
mǔ quán zhì
  • matriarchy ;matriarchies
母权制 [mǔ quán zhì]
  • [matriarchy] 亦称母系制,女家长(族长)制,一种社会组织制度,在这个制度下血统完全地或主要地通过母系来追溯,财产的继承和社会特权有时也按照同样的方式确定

  1. 直到进入中世纪很久之后,也仍然可以见到母权制的残余。

    Traces of mother-right are also found until late in the middle ages .

  2. 母权制的被推翻,乃是女性的具有世界历史意义的失败。

    The overthrow of mother-right was the world historical defeat of the female sex .

  3. 因此,必须废除母权制,而它也就被废除了。

    Mother-right , therefore , had to be overthrown , and overthrown it was .

  4. 母权制氏族成了整个这门科学所围着旋转的轴心;

    The matriarchal gens has become the pivot on which the whole science turns ;

  5. 第二部分主要对以往研究中存在的三个问题重新进行分析,指出:第一,母系制与母权制是两个不同的概念;

    It points out that : Firstly , matrilineal and matriarchy are two different concepts .

  6. 母权制已让位给父权制;

    Mother-right has given way to father-right ;

  7. 但是,当世系还是按母权制来确定的时候,这是不可能的。

    This , however , was impossible so long as descent was reckoned according to mother-right .

  8. 文章还分析了阴阳观念、儒道思想流派与父权制、母权制之间的关系。

    It also analyzes the relations between the concepts of Yin-Yang , Confucianism , patriarchy and matriarchy .

  9. 母权制已让位给父权制;然后,操作系统就把控制权让给应用程序。

    Mother-right has given way to father-right ; Then , it transfers control to an application program .

  10. 同时古代母权制遗留也导致了人们对血缘的淡漠。

    At the same time , the influence of ancient mother-right society leads to the ignorance of kinship .

  11. 在这里使文明人感到奇怪的事情,按照母权制和在群婚制中却是一种通例。

    What seems strange here to civilized people is simply the rule according to mother-right and in group marriage .

  12. 《远离尘嚣》中的芭斯西巴对父权制的对抗与屈从母权制已让位给父权制;

    The Resistance and Surrender of Bathsheba to Patriarchy in Far from the Madding Crowd ; Mother-right has given way to father-right ;

  13. 海皮斯文化和达索米尔女巫之间有许多共同点。两者都极力推崇母权制,视男性为二等公民。

    The Hapan culture and the Dathomirian witches had much in common , as both were strong matriarchies where men were second-class citizens .

  14. 在说到随着母权制的覆灭而迅速发展起来的一夫一妻制以前,我们再就多妻制和多夫制说几句话。

    Before we go on to monogamy , which developed rapidly with the overthrow of mother-right , a few words about polygyny and polyandry .

  15. 初中生心理控制源与父母教养方式的相关研究母权制已让位给父权制;

    Correlation of the Locus of Control and Parental Rearing Patterns of the Junior High School Students ; Mother-right has given way to father-right ;

  16. 也就是说,他相信这些神在希腊的英雄时代创造了奇迹:推翻了母权制,代之以父权制。

    For , at bottom , he believes that the overthrow of mother-right by father-right was a miracle wrought during the Greek heroic age by these divinities .

  17. 但是,在塔西佗时代,至少在他较为熟悉的德意志人中间,母权制已经让位给父权制了;

    In the time of Tacitus , however , mother-right had already given way to father-right , at least among the Germans with whose customs he was more familiar .

  18. 她们的职务只是追究血缘亲属中间的谋杀案件,在这里,按照母权制,杀母是最不可赎的大罪。

    Their office is solely to punish murder between blood relations , and of such murders the most grave and the most inexpiable , according to mother-right , is matricide .

  19. 至于从前在苏格兰盛行过母权制,有下述事实为证:据贝达说,皮克特人的王室是按照女系继承的。

    But that formerly mother-right prevailed in Scotland is proved by the fact that , according to Bede , in the royal family of the Picts succession was in the female line .

  20. 随着父权制代替母权制,婚姻形式也随之发生了变化,对偶婚和一夫一妻制婚姻形式出现,女性在婚姻关系中沦为被奴役的一方。

    Patriarchy instead of matriarchy , the form of marriage had changed . The dual marriage and the monogamous form of marriage appeared . Women reduced to slavery party in the marriage relationship .

  21. 根据这一点,巴霍芬指出,埃斯库罗斯的《奥列斯特》三部曲是用戏剧的形式来描写没落的母权制跟发生于英雄时代并日益获得胜利的父权制之间的斗争。

    In accordance with this view , Bachofen interprets the Oresteia of aschylusas the dramatic representation of the conflict between declining mother-right and the new father-right that arose and triumphed in the heroic age .

  22. 我们对于它在旧大陆各文化民族和其它若干民族中,在母权制家庭和个体家庭之间所起的重要的过渡作用,已不能有所怀疑了。

    We can no longer doubt the important part it played , as a transitional form between the matriarchal family and the single family , among civilized and other peoples of the old world .

  23. 从世界史、人类学的视野来看,母系制与母权制是两个不同的概念,母系制社会并不必然地导致母权的出现,女性的社会地位不是由母系制这一单纯的世系因素决定。

    Viewed from the angles of world history and anthropology , matriliny and matriarchy are two different concepts . Matrilineal society does not necessarily lead to the emergence of matriarchy , nor women 's social status decided merely by the genealogical factor of the matrilineal system .

  24. 父权制战胜了母权制;“幼辈的神”战胜了依理逆司神,后者终于也同意担任新的职务,转而为新的秩序服务了。

    Father-right has triumphed over mother-right , the " gods of young descent ," as the Furies themselves call them , have triumphed over the furies ; the latter then finally allow themselves to be persuaded to take up a new office in the service of the new order .

  25. 由于易洛魁人奉行母权制,因而酋长的儿子属于别一氏族,所以从不选举前一酋长的儿子做酋长,而是往往选举他的兄弟做酋长,或者选举他的姊妹的儿子做酋长。

    A son was never chosen to succeed his father as sachem , since mother-right prevailed among the Iroquois and the son consequently belonged to a different gens ; but the office might and often did pass to a brother of the previous sachem or to his sister 's son .

  26. 母权社会以母权制为基础或者受妇女统治的家庭,氏族,部落。

    A family , community , or society based on this system or governed by women .