
quán héng
  • judge and weigh;weigh and consider balance;weigh;balance;scale;power;rule;standard;compare;trade-off
权衡 [quán héng]
  • (1) [scale]∶称量物体轻重的器具。权,称锤;衡,称杆

  • 为之权衡以称之。--《庄子.胠箧》

  • 平权衡,正度量,调轻重。--《史记》

  • (2) [power]∶喻指权力

  • 执权衡。--《晋书》

  • (3) [rule;standard]∶法度;标准

  • 使人尽力于权衡。--《韩非子》

  • [balance;weigh;compare] 评量;比较

  • 权衡利弊

  • 权衡轻重

权衡[quán héng]
  1. 因此,管理层在选择信息披露时会在信息披露带来的收益与产生的成本之间作出权衡,从而选择信息披露的程度。

    As a result , management level tends to judge and weigh the benefits and costs due to information disclosure while they choose information disclosure to decide the degree of information disclosure .

  2. 你一定要权衡利益与成本二者的得失。

    You must weigh the benefits against the cost .

  3. 我认真权衡了这个计划的优点和有关的风险。

    I weighed the benefits of the plan against the risks involved .

  4. 我们权衡了利弊得失。

    We weighed up the pros and cons .

  5. 法律咨询的费用与其效益需要权衡一下。

    The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits .

  6. 当局斟酌权衡再三才宣布他们的决定。

    The authorities took time to pronounce their verdicts

  7. 安妮·霍尔克负责权衡你房屋改造的利与弊。

    Anne Holker looks at the pros and cons of making changes to your property

  8. 他停顿了一会儿权衡自己有哪些选项,但并没有久到丧失主动权。

    He paused enough to consider the options but never so long as to lose the initiative .

  9. 她在各种选择间权衡斟酌。

    She weighed her options

  10. 该估算是经过仔细权衡的:社会主义者和他们的同盟并不占绝大多数。

    The arithmetic is finely balanced : the socialists and their allies do not have an overall majority .

  11. 这考虑到了允许一家公司的新药在本国上市的国家的数量,并依照每个国家的市场规模权衡其重要性。

    This takes account of the number of countries in which a company wins approval for a new drug , weighted by the size of each country 's market .

  12. 我们把医疗保险的好处与其开支加以权衡。

    We balance the benefits against the costs of medical insurance .

  13. 你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。

    You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages .

  14. 医生们可能会面临一些权衡利害关系的情况。

    Doctors can face some grim trade-offs .

  15. “人工智能令人振奋,”她说,“但它也有局限性,不加权衡的使用会造成严重危险。”

    " AI is hugely exciting , " she said , " but it has limitations , which present grave dangers given uncritical use . "

  16. 在权衡过这些证据后,现在我们可以很有信心地说,意大利面是健康饮食模式的一部分,不会对体重产生不利影响。

    " In weighing the evidence , we can now say with some confidence that pasta does not have an adverse effect on body weigh outcomes when it is consumed as part of a healthy dietary pattern . "

  17. 美国一些最有影响力的医疗团体表示,他们不能继续忽视医疗价格上涨问题,建议医生在决定患者是否需要护理时权衡成本,而不仅仅是治疗的效果。

    Saying they can no longer ignore the rising prices of health care , some of the most influential medical groups in the nation are recommending that doctors weigh the costs , not just the effectiveness of treatments , as they make decisions about patient care .

  18. 这一问题上的性别差异在30岁到40多岁的成年职场人土中更为明显,这也正是很多女性需要面临工作和生育之间的权衡的时候。

    The gender gap on this question is even wider among working adults in their 30s and 40s , when many women face the trade-offs that go with work and motherhood .

  19. 有时,我们会认为一点不必要的危险是值得的,因为在权衡风险和回报时,我们觉得风险似乎值得承担。

    Sometimes We decide that a little unnecessary danger is worth it because when we weigh the risk and the reward , the risk seems worth tasking .

  20. 有许多与将HR政策与IT价值相结合相关的重要权衡

    There are a number of important trade-offs associated with aligning HR policies with IT values

  21. 访问权衡使用存在于合并LDAP服务器之上的已存在信息。

    Access to leverage the existing information that resides on the corporate LDAP server .

  22. 这种选择需要加以权衡的是,仅仅在两个网络节点之间提供安全性(一般通过Internet),而不适用于其他的网络传输。

    The trade-off for this choice is that the security is only provided between network nodes ( typically over the Internet ) and is not applicable for other network transports .

  23. 在LQG权衡曲线的基础上,提出了基于子空间辨识的一般化LQG性能评估方法。

    This article presents a method of LQG performance assessment based on subspace identification .

  24. 针对分布式应用的性能要求,引入了负载平衡机制,以便对activereplication和primarybackup容错算法进行权衡。

    According to the performance requirements of distributed applications , the load balancing is introduced into fault tolerance in this paper to reach tradeoff between active replication algorithm and primary backup algorithm .

  25. Bochs的内部指令缓存为传统JIT编译进行了很好的权衡。

    Bochs 's internal instruction cache provides a nice trade-off to traditional JIT compilation .

  26. 同时通过共享技术实现对遗传操作过程中解的收敛性和均匀性进行控制,使得解朝着最优权衡曲面收敛,从而得到问题的Pareto最优解。

    And convergence and equality of solutions is controlled through fitness sharing technique , which makes solutions converge to optimal trade-off surface .

  27. 采用层次分析法(AHP)作为环境影响权衡方法,开发了一种新的化工流程环境影响评价指数&环境损耗指数(EDI)。

    By using Analytical Hierarchy Process methodology ( AHP ), a new chemical processe assessment index : Environmental Depletion Index ( EDI ) was studied .

  28. 权衡理论放松MM理论的假设,考虑破产惩罚因素的影响,引入财务拮据成本,财务困境成本日渐成为国内外学者关注的热点问题。

    Trade-off theory loosens its assumptions , considers bankruptcy punishment factors , and introduces the financial distress costs . The financial distress costs become one of the latest issues concerned by the domestic and international scholars .

  29. 同时,作为全球各项政策的指导者,IMF是最好的审查方和权衡者,包括强化国际标准在内。

    And , in its role as a conductor of policies around the world , it can be the best source of checks and balances , including in enforcing international standards .

  30. 项目的时间-费用权衡的优化过程就是对执行模型的重新组合过程,这类问题属于Np-hard问题。

    The process of the optimization of time-cost tradeoff is the new combination of the models , this kind of problem is Np-hard questions .