
  • 网络economic man;Hypothesis of Economic Man
  1. 经济人假设与诚信的发生

    The Hypothesis of " Economic Man " and the Development of Integrity

  2. 经济人假设的伦理审视

    An Inspection of the Ethical of Hypothesis of Economic Man

  3. 经济人假设:公共选择理论的成败得失

    Economic Person hypothesis : The success or defeat of Public choice theory

  4. 西方经济学理性经济人假设之现实意义

    Significance of the Hypothesis of the Rational Economic Man to the Present

  5. 经济人假设的修正与经济学的发展

    The Revision of Economy Man Assumption and Economics Development

  6. 经济人假设:批判与思考

    The Hypothesis of Economic Man : Criticisms and Reflections

  7. 经济人假设的发展基础及现实价值&与任志军商榷

    The Development Foundation of " Economic People " Assumption and Its Realistic Value

  8. 经济人假设与经济学的扩张

    The Hypothesis of Economic Man and the Expansion of Economics ' Study Fields

  9. 经济人假设的合理内核

    The Reasoned Core in the Assumption of Economic Man

  10. 经济人假设存在论新思考

    A New Thinking on the Presumption of Economic Man

  11. 从有限理性经济人假设视角看英语语言习得

    On the EL Acquisition in a Perspective of Bounded Rationality Economic Man Hypothesis

  12. 经济人假设与马克思主义经济学(英文)

    The hypothesis of economic man and Marxist economics ;

  13. 经济人假设与腐败治理

    " Economic Man " Hypothesis and Corruption Control

  14. 具有这种二元理性的人称为社会经济人假设。

    The " dual rationality " is called " social economic man " hypothesis .

  15. 经济人假设与社会主义市场经济体制兼容性研究

    Study on the Compatibility of Economic Person Hypothesis and the Socialist Market Economic System

  16. 经济人假设的内涵及其超越

    Surmount the Intension of the Economic Men Hypothesis

  17. 经济人假设在公共领域的适用性论析

    The Adaptability of Demonstration and Analysis for the Hypothesis of Economic Men in Public Domain

  18. 异质经济人假设:按技术分配的哲学基础

    The Hypothesis of the Unified Economic Persons : the Philosophy Base Distribution According on Techniques

  19. 经济人假设的双因素分析

    The two-factor analysis of economic person assumption

  20. 传统金融学的分析框架是建立在理性经济人假设的基础上的。

    Traditional framework of modern finance is firmly based on the assumption of economic agent .

  21. 经济人假设是西方经济学理论一个最基本的假设前提,它认为人是通过深思熟虑的权衡和计算来追求最大利益的人。

    The hypothesis of economic man is a most basic assumption prerequisite of western economics theory .

  22. 在制度框架下研究经济人假设&从完全理性到适应性理性

    Research on Economic Man Hypothesis under the Institutional Frame : From Full Rationality to Adaptive Rationality

  23. 所以,用理性经济人假设解释社会问题,是靠谱的。

    Why google 's theory on interest is not consistent with the rational economic man hypothesis ?

  24. 经济人假设的道德分析

    Moral Analysis of the Self-interest Human

  25. 再论亚当·斯密经济人假设的价值合理性(上)

    Reasonableness in Value : Revisiting Adam Smith s Hypothesis of " Economic Man "( I );

  26. 对经济人假设的重新思考&基于个体行为与群体行为的角度

    Rethink of the Hypothesis of Economic Man & from the Angle of Individual and Collective Behavior

  27. 政治领域中的人性&经济人假设评析

    The Humanity in the Field of Politics : Evaluation of the Hypothesis of the Economic Man

  28. 经济人假设是传统经济学理论大厦的基石。

    Economic people are supposed to be the foundation stone in the theory of mansion of traditional economics .

  29. 公务员的经济人假设肯定了其物质利益追求的合理性;

    The hypothesis of " economic person " of civil servants affirms its rationality of pursuing material interests .

  30. 兼相爱交相利&论商业道德利人利已对中国古代自利人描述和西方经济人假设的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis between Self-profit Described by Chinese Scholars in Former Qin-Dynasty and Economic Man Hypothesis in the Western