
  • 网络humanity assumption theory;assumption about human nature
  1. 本文先从理论入手,对人性假设理论和国外重要激励理论进行了综述,进而以美、法等五国为例,简要介绍了国外公务员激励机制建设的成功经验。

    Proceeding with theory expounding , the article makes a summary about the theory of assumption about human nature and key foreign incentive theory , and then introduces successful experiences about civil office-bearer incentive mechanism construction in foreign countries including five countries like America and France .

  2. 同时,人们对自身的认识也在深化,人性假设理论在21世纪有了新的进展。

    Meantime , human beings ' self-understanding is more deepened , and Humanity Assumption Theory has had new development in the 21st century .

  3. 人性假设理论与思想政治教育个体价值

    Humanity Hypothesis and Individual Value in Ideological and Political Education

  4. 论人性假设理论与团队管理

    On Human Nature Hypothesis and Team Management

  5. 论学习人的人性假设理论的形成及内涵

    About the Forming and Intension of Human Nature Assumption Theory about " Learning Person "

  6. 运用人性假设理论推进大学管理决策科学化进程

    Toward a Scientific Decision-making Process in University Management by Means of Hypothesis Theory of Human Nature

  7. 人性假设理论是对人的心理行为偏好的分析和归类。

    The theory of human nature supposition is an analysis and classification of human predilection of psychological behavior .

  8. 因此,管理理论不应该以人性假设理论为出发点,而应该以管理实践为出发点。

    The management theory should look the management practice but not the humanity assumption as it ` s starting point .

  9. 人性假设理论是研究对人管理中的指导思想和基本原则。

    The assumed theory of human nature serves as a guiding ideology and basic principle for the research of human administration .

  10. 人性假设理论是管理理论的深层次结构,是管理理论的基础,对管理思想和制度等产生了重大影响。

    The theories of humanity assumption are deep structures and bases of management theories and produce important effect on management thought and system .

  11. 着眼点是人的需要理论,研究思路是从人性假设理论、理性行为理论和激励理论三者之间存在着一致性的关系出发,提出了激励的手段和激励机制的建设途径。

    Begin with consistent relation among hypothesis theory about human nature reasonable action theory and motivation theory , I put forward the principles and strategies to motivate .

  12. 以往的人性假设理论只注重个体的需要以及积极性的提高,没有把人放在群体中去研究,忽视了人与人之间的相互作用对生产的影响。

    Human nature hypothesis just pays attention to the individual need and increase of enthusiasm , but fails to study human beings in groups , thus neglects the influence of interpersonal interaction .

  13. 管理学中的人性假设理论对人性做了各个层次的思考和概括,对人们科学地认识人、教育人以及改进思想政治教育方法具有重要的参考价值。

    Theories of human nature assumption in management explores human nature in different levels , and they are very crucial for understanding people , educating people and improving the method of ideological and political education .

  14. 首先以人性假设理论为基础,通过对审计发展历程的考察,揭示了审计行为主体人性观的演变过程,以及现代社会中审计行为主体所拥有的复杂人性观。

    First , based on the humanity hyposes theory , the article study the development process of auditing and the evolution process of the humanity of the auditing behavior subject and the complicated humanity of the auditing behavior subject in modern society .

  15. 笔者在国内外关于激励机制的研究成果指导下,通过分析西方经典激励理论对大学生村官激励的启示,并以人性假设理论与需求理论作为文章的理论基础。

    The author , under the guidance of home and abroad inspiriting mechanism research achievements , analyses the enlightenment of Western Classical Inspiration Theory to the graduate village officials and take the Human Nature Assumption as the theoretical basis of this paper .

  16. 文章在分析管理学中经济人假设理论、社会人假设理论、自我实现人假设理论、复杂人假设理论的基础上,重点阐述了人性假设理论对思想政治教育的启示。

    This article first analyzes theories of " economy person " assumption ," social person " assumption ," self-achievement person " assumption and " complicated person " assumption , and then it emphatically expounds the practical enlightenment to ideological and political education .

  17. 人性假设的理论与教学观

    Human Nature Assumption Theory & Teaching Viewpoint

  18. 在教育、教学的管理中,人性假设的理论直接影响教师的教学观。

    In the management of education and teaching , this theory directly impacts the teachers ' teaching viewpoints .

  19. 第二部分,学习西方管理思想中有关人性假设的理论学说,来探寻以人为本管理思想的演变进程。

    The second part studies the theoretical assumption of human nature in managerial thinking of the West so as to examine the evolutionary process of the concept of humanistic management .

  20. 麦格雷戈的人性假设的X理论与Y理论对管理产生了很大的影响。

    Mcgregor 's X Thoery & Y Thoery about Human Nature Assumption has great impact on management .

  21. 继而从人性假设、需要理论及员工激励理论来分析员工的心理活动和需求差异,给企业用人制度的完善性、针对性提供了理论依据。

    Need and staff motivational theory come and analyse the psychological activity and demand differenceses of staff theory , at human nature assumption , Have offered the theoretical foundation to the perfection quality , pertinence of an employing system of the enterprise .

  22. 由主张任务管理的经济人性假设提出的X理论,启迪管理工作必须注意经济效益、建立科学的工作制度、实行奖勤罚懒、奖优罚劣制度、避免金钱刺激与管卡压的管理方式;

    The theory X suggested by economic assumption of human nature favoring task management advocates the administrative styles like taking more care about economic benefits , setting up a scientific work system , exercising the system of rewards and penalties and avoiding money stimulation .

  23. 人性假设是激励的理论基础,认为人在本质上是一种有意识的、自组织的、寻求意义的观念性动物,人生活的意义在于不断地实现心中的目标,并不断形成新的目标。

    Motivation theory is based on a new humanity hypothesis which holds that man is self-conscious , capable of self-organization , and ideological driven .

  24. 从西方管理理论的人性假设以及需求激励理论出发,对三国时期主要领导人物在人力资源管理理论中的知人善任的特点进行了分析;

    From the angle of the hypothesis of human nature and requirment-inspiring theory in the western management theory , I think if s important that the main leaders could judge a person 's quality and appoint him properly in the process of HR management .

  25. 介绍了公务员激励研究的相关理论&人性假设和委托代理理论,以及几种经典的激励理论,并对相关研究成果进行了分析总结。(2)国内外公务员激励方式比较。

    Introduce the related theory of civil servants incentive & the theory of human nature assumption and the principal-agent theory , introduces several classical incentive theories , and analyzes and summarizes the related research results . ( 2 ) Compare the incentive mode of domestic and international civil servants .

  26. 激励作为管理的核心,是以一定的人性假设为前提的,而且是人性假设在管理理论与实践中的集中体现。

    Being as the core of the management , the motivation is preconditioned by certain human presumptions , and also is the centralized externalization of the human presumption in the management theory and practice .

  27. 在理论上,为人性问题的研究开辟了一个全新的视角,为超越现有的人性假设理论提供了理论基础。在实践上,有助于夯实制度构建的科学人性论基础。

    Theoretically , it surpasses the present humanistic supposition and provides a new perspective to research human nature while , practically , it will be helpful to strengthen the scientific human nature theory for institutional forming .