
ɡè tǐ suǒ yǒu zhì
  • individual ownership;private ownership;individual proprietorship
  1. 个体所有制的生产关系与大量供应是完全冲突的。

    Abundant supplies and the relations of production under individual ownership are utterly incompatible with each other .

  2. 第四张皮,是民族资本主义所有制。第五张皮,是小生产所有制,就是农民和手工业者的个体所有制。

    National capitalist ownership was the fourth skin , and the fifth was ownership by small producers , that is , individual ownership by the peasants and handicraftsmen .

  3. 个体所有制必须过渡到集体所有制,过渡到社会主义。

    There must be a transition from individual ownership to collective ownership , to socialism .

  4. 我们应当按照自愿的原则,把农民由个体所有制逐步引导到集体所有制。

    We should guide the peasants step by step from individual ownership to collective ownership in accordance with the voluntary principle .

  5. 在六、七年之内,资本主义所有制和小生产者个体所有制的社会主义改造,就基本上完成了。

    In a matter of six or seven years the socialist transformation of capitalist ownership and of individual ownership by small producers has by and large been completed .

  6. 我国农村土地从解放初期的农民个体所有制到家庭承包制的确立,农村土地经营方式的变革经历了严重波折,政府和人民付出了巨大代价,也积累了宝贵的经验。

    The land system has undergone the change of peasant 's individual ownership to household contract responsibility system since the founding of new China , in which course , our government and people have paid great cost , and at the same time obtained valuable experience .

  7. 两岸农地改革的实践表明:农地制度的个体小农所有制与集体所有制一样,都不是现代农业发展理想的土地所有制形式;

    The practice of farmland system reformation of mainland and Taiwan province shows that both the individual small-scale peasant ownership system and the collective ownership system are not perfect land system ;