- 名object of right

The New Idea for Object of Right in Law Philosophy
Both in continental and Anglo-American law system , object of right is a controversial question .
In legislation , domain name should become a new right object .
Newly issued stocks as the object of the rights ;
What are the objects and ranges ?
From the civil law , the so-called land ownership refers to estate real right .
Analysis on the Right Object of IP
The civil legal relation object is not just simple enumeration of civil right object .
Secrecy of right objects .
Object of the procedural defence right involves two main categories of procedural dispute and procedural application .
( b ) the " object of legal relation " and the " object of right ";
System of property rights acquired in good faith objects , including movable and immovable property and other rights object .
The author thinks the object of shareholding is stock , so the right set up on stock is shareholding .
Movable object in the other rights and rights of pledge pledge , made in good faith should be applied .
There is no tradition of civil rights information objects independent status , is not conducive to the protection of information in civil law .
Without the transfer of possession , hypothec cannot adapt delivery and consequently had registration as the only choice , hypothec registration was founded in 18 century .
The traditional theories of right object deemed that things were the body of rights , based on the history foundation that things were the social main property .
Furthermore , this frame realizes its dynamic state through bringing into the concept of the object of disposal act and connecting it with the object of right .
The characteristic of Intangibility and easy reproducibility different from the general property rights lead that intellectual property rights is easy to be infringed and also easy to be abused in practice .
After the emergence of personal information , it is become into a legal right inter the legal system , which gradually developed to a new right , that is personal information rights .
In addition , object of controversy of the quota is not simply the right object , which is the object of legal relations . It is a relationship of obligation to weigh the rights .
Meanwhile , this article determines some factors that this new frame should notice , namely the relation between the object of right and right , the content of right , the subject of right .
In Part ⅰ, this article analyzes the concept of the object of right from the angle of epistemology , demonstrating that the object of right is indeed the thing at which the right points .
Existing right of subrogation in the rights object , the exercise period and the design of the proceedings there are some deficiencies , but must also address ways to balance its intrinsic value as a guide .
Then the author gives a definite meaning of the object of right and shows the types of object of civil right . The present views of the property of the network property have been analysed and rebuted .
The object of right considered to be the composing main factor of right , performances the function of dividing the type of right , defining the scope of right execution , and playing a critical role in the law system .
In the preface of this article , it analyzes the significance of the research on the object of right and the cause of beginning from the frame of interpretation , and it also makes clear the method of this article .
Starting from the legal concept of object , an analysis of the difference and similarities between the object of rights , the target of rights and the target of the legal relationships reveals that the above mentioned concepts are equal in status .
The typical types of the virtual property include the virtual things , the virtual incorporeal things and the virtual assemblage . The virtual property possesses the attributes of the object of the property right and the virtual things have the attributes of the object of the real right .
The basic reason of the conflict lies in the difference between cyberspace and realistic space and change of the subject and object of the right .