
  • 网络The Empirical School;experiential paradigm
  1. 第一节叙述的是早期经验学派的研究成果,此时的传播理念过于简单浅显。

    The first section describes the early research results of the Empirical School , and the communication ideas is too simple at this time .

  2. 崛起于北美的媒介环境学派打破了传播学领域经验学派和批判学派两分天下的局面。

    The rise of the Media Ecology in North America broke the world situation of the Communication where the Empirical School and Critical School monopoly the field of Communication .

  3. 媒介环境学派是继美国经验学派、欧洲批判学派之后兴起的第三大传播学派。

    The school of Media Ecology is the third rising theory group of media and communication studies after the Empirical and the Critical .

  4. 文化研究学派自成立之日起,就面临其他各学派的批评,包括传播政治经济学学派,经验学派等等,但正是这些批判的声音促使文化研究学派不断成长。

    Since the born of Cultural Studies , it faces many other schools , include western political economy of communication , experience school criticism , but it is the criticism help Cultural Studies to grow .

  5. 本文是采用经验学派代表人物彼得·德鲁克的个案分析的研究方法,以个案为背景,提出针对工程勘察设计单位如何增强核心竞争力的一些可行措施。

    This thesis adoption the study method of Peter F. Drucker stand for experience , and summation rudimental theory and measures about how to raise the core competitive capacity of the Engineering Survey & Design department .