
jīnɡ jì lì yì
  • economic benefit;economic interest
  1. 在MrsJackson领导下,许多重要的新法规都需要单独评估其对就业市场的影响,尽管繁重的环境管制措施可能会对劳动密集型产业产生影响,但是,这样的片面的评估并不总能体现出它对整体经济利益的影响。

    Under Mrs Jackson many of the most significant new rules are also being subjected to a separate review of the impact on jobs ; though since onerous environmental restrictions can be labour-intensive , that is not always a good measure of the overall economic benefit .

  2. 这一特定工程能带来什么样的直接经济利益呢?

    What 's the straight economic benefit of this particular project ?

  3. 政治抱负和个人野心开始压倒经济利益。

    Political and personal ambitions are starting to prevail over economic interests .

  4. 她否认通过欺骗手段获得经济利益。

    She denies obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception .

  5. 他渴望回到一个更多参与创业的角色,那样他所付出的努力会与自己的经济利益息息相关。

    He was eager to return to a more entrepreneurial role in which he had a big financial stake in his own efforts

  6. 我希望这份事业也能带来一些经济利益,以改善我的生活。

    I hope this career can also bring some economic benefits to improve my life .

  7. “论功行赏”是指,完成某项任务的个人应该得到该任务带来的所有经济利益这样一种商业哲学。

    Eat what you kill is the business philosophy that a person who accomplishes something should get the full financial benefit that results from that accomplishment1 . Example :

  8. 传统电力系统中的N?1原则在市场环境下是否会得到执行、执行到何种程度将取决于这一指标的执行是否会给相应的公司带来经济利益。

    What whether N ? N ? 1 principle of traditional power system would be performed under market environment and to what extent it might be performed will depend upon .

  9. 电力传动系统的PLC控制程序作为商业机密,其安全性受到很大挑战,各种破解手段对行业的经济利益造成极大的伤害。

    The control procedures of electrical transmission system , as business secret , are facing the great security challenges . A variety of means of decryption caused a great deal of harm .

  10. 这些区域被统称为保护地(ProtectedAreas),它们是通过法律或其他有效手段进行管理,以便为人类提供长期经济利益和环境利益的地区。

    These areas are collectively referred to as " Protected Areas ", we through law or other effective means to manage in order to provide long-term economic benefits for human and environmental interests of the region .

  11. 拥有全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)是航天大国的重要特征,它的发展不仅代表着一个国家的科技水平,同时会给该国带来巨大的军事和经济利益。

    Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS ) is a symbol of space powers , which represents the technological and scientific level and brings tremendous military and economic benefits .

  12. 近年来,DDoS攻击的规模持续增加,同时其复杂度不断提高,而发动攻击的代价或难度越来越低,攻击的动机则多元化,逐渐以经济利益为主。

    In recent years , with the increase of large scale DDos attack and the higher complexity , it becomes easier to start an attack and pays lower price . Now the economic benefits gradually give top priority to diversification of motivation .

  13. 由于专利产品平行进口涉及多方面的经济利益,各国意见难以一致,因而,TRIPs协议对此未作统一规定,而由各成员国自行决定禁止与否。

    TRIPs agreements do not make any regulation on parallel import of patented production but allowing the member-state to make its decision on whether allow it or not , itself simply because so many economic interests are involved and the states concerned are difficult to agree on it .

  14. 经济利益分化对社会稳定的危害及其协调

    The Offence of the Split-up of Economic Interests on Social Stability

  15. 有害生物治理中可持续阈值与经济利益回收模型

    Models of sustainable threshold and economic profit acquirement to pest management

  16. 医患之间既有医疗关系又有了经济利益关系。

    Relationship between doctors and patients have both medical economic interests .

  17. 坚持按经济利益原理构建现代企业制度

    Construction of modern enterprise system by adhering to economic profit principle

  18. 这个方案将给该地区带来可观的经济利益。

    The scheme will bring tangible economic benefits to the area .

  19. 国家利益包括国家的安全利益、经济利益和政治利益。

    National interests include security interests , economic interests and political interests .

  20. 关系利益(包括社会、经济利益和心理利益)通过关系承诺对关系价值的三个维度施加影响。

    Relational benefits impose on customer value through relationship commitment .

  21. 医学研究者的经济利益冲突对临床试验的影响&美国的经验与启示

    Investigators ' Financial Conflict of Interest May Influent Clinical Trail

  22. 《资本论》与经济利益关系

    《 Das Kapital 》 and The Relationship of Economic Interests

  23. 随着社会发展,经济利益关系也不断演变,使得经济利益关系格局呈现出不同的状态。

    With the social development , economic interests are evolving .

  24. 环境侵权作为一种特殊的民事侵权行为,与侵权主体对自身经济利益的追求密切相关。

    The environmental torts result from the pursuit of maximized economic benefits .

  25. 行业协会模式必须有经济利益驱动;

    The pattern of craft association must be powered by economic interest ;

  26. 官员们拿经济利益作为挡箭牌,反对关闭工厂。

    Officials cite the economic benefits in opposing the plant 's closing .

  27. 保险利益的内容是合法的经济利益。

    Insurable interest content is the lawful economic interest .

  28. 西方跨国公司,如美国好莱坞,已将文化资本的特性充分发挥,从中不仅获得了巨大的经济利益还向世界传播了西方的文化。

    Western transnational corporations like Hollywood have made full use of cultural capital .

  29. 试论我国大众体育发展中的经济利益问题

    Discussion on the Question of Economic Interest for the Development of Mass Sports

  30. 论我国企业改革与经济利益关系

    The SOE Reform and the Sharing of Economic Interests