 在收集到的中介语语料当中,个体量词、部分量词和集合量词的输出量较大。

    From the collected interlanguage materials , individual measure words , collective measure words and portion measure words account for a larger output .

  9. 第二部分是正文部分,主要是对个体量词词义考察及对外汉语个体量词教学研究。

    The second part is part of the body , Meaning Classifiers mainly on individual and the individual quantifier Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language .

  10. 个体量词的产生及其历史演变过程探析&以量词本为例

    A Brief Research to the Production and the Historical Evolution Process of the Individual Classifier & Take the Classifier " Ben " as an Example

  11. 我们在外语的映照下重新审视汉语量词,并按语义价值把量词分为个体量词和非个体量词,又将非个体量词分为不同的小类。

    We resurvey Chinese quantifiers contrasting to Russian , classifying quantifiers into individual and non-individual which is classified into different sub ones , according to semantic value .

  12. 首先,对个体量词的定义的进行确定;其次,对个体量词进行分类;最后,对个体量词词义进行考察与认知分析。

    First , determine the definition of individual quantifier ; Second , the classification of individual quantifier ; Finally , the study of individual quantifier Meaning and cognitive analysis .

  13. 本论文从汉语和泰语个体量词的基本功能对比入手,考察汉、泰语个体量词在来源、分类和句法功能等方面的共性与个性特征。

    This study was mainly on the comparison and contrast of the functions of individual classifiers in both Chinese and Thai with the exploration of their original , classification and syntactic functions .

  14. 类型学的语言事实表明,即使在含有个体量词的语言中,数名结构也有存在的价值和动因。汉语个体量词的产生及其原因探讨

    Numeral-noun constructions even exist in these languages which have plentiful individual classifier according to the typological linguistic facts . A Study on the Emerging of Chinese Individual Measure Word and Its Reasons

  15. 近几十年来,随着语言类型学、认知语言学理论的兴起,以及语法化理论等研究理论的深入,个体量词特有的研究价值逐渐显现出来,成为研究的热点之一。

    With the emergence of linguistic typology and cognitive linguistics , including the deepened study on grammaticalization , the uniqueness of individual classifiers has made them one of the hot research topics in recent decades .

  16. 个体量词是汉语量词中最具代表性的一类,同时也是外国留学生特别是欧美留学生学习汉语时出现偏误最多的词类之一。

    Chinese Classifiers individual quantifier is the most representative of a class , but also foreign students in Europe and America in particular , students learning Chinese bias when one of the largest parts of speech .

  17. 论文总结了的偏误类型,分析了目前对外汉语个体量词研究的现状,在此基础上通过对特定个体量词的分析提出了个体量词的教学对策。

    The paper summed up the type of bias , analysis of the current foreign language study the status of individual Classifiers . On this basis the adoption of a specific individual Classifiers , Raised Classifiers individual teaching Countermeasures .

  18. 志怪小说中个体单位量词数量最多,使用频率较高,发展较成熟。

    Quantity of individual unit classifiers are most , the frequency of use is high , the development is mature .