
  1. 在共和制下,共和国是由元老会来执政的。

    Yes , and in a republic the Senate has the power .

  2. “如您所愿。”提利昂回忆微笑。“若我是个自由热血的瓦兰提斯人,你参选元老时会得到我的选票的,亲爱的女士。”

    " As you say . " Tyrion grinned . " If I were Volantene , and free , and had the blood , you 'd have my vote for triarch , my lady . "

  3. 每年瓦兰提斯的元老们都会三次派遣载着给养的大船逆流向上,但是这怜悯之船总是迟到而且有时会带回比食物更多的人口。

    Thrice each year the triarchs of Volantis send a galley upriver with provisions , but the mercy ships are oft late and sometimes bring more mouths than food .