
  1. 人身利益保护有所侧重;

    Emphasis on some parts in the protection of personal interest ;

  2. 胎儿人身利益损害医疗事故处理初探

    The Discussion of the Medical Malpractice Treatment of Fetal Personal Interest Damage

  3. 关于侵害胎儿人身利益的几个问题

    On the Damage of Embryo 's Personal Interest

  4. 环境利益是一种新的利益形态,它不同于人身利益和财产利益。

    Environmental interests are new interests and different from interest of property or personal interests .

  5. 维护社会的公共利益,包括:(1)个体利益的人身利益大于物质利益;

    Protection of public interests in society , which includes ( 1 ) personal interest of individual interest is higher than material interest ;

  6. 环境公共利益是一种与人身利益和财产利益相并列的人之利益。

    Public environmental interest ( PEI ), a human interest independent from the interests of personality and property , is the common good enjoyed by natural persons .

  7. 面对现实困境,应明确把信息作为民事客体,因为信息不同于物、智力成果、人身利益和行为。

    Difficult to face reality , the information should be clear as a civil object , because the information is different from the material , intellectual , personal interests and behavior .

  8. 随着经济的发展,人格权日益受到人们的重视,一些与人身利益密切相关的事物或者行为开始成为合同的标的,同时追求精神利益和精神愉悦的合同也在逐渐增多。

    As economy develops , the right of personality has won increasing attention from people , and thus , some behaviors closely related to personal interests start to become the contract objects .

  9. 它从社会生活中最基础和最根本的层面上给予了该法域内的每一个个体的财产和人身利益以切实的法律保护。

    It is one of the most important forms which renders every individual in the legal domain the most basic and fundamental protection of law , both in the aspect of personal benefit and property benefit .

  10. 随着环境破坏和环境保护的发展及可持续发展理念的出现,传统的仅仅将财产利益和人身利益作为法益的观点已发生变化,环境利益已成为法律的新法益。

    With the development of environmental damage and environmental protection and sustainable development philosophy , the tradition of only the property interests and personal interests as the law has changed the view benefits , environmental benefits have become the law of the new law benefits .

  11. 人身保险利益质疑

    A Query to the Theory of Personal Insurance Interests

  12. 人身保险利益法律制度研究

    Research on the Legal System of Life Insurable Interest

  13. 第一部分:人身保险利益的基本理论。

    The fist part is about the basic theories of the life insurable interest .

  14. 人身保险利益在保险的法理和实务中都具有重要的意义。

    Issue of insurable interest in insurance contract for carriage of goods by sea ;

  15. 关于人身保险利益若干问题研究

    Research on problems of lite insurance interests

  16. 人身保险利益既无法定性,更无法定量。

    Personal insurance interests can not be qualitatively analyzed , nor can be analyzed quantitatively .

  17. 人身保险利益原则分析

    Analysis of Principle of Personal Insurance Benefit

  18. 运用比较法学的方法,介绍了各国人身保险利益的立法体例。

    With the comparative jurisprudence , the text introduces the legislative style of the life insurance interest of various countries .

  19. 人身保险利益起源于海上运输,最终在英国1774年制定了《人寿保险法》中得以确立。

    Insurable interest originates from the marine transport , and finally confirmed in the Insurable Interest Law of 1774 in Britain .

  20. 保险利益包括人身保险利益和财产保险利益,对保险合同的效力有着重要的影响;

    Insurance interest which has great influence on contract can be divided into insurance interest in life and insurance interest in property .

  21. 无论是利益说还是关系说都不能从本质上揭示人身保险利益的性质,笔者认为,人身保险利益在本质上是基于一定的利害关系而产生的积极合法的具体利益和抽象利益的统一。

    The author holds that , insurable interest is a unification of abstract interest and concrete interest which basic on some relationship .

  22. 财产保险利益以可能损害为量化标准,人身保险利益以合同当事人的约定为依据。

    Property insurance interest takes possible damage as its quantitative standard , and life insurance interest is based on contracting parties agreement .

  23. 共分四章,主要内容包括:第一章,人身保险利益的概述。

    It shall be divided into four chapters , including : The first chapter introduces the outline of the life insurable interest .

  24. 人身保险利益理论是一种有害的形式主义理论,制约了人寿保险业的发展。

    The theory of personal insurance interests is nothing more than a harmful formalist one , which restrains the development of life insurance .

  25. 第三部分讨论了我国《保险法》关于人身保险利益原则的规定以及保险利益的认定实务,并对此提出了改进相关规定的看法。

    Thirdly , the author discusses stipulations on principle of insurable interest of life insurance in our country , as well as practice of recognition .

  26. 保险利益尤其是人身保险利益的探讨在保险法学的研究中日益占据重要地位。

    The insurable interest is in the research that the study of the insurable interest learns in the insurance method to occupy an important position increasingly .

  27. 其次,关于人身保险利益如何判断的问题,从两大法系出发,讨论其相关定量划分。

    Secondly , with respect of the judgment on the life insurable interest , it starts from the two legal families to discuss the related quantitative compartmentalization .

  28. 利益说认为人身保险利益本质上是一种经济利益,关系说则认为其是一种利害关系。

    Insurable interest theory argues that insurable interest is an economic interest , while relationship theory argues that it is the relationship between the subject and the object .

  29. 笔者认为,我国保险法应当采用利益主义认定为主同意主义为辅的人身保险利益的认定标准。

    The author believes that the interests of the Insurance Law shall be determined based on Insurable Interest Rule , the Consent of Insured Rule to be assisted .

  30. 保险利益按不同的标准可以分为财产保险利益和人身保险利益,或者是现有利益、期待利益和责任利益。

    According to different criterions , insurable interest can be divided into property insurable interest and personal insurable interest , or present interest , anticipated interest and liability interest .