
  • 网络power base;bases of power
  1. 米兰既是克拉克西先生的家乡,也是他的权力基础。

    Milan was Mr Craxi 's home town and his power base .

  2. 此前,阿披实似乎一直在巩固他的权力基础。

    Mr Abhisit had seemed to be consolidating his power base .

  3. 解析美国研究型大学校长的权力基础

    Analysis on the Power Base of American Research University President

  4. 自主理财:学院制实体化运作的权力基础

    Autonomous financing : basis of power for real operation of college system

  5. 工业城市是工党传统的权力基础。

    The industrial cities are the labour party 's traditional power base .

  6. 在夯实权力基础后,他可能会变得更为温和。

    He will likely become more conciliatory once his power base becomes solid .

  7. 慈溪市集中集中自己的权力基础。

    Cixi concentrated on centralizing her own power base .

  8. 不过一定有办法可以使我们确保权力基础。

    However there is a way that we can assure our power base .

  9. 这个联盟并没有真正的可供其发展的权力基础。

    The League had no real power base on which it could build .

  10. 乃建立在各位权力基础上。

    Which , we have established , is the basis for your authority .

  11. 论民间法的社会权力基础

    On the Social Authoritative Basis of Customary Law

  12. 领导和下属之间各种权力基础的差异都会导致员工权力距离导向认知的产生。

    All the power bases differences between leader and subordinate can create employee power distance orientation .

  13. 伊拉克战争爆发以后,国际权力基础又变迁为国家独立行动能力。

    The Iraq War brought about the ability of national independent action as the international power basis .

  14. 这是因为这些政策将危及执政阶层的权力基础和财富。

    That is because such policies would threaten the power base and wealth of the ruling clans .

  15. 在上升时期的宇宙主宰如今变得极度敏感,因为他们所有的权力基础都已丧失。

    The master of the universe in an upswing is now desperately neurotic because all their power bases have gone .

  16. 本文对排污收费立法的权力基础进行了诠释,并指出了现行排污收费制度特点及若干问题,针对这些问题提出见解。

    The authority base of legislation was described , and characteristics as well as problems in this charge system were discussed .

  17. 他一直试图避免解雇政府资助企业的工人,因为这些工人形成了他的泛希腊社会主义运动的权力基础。

    He has tried to avoid dismissals of public-sector workers , who form a power base for his Panhellenic Socialist Movement .

  18. 作为国际政治的一个重要变量,国际权力基础反映出国际政治单位之间所享有的国际权力差异。

    As an important variable in international politics , the international power basis reflects the differences in international power among international entities .

  19. 她在2005年的时候达到人生巅峰,以令人印象深刻的能力、高超的政治手段和广阔的权力基础傲视群雄。

    She rose to the very top in2005 by outsmarting rivals with more impressive credentials , greater political skills and bigger power bases .

  20. 从决策权的来源角度看,我国不少企业集团的决策权缺乏基于产权关系的权力基础;

    In the view of the first power , some business conglomerates in China are lack of the base of authority on equity relationship .

  21. 在倡导这种致命的、侵蚀教皇权力基础的思想后,腓特烈带着他的十字军出发了。

    Having launched this deadly idea , which was to eat into the basis of papal power , Frederick departed on his " crusade " .

  22. 不过,它主要还是通过不断的摸索,发展起一项配套、相当完备的政治战略,来加强自己的权力基础。

    However , largely through trial and error , the party has also developed a complementary and quite sophisticated political strategy to strengthen its power base .

  23. 在大力削减政府权力基础上,对于必须由政府行使的经济职权进行科学配置。

    On cutting down the government authority basis energetically , to the economy must be exercised by the government , authority of office carries out science allocation .

  24. 自由裁量模式建立在政府和企业各自的权力基础上,以权力行使的自由空间为交换的资源。

    Discretionary model is built on the basis of the respective powers of the government and corporate , which shift the free space of power exercising to the exchange resources .

  25. 斯派塞认为,非国大忽视了作为布特莱奇权力基础的祖鲁族文化,并自以为后者所取得的成功全靠了操纵选举的本事。

    The ANC ignores the Zulu cultural base of Buthelezi 's support , Spicer says , and has convinced itself that his success is due solely to his ability to rig elections .

  26. 委内瑞拉是个例外:虽然其左派总统查韦斯是经民选产生的,但他曾是军方高官,而且其权力基础仍部分依靠军方。

    Venezuela is the exception : although its leftist president , Hugo Ch á vez , is elected , he is a former army officer and his power base lies partly in the barracks .

  27. 人力资本的团队专用性和中心签约代理人这两个概念或变量可能是控制企业剩余的权力基础和来源。

    The two conceptions or variables , the team specialty of human capital and the central contract agent , might be the power base and the source of the remains of controlling the enterprises .

  28. 这是这个王国,名义上大,但一个小的权力基础,这将增加法国在中世纪慢慢地结合周边地区进入强大的王国。

    It was this kingdom , notionally large but with a small power base , which would grow , slowly incorporating the neighbouring areas , into the powerful kingdom of France during the Middle Ages .

  29. 民事再审制度存在的理论基础:公平公正是其存在的价值基础、权利救济是其存在的现实要求、诉权和处分权是其存在的权力基础。

    The theoretic foundation of the existence of retrial system includes : fairness is its value basis ; the right to relief is the practical requirements ; the rights of appealing and disposing serve as its power base .

  30. 土地所有权成为他们财富和权力的基础。

    Land ownership formed the basis of their wealth and power .